use std::fmt::Display; use crate::messages::MessageSkipperError; /// Calculate the CRC-16 of the given buffer pub(crate) fn crc16(buf: &[u8]) -> u16 { let mut crc = 0xFFFFu16; for b in buf { let b = *b ^ ((crc & 0xFF) as u8); let b = b ^ (b << 4); let b16 = b as u16; crc = (b16 << 8 | crc >> 8) ^ (b16 >> 4) ^ (b16 << 3); } crc } /// Encode the given integer as a [VLQ](, pushing it to the back of `output`. pub(crate) fn encode_vlq_int(output: &mut Vec, v: u32) { let sv = v as i32; if !(-(1 << 26)..(3 << 26)).contains(&sv) { output.push(((sv >> 28) & 0x7F) as u8 | 0x80); } if !(-(1 << 19)..(3 << 19)).contains(&sv) { output.push(((sv >> 21) & 0x7F) as u8 | 0x80); } if !(-(1 << 12)..(3 << 12)).contains(&sv) { output.push(((sv >> 14) & 0x7F) as u8 | 0x80); } if !(-(1 << 5)..(3 << 5)).contains(&sv) { output.push(((sv >> 7) & 0x7F) as u8 | 0x80); } output.push((sv & 0x7F) as u8); } /// Parse a [VLQ]( from the top of `data`. pub(crate) fn parse_vlq_int(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { let mut c = next_byte(data)? as u32; let mut v = c & 0x7F; if (c & 0x60) == 0x60 { v |= (-0x20i32) as u32; } while c & 0x80 != 0 { c = next_byte(data)? as u32; v = (v << 7) | (c & 0x7F); } Ok(v) } /// Read the next byte from `data`, or error pub(crate) fn next_byte(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { if data.is_empty() { Err(MessageDecodeError::UnexpectedEof) } else { let v = data[0]; *data = &data[1..]; Ok(v) } } /// A type which can possibly be read from the top of a data buffer. pub trait Readable<'de>: Sized { /// Attempt to deserialise a value from the top of `data`. fn read(data: &mut &'de [u8]) -> Result; /// Skip over a value of this type at the top of `data`. fn skip(data: &mut &'de [u8]) -> Result<(), MessageDecodeError> { Self::read(data).map(|_| ()) } } /// A type which can be written to the back of a data buffer. pub trait Writable: Sized { /// Write this type to the back of `output`. fn write(&self, output: &mut Vec); } /// TODO: Docs pub trait Borrowable: Sized { type Borrowed<'a> where Self: 'a; fn from_borrowed(src: Self::Borrowed<'_>) -> Self; } /// The type of an encoded field #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum FieldType { U32, I32, U16, I16, U8, String, ByteArray, } impl FieldType { /// Skip over a field of this type at the top of `input`. pub(crate) fn skip(&self, input: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<(), MessageDecodeError> { match self { Self::U32 => ::skip(input), Self::I32 => ::skip(input), Self::U16 => ::skip(input), Self::I16 => ::skip(input), Self::U8 => ::skip(input), Self::String => <&str as Readable>::skip(input), Self::ByteArray => <&[u8] as Readable>::skip(input), } } /// Read a field of this type from the top of `input`. pub(crate) fn read(&self, input: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { Ok(match self { Self::U32 => FieldValue::U32(::read(input)?), Self::I32 => FieldValue::I32(::read(input)?), Self::U16 => FieldValue::U16(::read(input)?), Self::I16 => FieldValue::I16(::read(input)?), Self::U8 => FieldValue::U8(::read(input)?), Self::String => FieldValue::String(<&str as Readable>::read(input)?.into()), Self::ByteArray => FieldValue::ByteArray(<&[u8] as Readable>::read(input)?.into()), }) } /// Deserialise the field type from a printf style declaration pub(crate) fn from_msg(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "%u" => Ok(Self::U32), "%i" => Ok(Self::I32), "%hu" => Ok(Self::U16), "%hi" => Ok(Self::I16), "%c" => Ok(Self::U8), "%s" => Ok(Self::String), "%*s" => Ok(Self::ByteArray), "%.*s" => Ok(Self::ByteArray), s => Err(MessageSkipperError::InvalidFormatFieldType(s.to_string())), } } /// Deserialise the next field type from a printf style declaration, also returning the rest of the string. pub(crate) fn from_format(s: &str) -> Result<(Self, &str), MessageSkipperError> { if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%u") { Ok((Self::U32, rest)) } else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%i") { Ok((Self::I32, rest)) } else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%hu") { Ok((Self::U16, rest)) } else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%hi") { Ok((Self::I16, rest)) } else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%c") { Ok((Self::U8, rest)) } else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%.