path: root/src/libexpr/nix.sdf
diff options
authorEelco Dolstra <e.dolstra@tudelft.nl>2003-11-19 11:35:41 +0000
committerEelco Dolstra <e.dolstra@tudelft.nl>2003-11-19 11:35:41 +0000
commitac68840e79ce74f05ee8b31bb1d528c98b9c7f76 (patch)
tree98e8251d0537197b1c3e53068529f1e5e3114fdc /src/libexpr/nix.sdf
parent2be8b5917a8040fac72e7970e94bbb436e8c35d6 (diff)
* Refactoring: put the Nix expression evaluator in its own library so
that it can be used by multiple programs.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libexpr/nix.sdf')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libexpr/nix.sdf b/src/libexpr/nix.sdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..615bdb974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libexpr/nix.sdf
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+module Main
+imports Fix
+%% Top level syntax.
+module Fix
+imports Fix-Exprs Fix-Layout
+%% Expressions.
+module Fix-Exprs
+imports Fix-Lexicals URI
+ sorts Expr Formal Bind Binds BindSemi ExprList
+ context-free syntax
+ Id -> Expr {cons("Var")}
+ Int -> Expr {cons("Int")}
+ Str -> Expr {cons("Str")}
+ Uri -> Expr {cons("Uri")}
+ Path -> Expr {cons("Path")}
+ "(" Expr ")" -> Expr {bracket}
+ Expr Expr -> Expr {cons("Call"), left}
+ "{" {Formal ","}* "}" ":" Expr -> Expr {cons("Function")}
+ Id -> Formal {cons("NoDefFormal")}
+ Id "?" Expr -> Formal {cons("DefFormal")}
+ "assert" Expr ";" Expr -> Expr {cons("Assert")}
+ "rec" "{" Binds "}" -> Expr {cons("Rec")}
+ "let" "{" Binds "}" -> Expr {cons("LetRec")}
+ "{" Binds "}" -> Expr {cons("Attrs")}
+ Id "=" Expr -> Bind {cons("Bind")}
+ {Bind ";"}* -> Binds
+ Bind ";" -> BindSemi
+ BindSemi* -> Binds
+ "[" ExprList "]" -> Expr {cons("List")}
+ "" -> ExprList {cons("ExprNil")}
+ Expr ExprList -> ExprList {cons("ExprCons")}
+ Expr "." Id -> Expr {cons("Select")}
+ "if" Expr "then" Expr "else" Expr -> Expr {cons("If")}
+ Expr "==" Expr -> Expr {cons("OpEq"), non-assoc}
+ Expr "!=" Expr -> Expr {cons("OpNEq"), non-assoc}
+ "!" Expr -> Expr {cons("OpNot")}
+ Expr "&&" Expr -> Expr {cons("OpAnd"), right}
+ Expr "||" Expr -> Expr {cons("OpOr"), right}
+ Expr "->" Expr -> Expr {cons("OpImpl"), right}
+ Bool -> Expr {cons("Bool")}
+ context-free priorities
+ Expr "." Id -> Expr
+ > Expr ExprList -> ExprList
+ > Expr Expr -> Expr
+ > "!" Expr -> Expr
+ > Expr "==" Expr -> Expr
+ > Expr "!=" Expr -> Expr
+ > Expr "&&" Expr -> Expr
+ > Expr "||" Expr -> Expr
+ > Expr "->" Expr -> Expr
+ > "assert" Expr ";" Expr -> Expr
+ > "{" {Formal ","}* "}" ":" Expr -> Expr
+%% Lexical syntax.
+module Fix-Lexicals
+ sorts Id Int Str Path PathComp Bool
+ lexical syntax
+ [a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_\']* -> Id
+ "rec" -> Id {reject}
+ "let" -> Id {reject}
+ "if" -> Id {reject}
+ "then" -> Id {reject}
+ "else" -> Id {reject}
+ "true" -> Id {reject}
+ "false" -> Id {reject}
+ "assert" -> Id {reject}
+ [0-9]+ -> Int
+ "\"" ~[\n\"]* "\"" -> Str
+ PathComp ("/" PathComp)+ -> Path
+ [a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\+]+ -> PathComp
+ "true" -> Bool
+ "false" -> Bool
+ lexical restrictions
+ Id -/- [a-zA-Z0-9\_\']
+ Int -/- [0-9]
+ Path -/- [a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\+\/]
+%% URIs (RFC 2396, appendix A).
