module Day19A where import System.Environment (getArgs) import Text.Printf import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Char (isDigit) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M -- Rules parser -- Types data Rule = Literal Char | Reference Int | Concat Rule Rule | Union Rule Rule | End deriving (Eq, Show); -- Convert a list of rules to the union of those rules toUnion :: [Rule] -> Rule toUnion [x] = x toUnion (x:ys) = Union x (toUnion ys) -- Parse the given line seperated list of rules -- Returns a map from id to rule parseRules :: String -> M.Map Int Rule parseRules = M.fromList . map parseRule . lines -- Parse the given rule, in format `0: 1 2 | 3 4` parseRule :: String -> (Int, Rule) parseRule s = (read idx, toUnion $ map parseNoUnion $ splitOn " | " def) where [idx, def] = splitOn ": " s -- Parse the lower precedence parts (anything that isn't a union) parseNoUnion :: String -> Rule parseNoUnion "" = End; parseNoUnion (' ':xs) = parseNoUnion xs parseNoUnion ('"':xs) = Literal (head xs) parseNoUnion xs@(x:_) | not (null re)= Concat (Reference (read n)) (parseNoUnion (drop (length n + 1) xs)) | otherwise = Reference (read n) where (n:re) = splitOn " " xs -- Parse the input into a list of rules and list of messages parseInput :: String -> (M.Map Int Rule, [String]) parseInput s = (parseRules rs, lines ms) where [rs, ms] = splitOn "\n\n" s -- Parse the file with the given name parseFile :: String -> IO (M.Map Int Rule, [String]) parseFile f = do contents <- readFile f return $ parseInput contents; -- Finite State Machines -- Types -- starting states, accept states, transitions, epsilon transitions newtype FSM k = FSM (S.Set k, S.Set k, S.Set (k, Char, k), S.Set (k, k)) deriving (Show, Eq) -- Map a set of transitions mapTransitions :: Ord a => Ord b => (a -> b) -> S.Set (a, Char, a) -> S.Set (b, Char, b) mapTransitions f = (\(s, c, t) -> (f s, c, f t)) -- Map a set of epsilon transitions mapEpsilons :: Ord a => Ord b => (a -> b) -> S.Set (a, a) -> S.Set (b, b) mapEpsilons f = (\(s, t) -> (f s, f t)) -- Concatenate two FSMs concatFSMs :: Ord a => Ord b => FSM a -> FSM b -> FSM (Either a b) concatFSMs (FSM (ssa, fsa, tsa, esa)) (FSM (ssb, fsb, tsb, esb)) = FSM ( Left ssa, Right fsb, ts', es') where ts' = mapTransitions Left tsa `S.union` mapTransitions Right tsb es' = mapEpsilons Left esa `S.union` mapEpsilons Right esb `S.union` S.fromList [(Left s, Right d) | s <- S.toList fsa, d <- S.toList ssb] -- Take the union of two FSMs unionFSMs :: Ord a => Ord b => FSM a -> FSM b -> FSM (Either a b) unionFSMs (FSM (ssa, fsa, tsa, esa)) (FSM (ssb, fsb, tsb, esb)) = FSM (ss', fs', ts', es') where ss' = Left ssa `S.union` Right ssb fs' = Left fsa `S.union` Right fsb ts' = mapTransitions Left tsa `S.union` mapTransitions Right tsb es' = mapEpsilons Left esa `S.union` mapEpsilons Right esb -- Add a key to the given list. Used when generating lookup tables for new states addKey :: Eq a => Ord a => a -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)] addKey s [] = [(s, 1)] addKey s ks = ks ++ as where as = case lookup s ks of Just _ -> [] Nothing -> [(s, (snd . last) ks + 1)] -- Get all states in the given FSM allStates :: Ord a => FSM a -> S.Set a allStates (FSM (ss, fs, ts, es)) = ss `S.union` fs `S.union` fst3 ts `S.union` lst3 ts `S.union` fst es `S.union` snd es -- Convert a FSM of any type to an int based one. normalizeStates :: Eq a => Ord a => FSM a -> FSM Int normalizeStates fsm@(FSM (ss, fs, ts, es)) = FSM (ss', fs', ts', es') where keymap = S.foldr addKey [] (allStates fsm) ss' = (unwrap . (`lookup` keymap)) ss fs' = (unwrap . (`lookup` keymap)) fs ts' = mapTransitions (unwrap . (`lookup` keymap)) ts es' = mapEpsilons (unwrap . (`lookup` keymap)) es -- Convert a rule to a FSM toFSM :: M.Map Int Rule -> Rule -> FSM Int toFSM m End = FSM (S.singleton 1, S.singleton 1, S.empty, S.empty) toFSM m (Literal x) = FSM (S.singleton 1, S.singleton 2, S.singleton (1, x, 2), S.empty) toFSM m (Reference n) = toFSM m r where (Just r) = M.lookup n m toFSM m (Union a b) = normalizeStates $ unionFSMs (toFSM m a) (toFSM m b) toFSM m (Concat a b) = normalizeStates $ concatFSMs (toFSM m a) (toFSM m b) -- Get the new states after performing the given transition performTransition :: Ord a => S.Set (a, Char, a) -> S.Set a -> Char -> S.Set a performTransition ts ss t = S.fromList [d | (s, c, d) <- S.toList ts, c == t, s `S.member` ss] -- Get the new states including those that come from epsilon transitions performEpsilons :: Ord a => S.Set (a, a) -> S.Set a -> S.Set a performEpsilons es ss = S.fromList [d | (s, d) <- S.toList es, s `S.member` ss] `S.union` ss -- Run all given transitions from the given starting state. runFSM :: Ord a => FSM a -> String -> S.Set a -> S.Set a runFSM _ "" ss = ss runFSM fsm@(FSM (_, _, ts, es)) (x:xs) ss = runFSM fsm xs $ performEpsilons es $ performTransition ts ss x -- Determine if the given FSM will accept the given string acceptedBy :: Ord a => FSM a -> String -> Bool acceptedBy fsm@(FSM (ss, fs, _, _)) xs = any (`S.member` fs) $ runFSM fsm xs ss -- runghc --ghc-arg='-package split' 19a.hs inputs/day19 main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs; (rs, ms) <- parseFile (head args); let fsm = toFSM rs (unwrap (M.lookup 0 rs)); let ps = filter (acceptedBy fsm) ms; printf "Answer = %d\n" (length ps) :: IO (); return (); -- Helpers -- Unwrap a maybe value, throwing an error if wrong unwrap :: Maybe a -> a unwrap (Just x) = x unwrap _ = error "unwrap on null value" -- First of a 3tuple fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a fst3 (a, _, _) = a -- Last of a 3 tuple lst3 :: (a, b, c) -> c lst3 (_, _, c) = c