module Day21A where import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.List (nub) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) -- Types type Food = ([String], [String]) -- Parse a single line parseFood :: String -> Food parseFood x = (splitOn " " ings, splitOn ", " algsNParen) where [ings, algs] = splitOn " (contains " x algsNParen = take (length algs - 1) algs -- Parse a whole file parseFoods :: String -> [Food] parseFoods = map parseFood . lines parseFile :: String -> IO [Food] parseFile f = do c <- readFile f return (parseFoods c); -- Returns true if x is a sublist of y. sublist :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool sublist xs l = foldr (\x a -> a && x `elem` l) True xs -- Get a list of foods with the given allergen withAls :: [Food] -> String -> [Food] withAls fs x = filter ((x `elem`) . snd) fs -- Get a list of foods with the given ing withIng :: [Food] -> String -> [Food] withIng fs x = filter ((x `elem`) . fst) fs -- Get all ingredients in all the given foods allIngs :: [Food] -> [String] allIngs fs = nub $ concatMap fst fs -- Get all allergens in all the given foods allAls :: [Food] -> [String] allAls fs = nub $ concatMap snd fs -- Get a list of foods that are in all foods with the given allergen getSynonymous :: [Food] -> String -> [String] getSynonymous fs x = filter ((xs `sublist`) . withIng fs) (allIngs fs) where xs = withAls fs x -- Usage: runghc --ghc-arg="-package split" 21a.hs inputs/day21 main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs; fs <- parseFile $ head args; let syn = nub $ concatMap (getSynonymous fs) (allAls fs); let notSyn = filter (not . (`elem` syn)) (allIngs fs); print $ sum $ map (length . withIng fs) notSyn; return ();