path: root/releng/create_release.xsh
diff options
authorJade Lovelace <lix@jade.fyi>2024-05-31 16:35:13 -0700
committerJade Lovelace <lix@jade.fyi>2024-06-06 20:53:08 -0700
commitc32a01f9ebae026c1b7b8ba081411581453b4624 (patch)
treec246e14bc178bfa1ea2ad6fe6487d80b528a31dc /releng/create_release.xsh
parent611b1de441a54d3ed7781ca0a26b51b6cb9c45cc (diff)
Put into place initial release engineering
This can release x86_64-linux binaries to staging, with ephemeral keys. I think it's good enough to review at least at this point, so we don't keep adding more stuff to it to make it harder to review. Change-Id: Ie95e8f35d1252f5d014e819566f170b30eda152e
Diffstat (limited to 'releng/create_release.xsh')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/releng/create_release.xsh b/releng/create_release.xsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9725c44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releng/create_release.xsh
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+import json
+import subprocess
+import itertools
+import textwrap
+from pathlib import Path
+import tempfile
+import hashlib
+import datetime
+from . import environment
+from . import keys
+from .version import VERSION, RELEASE_NAME, MAJOR
+RELENG_ENV = environment.STAGING
+CACHE_STORE = RELENG_ENV.cache_store_uri()
+REPO = RELENG_ENV.git_repo
+GCROOTS_DIR = Path('./release/gcroots')
+BUILT_GCROOTS_DIR = Path('./release/gcroots-build')
+DRVS_TXT = Path('./release/drvs.txt')
+ARTIFACTS = Path('./release/artifacts')
+RELENG_MSG = "Release created with releng/create_release.xsh"
+RELEASE_SYSTEMS = ["x86_64-linux"]
+def setup_creds():
+ key = keys.get_ephemeral_key(RELENG_ENV)
+ $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = key.secret_key
+ $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = key.id
+ $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = 'garage'
+def git_preconditions():
+ # verify there is nothing in index ready to stage
+ proc = !(git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD --)
+ assert proc.rtn == 0
+ # verify there is nothing *stageable* and tracked
+ proc = !(git diff-files --quiet)
+ assert proc.rtn == 0
+def official_release_commit_tag(force_tag=False):
+ print('[+] Setting officialRelease in flake.nix and tagging')
+ prev_branch = $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD).strip()
+ git switch --detach
+ sed -i 's/officialRelease = false/officialRelease = true/' flake.nix
+ git add flake.nix
+ message = f'release: {VERSION} "{RELEASE_NAME}"\n\nRelease produced with releng/create_release.xsh'
+ git commit -m @(message)
+ git tag @(['-f'] if force_tag else []) -a -m @(message) @(VERSION)
+ return prev_branch
+def merge_to_release(prev_branch):
+ git switch @(prev_branch)
+ # Create a merge back into the release branch so that git tools understand
+ # that the release branch contains the tag, without the release commit
+ # actually influencing the tree.
+ merge_msg = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ release: merge release {VERSION} back to mainline
+ This merge commit returns to the previous state prior to the release but leaves the tag in the branch history.
+ git merge -m @(merge_msg) -s ours @(VERSION)
+def realise(paths: list[str]):
+ args = [
+ '--realise',
+ '--max-jobs',
+ '--cores',
+ '--log-format',
+ 'bar-with-logs',
+ '--add-root',
+ ]
+ nix-store @(args) @(paths)
+def eval_jobs():
+ nej_output = $(nix-eval-jobs --workers 4 --gc-roots-dir @(GCROOTS_DIR) --force-recurse --flake '.#release-jobs')
+ return [x for x in (json.loads(s) for s in nej_output.strip().split('\n'))
+ if x['system'] in RELEASE_SYSTEMS
+ ]
+def upload_drv_paths_and_outputs(paths: list[str]):
+ proc = subprocess.Popen([
+ 'nix',
+ 'copy',
+ '-v',
+ '--to',
+ '--stdin',
+ ],
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ env=__xonsh__.env.detype(),
+ )
+ proc.stdin.write('\n'.join(itertools.chain(paths, x + '^*' for x in paths)).encode())
+ proc.stdin.close()
+ rv = proc.wait()
+ if rv != 0:
+ raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(rv, proc.args)
+def make_manifest(eval_result):
+ manifest = {vs['system']: vs['outputs']['out'] for vs in eval_result}
+ def manifest_line(system, out):
+ return f' {system} = "{out}";'
+ manifest_text = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ # This file was generated by releng/create_release.xsh in Lix
