path: root/src/libstore
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libstore')
3 files changed, 196 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/libstore/gc.cc b/src/libstore/gc.cc
index 02234d404..a088d633f 100644
--- a/src/libstore/gc.cc
+++ b/src/libstore/gc.cc
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
namespace nix {
-static std::string gcSocketPath = "/gc-socket/socket";
-static std::string gcRootsDir = "gcroots";
+constexpr static const std::string_view gcSocketPath = "/gc-socket/socket";
+constexpr static const std::string_view gcRootsDir = "gcroots";
static void makeSymlink(const Path & link, const Path & target)
@@ -359,16 +359,34 @@ void LocalStore::findRuntimeRoots(Roots & roots, bool censor)
-struct GCLimitReached { };
+struct GCLimitReached : std::exception { };
-void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
- bool shouldDelete = options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead || options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific;
- bool gcKeepOutputs = settings.gcKeepOutputs;
- bool gcKeepDerivations = settings.gcKeepDerivations;
+ * Delegate class to expose just the operations required to perform GC on a store.
+ */
+class GCStoreDelegate {
+ LocalStore const & store;
- StorePathSet roots, dead, alive;
+ public:
+ GCStoreDelegate(LocalStore const & store) : store(store) {}
+ std::optional<StorePath> maybeParseStorePath(std::string_view path) const {
+ return store.maybeParseStorePath(path);
+ }
+ * Class holding a server to receive new GC roots.
+ */
+class GCOperation {
+ const GCStoreDelegate store;
+ std::thread serverThread;
+ Pipe shutdownPipe;
+ AutoCloseFD fdServer;
struct Shared
@@ -381,9 +399,165 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
std::optional<std::string> pending;
- Sync<Shared> _shared;
+ void runServerThread();
std::condition_variable wakeup;
+ Sync<Shared> _shared;
+ public:
+ GCOperation(LocalStore const & store, Path stateDir) : store(store)
+ {
+ /* Start the server for receiving new roots. */
+ shutdownPipe.create();
+ auto socketPath = stateDir + gcSocketPath;
+ createDirs(dirOf(socketPath));
+ fdServer = createUnixDomainSocket(socketPath, 0666);
+ if (fcntl(fdServer.get(), F_SETFL, fcntl(fdServer.get(), F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
+ throw SysError("making socket '%1%' non-blocking", socketPath);
+ }
+ serverThread = std::thread([this]() { runServerThread(); });
+ }
+ void addTempRoot(std::string rootHashPart)
+ {
+ _shared.lock()->tempRoots.insert(rootHashPart);
+ }
+ void releasePending()
+ {
+ auto shared(_shared.lock());
+ shared->pending.reset();
+ wakeup.notify_all();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Marks a path as pending deletion if it is not in tempRoots.
+ *
+ * Returns whether it was marked for deletion.
+ */
+ bool markPendingIfPresent(std::string const & hashPart)
+ {
+ auto shared(_shared.lock());
+ if (shared->tempRoots.count(hashPart)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ shared->pending = hashPart;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ~GCOperation();
+void GCOperation::runServerThread()
+ Sync<std::map<int, std::thread>> connections;
+ Finally cleanup([&]() {
+ debug("GC roots server shutting down");
+ fdServer.close();
+ while (true) {
+ auto item = remove_begin(*connections.lock());
+ if (!item) break;
+ auto & [fd, thread] = *item;
+ shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR);
+ thread.join();
+ }
+ });
+ while (true) {
+ std::vector<struct pollfd> fds;
+ fds.push_back({.fd = shutdownPipe.readSide.get(), .events = POLLIN});
+ fds.push_back({.fd = fdServer.get(), .events = POLLIN});
+ auto count = poll(fds.data(), fds.size(), -1);
+ assert(count != -1);
+ if (fds[0].revents)
+ /* Parent is asking us to quit. */
+ break;
+ if (fds[1].revents) {
+ /* Accept a new connection. */
+ assert(fds[1].revents & POLLIN);
+ AutoCloseFD fdClient{accept(fdServer.get(), nullptr, nullptr)};
+ if (!fdClient) continue;
+ debug("GC roots server accepted new client");
+ /* Process the connection in a separate thread. */
+ auto fdClient_ = fdClient.get();
+ std::thread clientThread([&, fdClient = std::move(fdClient)]() {
+ Finally cleanup([&]() {
+ auto conn(connections.lock());