+module URI
+ sorts Uri Uhierpart Uopaquepart Uuricnoslash Unetpath Uabspath
+ Urelpath Urelsegment Uscheme Uauthority Uregname Userver
+ Uuserinfo Uhostport Uhost Uhostname Udomainlabel Utoplabel
+ UIPv4address Uport Upath Upathsegments Usegment Uparam
+ Upchar Uquery Ufragment Uuric Ureserved Uunreserved Umark
+ Uescaped Uhex Ualphanum Ualpha Ulowalpha Uupalpha Udigit
+ lexical syntax
+ Uscheme ":" (Uhierpart | Uopaquepart) -> Uri
+ (Unetpath | Uabspath) ("?" Uquery)? -> Uhierpart
+ Uuricnoslash Uuric* -> Uopaquepart
+ Uunreserved | Uescaped | [\;\?\:\@\&\=\+\$\,] -> Uuricnoslash
+ "//" Uauthority Uabspath? -> Unetpath
+ "/" Upathsegments -> Uabspath
+ "//" Uuric* -> Uabspath {reject}
+ Urelsegment Uabspath? -> Urelpath
+ (Uunreserved | Uescaped | [\;\@\&\=\+\$\,])+ -> Urelsegment
+ Ualpha (Ualpha | Udigit | [\+\-\.])* -> Uscheme
+ Userver | Uregname -> Uauthority
+ (Uunreserved | Uescaped | [\$\,\;\:\@\&\=\+])+ -> Uregname
+ ((Uuserinfo "@") Uhostport) -> Userver
+ (Uunreserved | Uescaped | [\;\:\&\=\+\$\,])* -> Uuserinfo
+ Uhost (":" Uport)? -> Uhostport
+ Uhostname | UIPv4address -> Uhost
+ (Udomainlabel ".")+ Utoplabel "."? -> Uhostname
+ Ualphanum | Ualphanum (Ualphanum | "-")* Ualphanum -> Udomainlabel
+ Ualpha | Ualpha (Ualphanum | "-")* Ualphanum -> Utoplabel
+ Udigit+ "." Udigit+ "." Udigit+ "." Udigit+ -> UIPv4address
+ Udigit* -> Uport
+ Uabspath | Uopaquepart -> Upath
+ Usegment ("/" Usegment)* -> Upathsegments
+ Upchar* (";" Uparam)* -> Usegment
+ Upchar* -> Uparam
+ Uunreserved | Uescaped | [\:\@\&\=\+\$\,] -> Upchar
+ Uuric* -> Uquery
+ Uuric* -> Ufragment
+ Ureserved | Uunreserved | Uescaped -> Uuric
+ [\;\/\?\:\@\&\=\+\$\,] -> Ureserved
+ Ualphanum | Umark -> Uunreserved
+ [\-\_\.\!\~\*\'\(\)] -> Umark
+ "%" Uhex Uhex -> Uescaped
+ Udigit | [A-Fa-f] -> Uhex
+ Ualpha | Udigit -> Ualphanum
+ Ulowalpha | Uupalpha -> Ualpha
+ [a-z] -> Ulowalpha
+ [A-Z] -> Uupalpha
+ [0-9] -> Udigit
+ lexical restrictions
+ Uri -/- [a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\!\~\*\'\(\)]
+%% Layout.
+module Fix-Layout
+ sorts HashComment Asterisk Comment EOF
+ lexical syntax
+ [\ \t\n] -> LAYOUT
+ HashComment -> LAYOUT
+ Comment -> LAYOUT
+ "#" ~[\n]* ([\n] | EOF) -> HashComment
+ "//" ~[\n]* ([\n] | EOF) -> HashComment
+ "/*" ( ~[\*] | Asterisk )* "*/" -> Comment
+ [\*] -> Asterisk
+ "" -> EOF
+ lexical restrictions
+ Asterisk -/- [\/]
+ EOF -/- ~[]
+ context-free restrictions
+ LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\n] | [\#]