use std::{ any::TypeId, collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}, io::Read, sync::{atomic::AtomicUsize, Arc, Mutex}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncWrite}, select, sync::{ mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}, oneshot, OnceCell, }, task::{spawn, JoinHandle}, }; use tracing::{debug, error, trace}; use crate::messages::{format_command_args, EncodedMessage, Message, WithOid, WithoutOid}; use crate::transport::{Transport, TransportReceiver}; use crate::{ dictionary::{Dictionary, DictionaryError, RawDictionary}, transport::TransportError, }; use crate::{ encoding::{parse_vlq_int, MessageDecodeError}, messages::FrontTrimmableBuffer, }; mcu_command!(Identify, "identify" = 1, offset: u32, count: u8); mcu_reply!( IdentifyResponse, "identify_response" = 0, offset: u32, data: Vec, ); /// MCU Connection Errors #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum McuConnectionError { /// Encoding a message was attempted but a command with a matching name doesn't exist in the /// dictionary. #[error("unknown message ID for command '{0}'")] UnknownMessageId(&'static str), /// An issue was encountered while decoding the received frame #[error("error decoding message with ID '{0}'")] DecodingError(#[from] MessageDecodeError), /// An error was encountered while fetching the dictionary #[error("error obtaining identify data: {0}")] DictionaryFetch(Box), /// An error was encountered while parsing the dictionary #[error("dictionary issue: {0}")] Dictionary(#[from] DictionaryError), /// Received an unknown command from the MCU #[error("unknown command {0}")] UnknownCommand(u16), /// There was a mismatch between the command arguments on the remote and local sides. #[error("mismatched command {0}: '{1}' vs '{2}'")] CommandMismatch(&'static str, String, String), /// There was a transport-level issue #[error("transport error: {0}")] Transport(#[from] TransportError), } #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum SendReceiveError { #[error("timeout")] Timeout, #[error("mcu connection error: {0}")] McuConnection(#[from] McuConnectionError), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)] struct HandlerId(u16, Option); trait Handler: Send + Sync { fn handle(&mut self, data: &mut &[u8]) -> HandlerResult; } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct RegisteredResponseHandle(usize); #[derive(Default)] struct Handlers { handlers: std::sync::Mutex>, next_handler: AtomicUsize, } type UniqueHandler = (usize, Box); impl std::fmt::Debug for Handlers { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let h = self .handlers .try_lock() .map(|h| h.keys().cloned().collect::>()) .unwrap_or_default(); f.debug_struct("Handlers") .field("handlers", &h) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } impl Handlers { fn register( &self, command: u16, oid: Option, handler: Box, ) -> RegisteredResponseHandle { let id = HandlerId(command, oid); let uniq = self .next_handler .fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::AcqRel); self.handlers.lock().unwrap().insert(id, (uniq, handler)); RegisteredResponseHandle(uniq) } fn call(&self, command: u16, oid: Option, data: &mut &[u8]) -> bool { let id = HandlerId(command, oid); let mut handlers = self.handlers.lock().unwrap(); let handler = handlers.get_mut(&id); if let Some((_, handler)) = handler { if matches!(handler.handle(data), HandlerResult::Deregister) { handlers.remove(&id); } true } else { false } } fn remove_handler( &self, command: u16, oid: Option, uniq: Option, ) { let id = HandlerId(command, oid); let mut handlers = self.handlers.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(RegisteredResponseHandle(uniq)) = uniq { match handlers.get(&id) { None => return, Some((u, _)) if *u != uniq => return, _ => {} } } handlers.remove(&id); } } #[derive(Debug)] struct McuConnectionInner { dictionary: OnceCell, handlers: Handlers, good_types: Mutex>, } impl McuConnectionInner { async fn receive_loop(&self, mut inbox: TransportReceiver) -> Result<(), McuConnectionError> { while let Some(frame) = inbox.recv().await { let frame = match frame { Ok(frame) => frame, Err(e) => return Err(McuConnectionError::Transport(e)), }; let frame = &mut frame.as_slice(); self.parse_frame(frame)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_frame(&self, frame: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<(), McuConnectionError> { while !frame.is_empty() { let cmd = parse_vlq_int(frame)? as u16; // If a raw handler is registered for this, call it if, None, frame) { continue; } // There was no registered raw handler, check the dictionary to decode if let Some(dict) = self.dictionary.get() { if let Some(parser) = dict.message_parser(cmd) { let mut curmsg = &frame[..]; let oid = parser.skip_with_oid(frame)?; if tracing::enabled!