+ auto i = conn->find(fdClient.get());
+ if (i != conn->end()) {
+ i->second.detach();
+ conn->erase(i);
+ }
+ });
+ /* On macOS, accepted sockets inherit the
+ non-blocking flag from the server socket, so
+ explicitly make it blocking. */
+ if (fcntl(fdClient.get(), F_SETFL, fcntl(fdClient.get(), F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
+ abort();
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ auto path = readLine(fdClient.get());
+ auto storePath = store.maybeParseStorePath(path);
+ if (storePath) {
+ debug("got new GC root '%s'", path);
+ auto hashPart = std::string(storePath->hashPart());
+ auto shared(_shared.lock());
+ shared->tempRoots.insert(hashPart);
+ /* If this path is currently being
+ deleted, then we have to wait until
+ deletion is finished to ensure that
+ the client doesn't start
+ re-creating it before we're
+ done. FIXME: ideally we would use a
+ FD for this so we don't block the
+ poll loop. */
+ while (shared->pending == hashPart) {
+ debug("synchronising with deletion of path '%s'", path);
+ shared.wait(wakeup);
+ }
+ } else
+ printError("received garbage instead of a root from client");
+ writeFull(fdClient.get(), "1", false);
+ } catch (Error & e) {
+ debug("reading GC root from client: %s", e.msg());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ connections.lock()->insert({fdClient_, std::move(clientThread)});
+ }
+ }
+ writeFull(shutdownPipe.writeSide.get(), "x", false);
+ {
+ auto shared(_shared.lock());
+ wakeup.notify_all();
+ }
+ if (serverThread.joinable()) serverThread.join();
+void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
+ bool shouldDelete = options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead || options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific;
+ bool gcKeepOutputs = settings.gcKeepOutputs;
+ bool gcKeepDerivations = settings.gcKeepDerivations;
+ StorePathSet roots, dead, alive;
/* Using `--ignore-liveness' with `--delete' can have unintended
consequences if `keep-outputs' or `keep-derivations' are true
@@ -395,7 +569,7 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
if (shouldDelete)
- deletePath(reservedPath);
+ deletePath(reservedSpacePath);
/* Acquire the global GC root. Note: we don't use fdGCLock
here because then in auto-gc mode, another thread could
@@ -408,110 +582,7 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
if (auto p = getEnv("_NIX_TEST_GC_SYNC_1"))
- /* Start the server for receiving new roots. */
- auto socketPath = stateDir.get() + gcSocketPath;
- createDirs(dirOf(socketPath));
- auto fdServer = createUnixDomainSocket(socketPath, 0666);
- if (fcntl(fdServer.get(), F_SETFL, fcntl(fdServer.get(), F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- throw SysError("making socket '%1%' non-blocking", socketPath);
- Pipe shutdownPipe;
- shutdownPipe.create();
- std::thread serverThread([&]() {
- Sync<std::map<int, std::thread>> connections;
- Finally cleanup([&]() {
- debug("GC roots server shutting down");
- fdServer.close();
- while (true) {
- auto item = remove_begin(*connections.lock());
- if (!item) break;
- auto & [fd, thread] = *item;
- shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR);
- thread.join();
- }
- });
- while (true) {
- std::vector<struct pollfd> fds;
- fds.push_back({.fd = shutdownPipe.readSide.get(), .events = POLLIN});
- fds.push_back({.fd = fdServer.get(), .events = POLLIN});
- auto count = poll(fds.data(), fds.size(), -1);
- assert(count != -1);
- if (fds[0].revents)
- /* Parent is asking us to quit. */
- break;
- if (fds[1].revents) {
- /* Accept a new connection. */
- assert(fds[1].revents & POLLIN);
- AutoCloseFD fdClient{accept(fdServer.get(), nullptr, nullptr)};
- if (!fdClient) continue;
- debug("GC roots server accepted new client");
- /* Process the connection in a separate thread. */
- auto fdClient_ = fdClient.get();
- std::thread clientThread([&, fdClient = std::move(fdClient)]() {
- Finally cleanup([&]() {
- auto conn(connections.lock());
- auto i = conn->find(fdClient.get());
- if (i != conn->end()) {
- i->second.detach();
- conn->erase(i);
- }
- });
- /* On macOS, accepted sockets inherit the
- non-blocking flag from the server socket, so
- explicitly make it blocking. */
