From 5eb58ad076f2cd435b11b140820da224b60b73d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aria Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2023 21:58:56 +0000 Subject: initial commit --- 2020/20b.hs | 306 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 306 insertions(+) create mode 100644 2020/20b.hs (limited to '2020/20b.hs') diff --git a/2020/20b.hs b/2020/20b.hs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bce210 --- /dev/null +++ b/2020/20b.hs @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} + +module Day20B where + +import Data.Maybe (isNothing, isJust) +import Data.List (transpose, sortOn, nub) +import Data.List.Split (splitOn) +import System.Environment (getArgs) +import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M +import Text.Printf (printf) +import Debug.Trace (trace) + +-- Types + +-- (y, x) +type Tile = [[Bool]]; +type TileWithId = (Int, Tile); +type Coord = (Int, Int); +type Grid = M.Map Coord TileWithId; + +-- Flip Vertical, Rotations (0-3) +data Orientation = Transform Bool Int; + +orients :: [Orientation] +orients = [Transform f r | f <- [True, False], r <- [0..3]] + +-- top, left, right, bottom +data Side = T | L | R | B + deriving (Show, Eq); + +sides :: [Side] +sides = [T, L, R, B] + +complement :: Side -> Side +complement T = B +complement B = T +complement L = R +complement R = L + +-- Tile manipulation +rotate :: Tile -> Tile +rotate = transpose . reverse + +rotateN :: Int -> Tile -> Tile +rotateN 0 t = t +rotateN n t = rotateN (n - 1) (rotate t) + +reorient :: Orientation -> Tile -> Tile +reorient (Transform False n) = rotateN n +reorient (Transform True n) = rotateN n . reverse + +permutations :: Tile -> [Tile] +permutations t = [reorient o t | o <- orients] + +--- Side / Edge manipulation +-- Get the border on the given side of the tile +border :: Side -> Tile -> [Bool] +border T t = head t +border B t = last t +border L t = map head t +border R t = map last t + +-- Get all borders of a given tile +borders :: Tile -> [[Bool]] +borders t = map (`border` t) sides + +-- Get the coord at the given side of that coord +getSideCoord :: Coord -> Side -> Coord +getSideCoord (x, y) T = (x, y - 1) +getSideCoord (x, y) B = (x, y + 1) +getSideCoord (x, y) L = (x - 1, y) +getSideCoord (x, y) R = (x + 1, y) + +-- Return true if y is on the s of x +checkBorder :: Tile -> Tile -> Side -> Bool +checkBorder x y s = border (complement s) y == border s x + +-- y is on the s of x (if it exists) +attemptCheckBorder :: Tile -> Maybe Tile -> Side -> Bool +attemptCheckBorder _ Nothing _ = True +attemptCheckBorder x (Just y) s = checkBorder x y s + +--- Grid manipulations + +-- Get the bounds of the grid +-- Returns (low, high) +squareBounds :: M.Map Coord a -> (Coord, Coord) +squareBounds g = (M.foldrWithKey (compCoord min) (0, 0) g, + M.foldrWithKey (compCoord max) (0, 0) g) + where compCoord f (x', y') _ (x, y) = (f x' x, f y' y) + +-- Get the corners of the grid +getCorners :: Grid -> [Coord] +getCorners g = [(lx, ly), (lx, hy), (hx, ly), (hx, hy)] + where ((lx, ly), (hx, hy)) = squareBounds g + +-- Returns true if the grid is rectangular +isRect :: Grid -> Bool +isRect g = all (isJust . (g M.!?)) (getCorners g) + +-- Return true if given side is unfilled for coord of grid +sideIsUnfilled :: Side -> Grid -> Coord -> Bool +sideIsUnfilled s g c = isNothing $ M.lookup (getSideCoord c s) g + +--- Checking and solving +fitsSpace :: Grid -> Coord -> Tile -> Bool +fitsSpace g c t = and [attemptCheckBorder t (maybeNoDefault snd $ M.lookup (getSideCoord c s) g) s | s <- sides] + +-- Returns tiles that could be on the given side of the given coord +possibleNeighbours :: [TileWithId] -> Grid -> Coord -> Side -> [TileWithId] +possibleNeighbours ts g c s = filter (fitsSpace g c' . snd) ts + where c' = getSideCoord c s + +-- Check if the entire grid is valid +isValid :: Grid -> Bool +isValid m = M.foldrWithKey checkSquare True m + where checkSquare l (_, t) v = v && fitsSpace m l t + +-- Add to the given side of each coord, returning all possible ways to do so and the remaining tiles from each. +fillSideOnce :: Side -> [TileWithId] -> Grid -> [([TileWithId], Grid)] +fillSideOnce _ [] m = [([], m)] +fillSideOnce s xs m | null mutations = [(xs, m)] + | otherwise = mutatedMaps + where mutations :: [(Coord, [TileWithId])] -- list of squares to mutate, and possibilities + mutations = filter (not . null . snd) $ map getNextFill $ M.toList m + getNextFill :: (Coord, TileWithId) -> (Coord, [TileWithId]) + getNextFill (c, _) | sideIsUnfilled s m c = (getSideCoord c s, possibleNeighbours xs m c s) + | otherwise = (getSideCoord c s, []) + attempts :: [[(Coord, TileWithId)]] -- All the possible lists of mutations we can make + attempts = filter (allUnique . map (fst . snd)) $ map (zip $ map fst mutations) (oneFromEach $ map snd mutations) + mutatedMaps :: [([TileWithId], Grid)] -- new remaining tiles, new grid + mutatedMaps = map doAllMutations attempts + doAllMutations :: [(Coord, TileWithId)] -> ([TileWithId], Grid) + doAllMutations = foldr mutateMap (xs, m) + mutateMap :: (Coord, TileWithId) -> ([TileWithId], Grid) -> ([TileWithId], Grid) + mutateMap (newC, (newId, newTile)) (re, grid) = (filter ((/= newId) . fst) re, M.insert newC (newId, newTile) grid) + +fillRect :: [([TileWithId], Grid)] -> [([TileWithId], Grid)] +fillRect xs | not (null fullSols) = fullSols + | otherwise = fillRect $ filter (not . (`elem` xs)) $ foldr (\s ps -> concatMap (uncurry $ fillSideOnce s) ps) xs sides + where fullSols = filter (null . fst) xs + +-- Pattern matching +type Pattern = [Coord] -- List of coord offsets that must be set. + +data Square = Empty | Filled | Highlight + deriving (Eq, Show); +type PlainGrid = M.Map Coord [[Square]] + +toSquare :: Bool -> Square +toSquare True = Filled +toSquare False = Empty + +monsterPattern :: Pattern +monsterPattern = [ + (0, 1), + (1, 2), + (4, 2), + (5, 1), + (6, 1), + (7, 2), + (10, 2), + (11, 1), + (12, 1), + (13, 2), + (16, 2), + (17, 1), + (18, 0), + (18, 1), + (19, 1) + ] + +patternAt :: Pattern -> Coord -> [Coord] +patternAt p c = map (addCoord c) p + +-- Get the value at a specific coord +getSpecificCoord :: PlainGrid -> Coord -> Maybe Square +getSpecificCoord g (x, y) = getFromTile $ g M.!? (x `div` tileSize, y `div` tileSize) + where tileSize = length $ g M.! (0, 0) + getFromTile Nothing = Nothing + getFromTile (Just t) = Just $ t!!(y `mod` tileSize)!!(x `mod` tileSize) + +-- Set the value at a specific coord +setSpecificCoord :: PlainGrid -> Coord -> Square -> PlainGrid +setSpecificCoord g (x, y) b = M.insert (tx, ty) t' g + where tileSize = length $ g M.! (0, 0) + (tx, ty) = (x `div` tileSize, y `div` tileSize) + (sx, sy) = (x `mod` tileSize, y `mod` tileSize) + t = g M.! (tx, ty) + r = t!!sy + r' = take sx r ++ [b] ++ drop (sx + 1) r + t' = take sy t ++ [r'] ++ drop (sy + 1) t + +-- Returns true if the pattern is true at the given coord +patternTrueAt :: PlainGrid -> Coord -> Pattern -> Bool +patternTrueAt g b = all (areSet . addCoord b) + where areSet c = case getSpecificCoord g c of + Just Filled -> True + Just Highlight -> True + _ -> False + +-- Strip all borders from all tiles +stripBorders :: Grid -> PlainGrid +stripBorders = strip + where strip (_, t) = map (map toSquare . init . tail) $ init $ tail t + +-- Find