% UG project example file, February 2022 % Do not change the first two lines of code, except you may delete "logo," if causing problems. % Understand any problems and seek approval before assuming it's ok to remove ugcheck. \documentclass[logo,bsc,singlespacing,parskip]{infthesis} \usepackage{ugcheck} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage[style=numeric]{biblatex} \addbibresource{biblio.bib} %% Convenience macros \newcommand{\code}{\texttt} \newcommand{\todo}[1]{\colorbox{yellow}{#1} \newline} \begin{document} \begin{preliminary} \title{wip} \author{Aria Shrimpton} \course{Computer Science} \project{4th Year Project Report} \date{\today} \abstract{ \input{parts/abstract} } \maketitle \newenvironment{ethics} {\begin{frontenv}{Research Ethics Approval}{\LARGE}} {\end{frontenv}\newpage} \begin{ethics} This project was planned in accordance with the Informatics Research Ethics policy. It did not involve any aspects that required approval from the Informatics Research Ethics committee. \standarddeclaration \end{ethics} \begin{acknowledgements} \input{parts/acknowledgements} \end{acknowledgements} \tableofcontents \end{preliminary} \chapter{Introduction} \input{parts/introduction} \chapter{Background} \input {parts/background} \chapter{Methodology} \input{parts/methodology} \chapter{Implementation} \input{parts/implementation} \chapter{Results} \input{parts/results} \chapter{Analysis} \input{parts/analysis} \chapter{Conclusion} \input{parts/conclusion} \printbibliography %% \appendix %% \chapter{First appendix} %% \section{First section} %% Any appendices, including any required ethics information, should be included %% after the references. %% Markers do not have to consider appendices. Make sure that your contributions %% are made clear in the main body of the dissertation (within the page limit). \end{document}