*s") { Ok((Self::ByteArray, rest)) } else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("%*s") { Ok((Self::String, rest)) } else { Err(MessageSkipperError::InvalidFormatFieldType(s.to_string())) } } } /// The decoded value of a field #[derive(Debug)] pub enum FieldValue { U32(u32), I32(i32), U16(u16), I16(i16), U8(u8), String(String), ByteArray(Vec), } impl Display for FieldValue { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Self::U32(v) => write!(f, "{}", v), Self::I32(v) => write!(f, "{}", v), Self::U16(v) => write!(f, "{}", v), Self::I16(v) => write!(f, "{}", v), Self::U8(v) => write!(f, "{}", v), Self::String(v) => write!(f, "{}", v), Self::ByteArray(v) => write!(f, "{:?}", v), } } } /// A type which can be expressed as a [`FieldType`] pub trait ToFieldType: Sized { /// Get the corresponding [`FieldType`]. fn as_field_type() -> FieldType; } /// Implements [`Readable`], [`Writable`], and [`ToFieldType`] for the given integer type. macro_rules! int_readwrite { ( $type:tt, $field_type:expr ) => { impl Readable<'_> for $type { fn read(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { parse_vlq_int(data).map(|v| v as $type) } } impl Writable for $type { fn write(&self, output: &mut Vec) { encode_vlq_int(output, *self as u32) } } impl Borrowable for $type { type Borrowed<'a> = Self; fn from_borrowed(src: Self::Borrowed<'_>) -> Self { src } } impl ToFieldType for $type { fn as_field_type() -> FieldType { $field_type } } }; } int_readwrite!(u32, FieldType::U32); int_readwrite!(i32, FieldType::I32); int_readwrite!(u16, FieldType::U16); int_readwrite!(i16, FieldType::I16); int_readwrite!(u8, FieldType::U8); impl Readable<'_> for bool { fn read(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result { parse_vlq_int(data).map(|v| v != 0) } } impl Writable for bool { fn write(&self, output: &mut Vec) { encode_vlq_int(output, u32::from(*self)) } } impl Borrowable for bool { type Borrowed<'a> = Self; fn from_borrowed(src: Self::Borrowed<'_>) -> Self { src } } impl ToFieldType for bool { fn as_field_type() -> FieldType { FieldType::U8 } } impl<'de> Readable<'de> for &'de [u8] { fn read(data: &mut &'de [u8]) -> Result<&'de [u8], MessageDecodeError> { let len = parse_vlq_int(data)? as usize; if data.len() < len { Err(MessageDecodeError::UnexpectedEof) } else { let ret = &data[..len]; *data = &data[len..]; Ok(ret) } } fn skip(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<(), MessageDecodeError> { let len = parse_vlq_int(data)? as usize; if data.len() < len { Err(MessageDecodeError::UnexpectedEof) } else { *data = &data[len..]; Ok(()) } } } impl Writable for &[u8] { fn write(&self, output: &mut Vec) { encode_vlq_int(output, self.len() as u32); output.extend_from_slice(self); } } impl Borrowable for Vec { type Borrowed<'a> = &'a [u8]; fn from_borrowed(src: Self::Borrowed<'_>) -> Self { src.into() } } impl ToFieldType for Vec { fn as_field_type() -> FieldType { FieldType::ByteArray } } impl<'de> Readable<'de> for &'de str { fn read(data: &mut &'de [u8]) -> Result<&'de str, MessageDecodeError> { let len = parse_vlq_int(data)? as usize; if data.len() < len { Err(MessageDecodeError::UnexpectedEof) } else { let ret = &data[..len]; *data = &data[len..]; Ok(std::str::from_utf8(ret)?) } } fn skip(data: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<(), MessageDecodeError> { let len = parse_vlq_int(data)? as usize; if data.len() < len { Err(MessageDecodeError::UnexpectedEof) } else { *data = &data[len..]; Ok(()) } } } impl Writable for &str { fn write(&self, output: &mut Vec) { let bytes = self.as_bytes(); encode_vlq_int(output, bytes.len() as u32); output.extend_from_slice(bytes); } } impl ToFieldType for String { fn as_field_type() -> FieldType { FieldType::String } } /// Error encountered when decoding a message #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)] pub enum MessageDecodeError { /// More data was expected but none is available #[error("eof unexpected")] UnexpectedEof, /// A received string could not be decoded as UTF8 #[error("invalid utf8 string")] Utf8Error(#[from] std::str::Utf8Error), }