all occurences of a pattern +findAllOccs :: PlainGrid -> Pattern -> [Coord] +findAllOccs g p = trace (show (lx, hy, hx, hy)) $ filter (\c -> patternTrueAt g c p) $ [(x, y) | x <- [lx..hx], y <- [ly..hy]] + where ((ltx, lty), (htx, hty)) = squareBounds g + tileSize = length $ head $ g M.! (0, 0) + (lx, ly) = (ltx * tileSize, lty * tileSize) + (hx, hy) = ((htx + 1) * tileSize, (hty + 1) * tileSize) + +-- runghc --ghc-arg='-package split' --ghc-arg='-package extra' 20a.hs inputs/day20 +main :: IO () +main = do + args <- getArgs; + ((si, st):ts) <- parseFile (head args); + + -- Expand the tiles to include all orientations + let ts' = concatMap (\(i, t) -> map (i,) $ permutations t) ts; + printf "%d possible tiles\n" (length ts'); + + -- Get our starting states + let starting = [(ts', M.singleton (0, 0) (si, t')) | t' <- permutations st]; + + -- Get the first solution that uses all tiles + let imgs = map snd $ filter (null . fst) $ fillRect starting; + + printf "Found %d images\n" (length imgs); + + -- Remove border tiles + let imgs' = map stripBorders imgs; + + -- Find the monsters + let ((df, ms):_) = sortOn ((0 -) . length . snd) $ map (\img -> (img, findAllOccs img monsterPattern)) imgs'; + + printf "Found, at most, %d monsters\n" (length ms); + + -- Delete all tiles part of a monster + let tiles = concatMap (patternAt monsterPattern) ms; + let img' = foldr (\c i -> setSpecificCoord i c Highlight) df tiles; + + putStr $ prettyPrint img'; + + let answer = length $ filter (== Filled) $ concatMap (concat . snd) $ M.toList img'; + printf "Tiles remaining = %d\n" answer; + return (); + +-- Utilities +maybeNoDefault :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b +maybeNoDefault _ Nothing = Nothing +maybeNoDefault f (Just x) = Just (f x) + +unwrap :: Maybe a -> a +unwrap (Just x) = x +unwrap _ = error "unwrap on null value" + +addCoord :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord +addCoord (x, y) (x', y') = (x + x', y + y') + +-- Get all possible combinations by picking one element from each of the sublists +oneFromEach :: [[a]] -> [[a]] +oneFromEach [] = [[]] +oneFromEach (xs:xss) = concat $ [ map (x : ) (oneFromEach xss) | x <- xs] + +allUnique :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool +allUnique xs = length (nub xs) == length xs + +-- Pretty printing +prettyPrintIds :: PlainGrid -> String +prettyPrintIds grid = unlines [concatMap show (getRow y) | y <- [lyc..hyc]] + where ((_, lyc), (_, hyc)) = squareBounds grid + getRow y = map fst $ M.toAscList $ M.filterWithKey (\(_, y') _ -> y' == y) grid + +prettyPrint :: PlainGrid -> String +prettyPrint grid = concat [unlines $ printTiles (getRow y) | y <- [lyc..hyc]] + where tileSize = length (grid M.! (0, 0)) + ((_, lyc), (_, hyc)) = squareBounds grid + getRow y = map snd $ M.toAscList $ M.filterWithKey (\(_, y') _ -> y' == y) grid + printTiles ts = [concatMap (rowToStr . (!!y)) ts | y <- [0..tileSize - 1]] + +rowToStr :: [Square] -> String +rowToStr [] = "" +rowToStr (Filled:xs) = '#' : rowToStr xs +rowToStr (Empty:xs) = '.' : rowToStr xs +rowToStr (Highlight:xs) = 'O' : rowToStr xs + +-- Parsing +parseTileDef :: String -> (Int, Tile) +parseTileDef s = (read n, map readLine ls) + where (f:ls) = lines s + n = drop 5 $ take (length f - 1) f + readLine [] = [] + readLine ('.':xs) = False : readLine xs + readLine ('#':xs) = True : readLine xs + readLine _ = error "invalid input" + +parseInput :: String -> [(Int, Tile)] +parseInput = map parseTileDef . splitOn "\n\n" + +parseFile :: String -> IO [(Int, Tile)] +parseFile f = do + c <- readFile f + return $ parseInput c; \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3