(tracing::Level::TRACE) { #[allow(clippy::redundant_slicing)] // The parse call changes the slice! let mut tmp = &curmsg[..]; trace!( cmd_id = cmd, cmd_name =, data = ?parser.parse(&mut tmp).unwrap(), // Safe because we skipped before and it passed "Received message", ); } if !, oid, &mut curmsg) { debug!( cmd_id = cmd, cmd_name =, // Safe because we skipped before and it passed. Since call returned // false, we know no handler took the data and can safely take curmsg // here. data = ?parser.parse(&mut curmsg).unwrap(), "Unhandled message", ); } } else { return Err(McuConnectionError::UnknownCommand(cmd)); } } else { break; } } Ok(()) } } /// Manages a connection to a Klipper MCU /// /// #[derive(Debug)] pub struct McuConnection { inner: Arc, transport: Transport, _receiver: JoinHandle<()>, exit_code: ExitCode, } #[derive(Debug)] enum ExitCode { Waiting(oneshot::Receiver>), Exited(Result<(), McuConnectionError>), } impl McuConnection { /// Connect to an MCU /// /// Attempts to connect to a MCU on the given data stream interface. The MCU is contacted and /// the dictionary is loaded and applied. The returned [McuConnection] is fully ready to /// communicate with the MCU. pub async fn connect(rdr: R, wr: W) -> Result where R: AsyncBufRead + Send + Unpin + 'static, W: AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static, { let (transport, inbox) = Transport::connect(rdr, wr).await; let (exit_tx, exit_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let inner = Arc::new(McuConnectionInner { dictionary: OnceCell::new(), handlers: Handlers::default(), good_types: Mutex::default(), }); let receiver_inner = inner.clone(); let receiver = tokio::spawn(async move { let _ = exit_tx.send(receiver_inner.receive_loop(inbox).await); }); let conn = McuConnection { inner, transport, _receiver: receiver, exit_code: ExitCode::Waiting(exit_rx), }; let mut identify_data = Vec::new(); let identify_start = Instant::now(); loop { let data = conn .send_receive( Identify::encode(identify_data.len() as u32, 40), IdentifyResponse, ) .await; let mut data = match data { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => { if identify_start.elapsed() > Duration::from_secs(10) { return Err(McuConnectionError::DictionaryFetch(Box::new(e))); } continue; } }; if data.offset as usize == identify_data.len() { if { break; } identify_data.append(&mut; } } let mut decoder = flate2::read::ZlibDecoder::new(identify_data.as_slice()); let mut buf = Vec::new(); decoder .read_to_end(&mut buf) .map_err(|err| McuConnectionError::DictionaryFetch(Box::new(err)))?; let raw_dict: RawDictionary = serde_json::from_slice(&buf) .map_err(|err| McuConnectionError::DictionaryFetch(Box::new(err)))?; let dict = Dictionary::try_from(raw_dict).map_err(McuConnectionError::Dictionary)?; debug!(dictionary = ?dict, "MCU dictionary"); conn.inner .dictionary .set(dict) .expect("Dictionary already set"); Ok(conn) } fn verify_command_matches(&self) -> Result<(), McuConnectionError> { // Special handling for identify/identify_response if C::get_id(None) == Some(0) || C::get_id(None) == Some(1) { return Ok(()); } if self .inner .good_types .lock() .unwrap() .contains(&TypeId::of::()) { return Ok(()); } // We can only get here if we _have_ a dictionary as only Identify/IdentifyResponse are // tested before then. let dictionary = self.inner.dictionary.get().unwrap(); let id = C::get_id(Some(dictionary)) .ok_or_else(|| McuConnectionError::UnknownMessageId(C::get_name()))?; // Must exist because we know the tag let parser = dictionary.message_parser(id).unwrap(); let remote_fields = parser.fields.iter().map(|(s, t)| (s.as_str(), *t)); let local_fields = C::fields().into_iter(); if !remote_fields.eq(local_fields) { return Err(McuConnectionError::CommandMismatch( C::get_name(), format_command_args(parser.fields.iter().map(|(s, t)| (s.as_str(), *t))), format_command_args(C::fields().into_iter()), )); } self.inner .good_types .lock() .unwrap() .insert(TypeId::of::()); Ok(()) } fn encode_command( &self, command: EncodedMessage, ) -> Result { let id = C::get_id(self.inner.dictionary.get()) .ok_or_else(|| McuConnectionError::UnknownMessageId(C::get_name()))?; let mut payload = command.payload; if id >= 0x80 { payload.content[0] = ((id >> 7) & 0x7F) as u8 | 0x80; } else { payload.offset = 1; } payload.content[1] = (id & 0x7F) as u8; Ok(payload) } /// Sends a command to the MCU pub async fn send( &self, command: EncodedMessage, ) -> Result<(), McuConnectionError> { let cmd = self.encode_command(command)?; self.transport .send(cmd.as_slice()) .map_err(|e| McuConnectionError::Transport(TransportError::Transmitter(e))) } async fn send_receive_impl( &self, command: EncodedMessage, reply: R, oid: Option, ) -> Result { struct RespHandler( Option>>, ); impl Handler for RespHandler { fn handle(&mut self, data: &mut &[u8]) -> HandlerResult { if let Some(tx) = self.0.take() { let _ = match R::decode(data) { Ok(msg) => tx.send(Ok(msg.into())), Err(e) => tx.send(Err(McuConnectionError::DecodingError(e))), }; } HandlerResult::Deregister } } let cmd = self.encode_command(command)?; self.verify_command_matches::()?; self.verify_command_matches::()?; let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::>(); self.register_raw_response(reply, oid, Box::new(RespHandler::(Some(tx))))?; let mut retry_delay = 0.01; for _retry in 0..