+ {{
+ {lines}
+ }}
+ """).format(lines='\n'.join(manifest_line(s, p) for (s, p) in manifest.items()))
+ return manifest_text
+def make_git_tarball(to: Path):
+ git archive --verbose --prefix=lix-@(VERSION)/ --format=tar.gz -o @(to) @(VERSION)
+def confirm(prompt, expected):
+ resp = input(prompt)
+ if resp != expected:
+ raise ValueError('Unconfirmed')
+def sha256_file(f: Path):
+ hasher = hashlib.sha256()
+ with open(f, 'rb') as h:
+ while data := h.read(1024 * 1024):
+ hasher.update(data)
+ return hasher.hexdigest()
+def make_artifacts_dir(eval_result, d: Path):
+ d.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ version_dir = d / 'lix' / f'lix-{VERSION}'
+ version_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ tarballs_drv = next(p for p in eval_result if p['attr'] == 'tarballs')
+ cp --no-preserve=mode -r @(tarballs_drv['outputs']['out'])/* @(version_dir)
+ # FIXME: upgrade-nix searches for manifest.nix at root, which is rather annoying
+ with open(d / 'manifest.nix', 'w') as h:
+ h.write(make_manifest(eval_result))
+ with open(version_dir / 'manifest.nix', 'w') as h:
+ h.write(make_manifest(eval_result))
+ print('[+] Make sources tarball')
+ filename = f'lix-{VERSION}.tar.gz'
+ git_tarball = version_dir / filename
+ make_git_tarball(git_tarball)
+ file_hash = sha256_file(git_tarball)
+ print(f'Hash: {file_hash}')
+ with open(version_dir / f'{filename}.sha256', 'w') as h:
+ h.write(file_hash)
+def prepare_release_notes():
+ print('[+] Preparing release notes')
+ RELEASE_NOTES_PATH = Path('doc/manual/rl-next')
+ if RELEASE_NOTES_PATH.isdir():
+ notes_body = subprocess.check_output(['build-release-notes', '--change-authors', 'doc/manual/change-authors.yml', 'doc/manual/rl-next']).decode()
+ else:
+ # I guess nobody put release notes on their changes?
+ print('[-] Warning: seemingly missing any release notes, not worrying about it')
+ notes_body = ''
+ rl_path = Path(f'doc/manual/src/release-notes/rl-{MAJOR}.md')
+ existing_rl = ''
+ try:
+ with open(rl_path, 'r') as fh:
+ existing_rl = fh.read()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ minor_header = f'# Lix {VERSION} ({date})'
+ header = f'# Lix {MAJOR} "{RELEASE_NAME}"'
+ if existing_rl.startswith(header):
+ # strip the header off for minor releases
+ lines = existing_rl.splitlines()
+ header = lines[0]
+ existing_rl = '\n'.join(lines[1:])
+ else:
+ header += f' ({date})\n\n'
+ header += '\n' + minor_header + '\n'
+ notes = header
+ notes += notes_body
+ notes += "\n\n"
+ notes += existing_rl
+ # make pre-commit happy about one newline
+ notes = notes.rstrip()
+ notes += "\n"
+ with open(rl_path, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write(notes)
+ commit_msg = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ release: release notes for {VERSION}
+ git add @(rl_path)
+ git rm doc/manual/rl-next/*.md
+ git commit -m @(commit_msg)
+def verify_are_on_tag():
+ current_tag = $(git describe --tag).strip()
+ assert current_tag == VERSION
+def upload_artifacts(noconfirm=False, force_push_tag=False):
+ assert 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' in __xonsh__.env
+ tree @(ARTIFACTS)
+ not noconfirm and confirm(
+ f'Would you like to release {ARTIFACTS} as {VERSION}? Type "I want to release this" to confirm\n',
+ 'I want to release this'
+ )
+ print('[+] Upload to cache')
+ with open(DRVS_TXT) as fh:
+ upload_drv_paths_and_outputs([x.strip() for x in fh.readlines() if x])
+ print('[+] Upload to release bucket')
+ aws s3 cp --recursive @(ARTIFACTS)/ @(RELEASES_BUCKET)/
+ print('[+] git push tag')
+ git push @(['-f'] if force_push_tag else []) @(REPO) f'{VERSION}:refs/tags/{VERSION}'
+def do_tag_merge(force_tag=False, no_check_git=False):
+ if not no_check_git:
+ git_preconditions()
+ prev_branch = official_release_commit_tag(force_tag=force_tag)
+ merge_to_release(prev_branch)
+ git switch --detach @(VERSION)
+def build_artifacts(no_check_git=False):
+ if not no_check_git:
+ verify_are_on_tag()
+ git_preconditions()
+ print('[+] Evaluating')
+ eval_result = eval_jobs()
+ drv_paths = [x['drvPath'] for x in eval_result]
+ print('[+] Building')
+ realise(drv_paths)
+ with open(DRVS_TXT, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write('\n'.join(drv_paths))
+ make_artifacts_dir(eval_result, ARTIFACTS)
+ print(f'[+] Done! See {ARTIFACTS}')