- if (fcntl(fdClient.get(), F_SETFL, fcntl(fdClient.get(), F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- abort();
- while (true) {
- try {
- auto path = readLine(fdClient.get());
- auto storePath = maybeParseStorePath(path);
- if (storePath) {
- debug("got new GC root '%s'", path);
- auto hashPart = std::string(storePath->hashPart());
- auto shared(_shared.lock());
- shared->tempRoots.insert(hashPart);
- /* If this path is currently being
- deleted, then we have to wait until
- deletion is finished to ensure that
- the client doesn't start
- re-creating it before we're
- done. FIXME: ideally we would use a
- FD for this so we don't block the
- poll loop. */
- while (shared->pending == hashPart) {
- debug("synchronising with deletion of path '%s'", path);
- shared.wait(wakeup);
- }
- } else
- printError("received garbage instead of a root from client");
- writeFull(fdClient.get(), "1", false);
- } catch (Error & e) {
- debug("reading GC root from client: %s", e.msg());
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- connections.lock()->insert({fdClient_, std::move(clientThread)});
- }
- }
- });
- Finally stopServer([&]() {
- writeFull(shutdownPipe.writeSide.get(), "x", false);
- wakeup.notify_all();
- if (serverThread.joinable()) serverThread.join();
- });
+ GCOperation gcServer {*this, stateDir.get()};
/* Find the roots. Since we've grabbed the GC lock, the set of
permanent roots cannot increase now. */
@@ -527,7 +598,7 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
Roots tempRoots;
findTempRoots(tempRoots, true);
for (auto & root : tempRoots) {
- _shared.lock()->tempRoots.insert(std::string(root.first.hashPart()));
+ gcServer.addTempRoot(std::string(root.first.hashPart()));
@@ -580,9 +651,7 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
/* Wake up any GC client waiting for deletion of the paths in
'visited' to finish. */
Finally releasePending([&]() {
- auto shared(_shared.lock());
- shared->pending.reset();
- wakeup.notify_all();
+ gcServer.releasePending();
auto enqueue = [&](const StorePath & path) {
@@ -629,14 +698,9 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
&& !options.pathsToDelete.count(*path))
- {
- auto hashPart = std::string(path->hashPart());
- auto shared(_shared.lock());
- if (shared->tempRoots.count(hashPart)) {
- debug("cannot delete '%s' because it's a temporary root", printStorePath(*path));
- return markAlive();
- }
- shared->pending = hashPart;
+ if (!gcServer.markPendingIfPresent(std::string(path->hashPart()))) {
+ debug("cannot delete '%s' because it's a temporary root", printStorePath(*path));
+ return markAlive();
if (isValidPath(*path)) {
diff --git a/src/libstore/local-store.cc b/src/libstore/local-store.cc
index 757aa21e3..10d43ee3e 100644
--- a/src/libstore/local-store.cc
+++ b/src/libstore/local-store.cc
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ LocalStore::LocalStore(const Params & params)
, LocalFSStore(params)
, dbDir(stateDir + "/db")
, linksDir(realStoreDir + "/.links")
- , reservedPath(dbDir + "/reserved")
+ , reservedSpacePath(dbDir + "/reserved")
, schemaPath(dbDir + "/schema")
, tempRootsDir(stateDir + "/temproots")
, fnTempRoots(fmt("%s/%d", tempRootsDir, getpid()))
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ LocalStore::LocalStore(const Params & params)
before doing a garbage collection. */
try {
struct stat st;
- if (stat(reservedPath.c_str(), &st) == -1 ||
+ if (stat(reservedSpacePath.c_str(), &st) == -1 ||
st.st_size != settings.reservedSize)
- AutoCloseFD fd{open(reservedPath.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600)};
+ AutoCloseFD fd{open(reservedSpacePath.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600)};
int res = -1;
res = posix_fallocate(fd.get(), 0, settings.reservedSize);
diff --git a/src/libstore/local-store.hh b/src/libstore/local-store.hh
index fd2985a86..f6b553615 100644
--- a/src/libstore/local-store.hh
+++ b/src/libstore/local-store.hh
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ public:
const Path dbDir;
const Path linksDir;
- const Path reservedPath;
+ /** Path kept around to reserve some filesystem space to be able to begin a garbage collection */
+ const Path reservedSpacePath;
const Path schemaPath;
const Path tempRootsDir;
const Path fnTempRoots;