=5 { self.transport .send(cmd.as_slice()) .map_err(|e| McuConnectionError::Transport(TransportError::Transmitter(e)))?; let sleep = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs_f32(retry_delay)); tokio::pin!(sleep); select! { reply = &mut rx => { return match reply { Ok(Err(e)) => Err(SendReceiveError::McuConnection(e)), Ok(Ok(v)) => Ok(v), Err(_) => Err(SendReceiveError::Timeout) }; }, _ = &mut sleep => {}, } retry_delay *= 2.0; } Err(SendReceiveError::Timeout) } /// Sends a message to the MCU, and await a reply /// /// This sends a message to the MCU and awaits a reply matching the given `reply`. /// This version works with replies that have an `oid` field. pub async fn send_receive_oid( &self, command: EncodedMessage, reply: R, oid: u8, ) -> Result { self.send_receive_impl(command, reply, Some(oid)).await } /// Sends a message to the MCU, and await a reply /// /// This sends a message to the MCU and awaits a reply matching the given `reply`. /// This version works with replies that do not have an `oid` field. pub async fn send_receive( &self, command: EncodedMessage, reply: R, ) -> Result { self.send_receive_impl(command, reply, None).await } fn register_raw_response( &self, _reply: R, oid: Option, handler: Box, ) -> Result { let id = R::get_id(self.inner.dictionary.get()) .ok_or_else(|| McuConnectionError::UnknownMessageId(R::get_name()))?; Ok(self.inner.handlers.register(id, oid, handler)) } fn register_response_impl( &self, reply: R, oid: Option, ) -> Result, McuConnectionError> { struct RespHandler(UnboundedSender, Option>); impl Drop for RespHandler { fn drop(&mut self) { self.1.take(); } } impl Handler for RespHandler { fn handle(&mut self, data: &mut &[u8]) -> HandlerResult { let msg = R::decode(data) .expect("Parser should already have assured this could parse") .into(); match self.0.send(msg) { Ok(_) => HandlerResult::Continue, Err(_) => HandlerResult::Deregister, } } } self.verify_command_matches::()?; let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel(); let tx_closed = tx.clone(); let (closer_tx, closer_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let uniq = self.register_raw_response( reply, oid, Box::new(RespHandler::(tx, Some(closer_tx))), )?; // Safe because register_raw_response already verified this let id = R::get_id(self.inner.dictionary.get()).unwrap(); let inner = self.inner.clone(); spawn(async move { select! { _ = tx_closed.closed() => {}, _ = closer_rx => {}, } inner.handlers.remove_handler(id, oid, Some(uniq)); }); Ok(rx) } /// Registers a subscriber for a reply message /// /// Received replies matching the type will be delivered to the returned channel. /// To end the subscription, simply drop the returned receiver. /// This version works with replies that have an `oid` field. pub fn register_response_oid( &self, reply: R, oid: u8, ) -> Result, McuConnectionError> { self.register_response_impl(reply, Some(oid)) } /// Registers a subscriber for a reply message /// /// Received replies matching the type will be delivered to the returned channel. /// To end the subscription, simply drop the returned receiver. /// This version works with replies that do not have an `oid` field. pub fn register_response( &self, reply: R, ) -> Result, McuConnectionError> { self.register_response_impl(reply, None) } /// Returns a reference the dictionary the MCU returned during initial handshake pub fn dictionary(&self) -> &Dictionary { self.inner.dictionary.get().unwrap() } /// Closes the transport and ends all subscriptions. Returns when the transport is closed. pub async fn close(self) { self.transport.close().await; } /// Waits for the connection to close, returning the error that closed it if any. pub async fn closed(&mut self) -> &Result<(), McuConnectionError> { if let ExitCode::Waiting(chan) = &mut self.exit_code { self.exit_code = ExitCode::Exited(match chan.await { Ok(r) => r, Err(_) => Ok(()), }); } match self.exit_code { ExitCode::Exited(ref val) => val, _ => unreachable!(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum HandlerResult { Continue, Deregister, }