path: root/src/libutil/tests/logging.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libutil/tests/logging.cc')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libutil/tests/logging.cc b/src/libutil/tests/logging.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cb54995b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libutil/tests/logging.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#include "logging.hh"
+#include "nixexpr.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+namespace nix {
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * logEI
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ TEST(logEI, catpuresBasicProperties) {
+ MakeError(TestError, Error);
+ ErrorInfo::programName = std::optional("error-unit-test");
+ try {
+ throw TestError("an error for testing purposes");
+ } catch (Error &e) {
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI(e.info());
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(),"\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- TestError --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nan error for testing purposes\n");
+ }
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, appendingHintsToPreviousError) {
+ MakeError(TestError, Error);
+ ErrorInfo::programName = std::optional("error-unit-test");
+ try {
+ auto e = Error("initial error");
+ throw TestError(e.info());
+ } catch (Error &e) {
+ ErrorInfo ei = e.info();
+ ei.hint = hintfmt("%s; subsequent error message.", normaltxt(e.info().hint ? e.info().hint->str() : ""));
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI(ei);
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- TestError --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\n\x1B[33;1m\x1B[0minitial error\x1B[0m; subsequent error message.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, picksUpSysErrorExitCode) {
+ MakeError(TestError, Error);
+ ErrorInfo::programName = std::optional("error-unit-test");
+ try {
+ auto x = readFile(-1);
+ }
+ catch (SysError &e) {
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logError(e.info());
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- SysError --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\n\x1B[33;1m\x1B[0mstatting file\x1B[0m: \x1B[33;1mBad file descriptor\x1B[0m\n");
+ }
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, loggingErrorOnInfoLevel) {
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI({ .level = lvlInfo,
+ .name = "Info name",
+ .description = "Info description",
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[32;1minfo:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- Info name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nInfo description\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, loggingErrorOnTalkativeLevel) {
+ verbosity = lvlTalkative;
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI({ .level = lvlTalkative,
+ .name = "Talkative name",
+ .description = "Talkative description",
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[32;1mtalk:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- Talkative name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nTalkative description\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, loggingErrorOnChattyLevel) {
+ verbosity = lvlChatty;
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI({ .level = lvlChatty,
+ .name = "Chatty name",
+ .description = "Talkative description",
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[32;1mchat:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- Chatty name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nTalkative description\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, loggingErrorOnDebugLevel) {
+ verbosity = lvlDebug;
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI({ .level = lvlDebug,
+ .name = "Debug name",
+ .description = "Debug description",
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[33;1mdebug:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- Debug name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nDebug description\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logEI, loggingErrorOnVomitLevel) {
+ verbosity = lvlVomit;
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logger->logEI({ .level = lvlVomit,
+ .name = "Vomit name",
+ .description = "Vomit description",
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[32;1mvomit:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- Vomit name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nVomit description\n");
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * logError
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ TEST(logError, logErrorWithoutHintOrCode) {
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logError({
+ .name = "name",
+ .description = "error description",
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nerror description\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logError, logErrorWithPreviousAndNextLinesOfCode) {
+ SymbolTable testTable;
+ auto problem_file = testTable.create("myfile.nix");
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logError({
+ .name = "error name",
+ .description = "error with code lines",
+ .hint = hintfmt("this hint has %1% templated %2%!!",
+ "yellow",
+ "values"),
+ .nixCode = NixCode {
+ .errPos = Pos(problem_file, 40, 13),
+ .prevLineOfCode = "previous line of code",
+ .errLineOfCode = "this is the problem line of code",
+ .nextLineOfCode = "next line of code",
+ }});
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- error name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nin file: \x1B[34;1mmyfile.nix (40:13)\x1B[0m\n\nerror with code lines\n\n 39| previous line of code\n 40| this is the problem line of code\n | \x1B[31;1m^\x1B[0m\n 41| next line of code\n\nthis hint has \x1B[33;1myellow\x1B[0m templated \x1B[33;1mvalues\x1B[0m!!\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logError, logErrorWithoutLinesOfCode) {
+ SymbolTable testTable;
+ auto problem_file = testTable.create("myfile.nix");
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logError({
+ .name = "error name",
+ .description = "error without any code lines.",
+ .hint = hintfmt("this hint has %1% templated %2%!!",
+ "yellow",
+ "values"),
+ .nixCode = NixCode {
+ .errPos = Pos(problem_file, 40, 13)
+ }});
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- error name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nin file: \x1B[34;1mmyfile.nix (40:13)\x1B[0m\n\nerror without any code lines.\n\nthis hint has \x1B[33;1myellow\x1B[0m templated \x1B[33;1mvalues\x1B[0m!!\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logError, logErrorWithOnlyHintAndName) {
+ SymbolTable testTable;
+ auto problem_file = testTable.create("myfile.nix");
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logError({
+ .name = "error name",
+ .hint = hintfmt("hint %1%", "only"),
+ .nixCode = NixCode {
+ .errPos = Pos(problem_file, 40, 13)
+ }});
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- error name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nin file: \x1B[34;1mmyfile.nix (40:13)\x1B[0m\n\nhint \x1B[33;1monly\x1B[0m\n");
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * logWarning
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ TEST(logWarning, logWarningWithNameDescriptionAndHint) {
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logWarning({
+ .name = "name",
+ .description = "error description",
+ .hint = hintfmt("there was a %1%", "warning"),
+ });
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[33;1mwarning:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nerror description\n\nthere was a \x1B[33;1mwarning\x1B[0m\n");
+ }
+ TEST(logWarning, logWarningWithFileLineNumAndCode) {
+ SymbolTable testTable;
+ auto problem_file = testTable.create("myfile.nix");
+ testing::internal::CaptureStderr();
+ logWarning({
+ .name = "warning name",
+ .description = "warning description",
+ .hint = hintfmt("this hint has %1% templated %2%!!",
+ "yellow",
+ "values"),
+ .nixCode = NixCode {
+ .errPos = Pos(problem_file, 40, 13),
+ .prevLineOfCode = std::nullopt,
+ .errLineOfCode = "this is the problem line of code",
+ .nextLineOfCode = std::nullopt
+ }});
+ auto str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(str.c_str(), "\x1B[33;1mwarning:\x1B[0m\x1B[34;1m --- warning name --- error-unit-test\x1B[0m\nin file: \x1B[34;1mmyfile.nix (40:13)\x1B[0m\n\nwarning description\n\n 40| this is the problem line of code\n | \x1B[31;1m^\x1B[0m\n\nthis hint has \x1B[33;1myellow\x1B[0m templated \x1B[33;1mvalues\x1B[0m!!\n");
+ }