path: root/tests/misc.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/misc.nix')
1 files changed, 1657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/misc.nix b/tests/misc.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce980436c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,1657 @@
+# to run these tests:
+# nix-instantiate --eval --strict nixpkgs/lib/tests/misc.nix
+# if the resulting list is empty, all tests passed
+with import ../default.nix;
+ testingThrow = expr: {
+ expr = (builtins.tryEval (builtins.seq expr "didn't throw"));
+ expected = { success = false; value = false; };
+ };
+ testingDeepThrow = expr: testingThrow (builtins.deepSeq expr expr);
+ testSanitizeDerivationName = { name, expected }:
+ let
+ drv = derivation {
+ name = strings.sanitizeDerivationName name;
+ builder = "x";
+ system = "x";
+ };
+ in {
+ # Evaluate the derivation so an invalid name would be caught
+ expr = builtins.seq drv.drvPath drv.name;
+ inherit expected;
+ };
+runTests {
+ testId = {
+ expr = id 1;
+ expected = 1;
+ };
+ testConst = {
+ expr = const 2 3;
+ expected = 2;
+ };
+ testPipe = {
+ expr = pipe 2 [
+ (x: x + 2) # 2 + 2 = 4
+ (x: x * 2) # 4 * 2 = 8
+ ];
+ expected = 8;
+ };
+ testPipeEmpty = {
+ expr = pipe 2 [];
+ expected = 2;
+ };
+ testPipeStrings = {
+ expr = pipe [ 3 4 ] [
+ (map toString)
+ (map (s: s + "\n"))
+ concatStrings
+ ];
+ expected = ''
+ 3
+ 4
+ '';
+ };
+ /*
+ testOr = {
+ expr = or true false;
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ */
+ testAnd = {
+ expr = and true false;
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testFix = {
+ expr = fix (x: {a = if x ? a then "a" else "b";});
+ expected = {a = "a";};
+ };
+ testComposeExtensions = {
+ expr = let obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = self.bar; });
+ f = self: super: { bar = false; baz = true; };
+ g = self: super: { bar = super.baz or false; };
+ f_o_g = composeExtensions f g;
+ composed = obj.extend f_o_g;
+ in composed.foo;
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testComposeManyExtensions0 = {
+ expr = let obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = true; });
+ emptyComposition = composeManyExtensions [];
+ composed = obj.extend emptyComposition;
+ in composed.foo;
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testComposeManyExtensions =
+ let f = self: super: { bar = false; baz = true; };
+ g = self: super: { bar = super.baz or false; };
+ h = self: super: { qux = super.bar or false; };
+ obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = self.qux; });
+ in {
+ expr = let composition = composeManyExtensions [f g h];
+ composed = obj.extend composition;
+ in composed.foo;
+ expected = (obj.extend (composeExtensions f (composeExtensions g h))).foo;
+ };
+ testBitAnd = {
+ expr = (bitAnd 3 10);
+ expected = 2;
+ };
+ testBitOr = {
+ expr = (bitOr 3 10);
+ expected = 11;
+ };
+ testBitXor = {
+ expr = (bitXor 3 10);
+ expected = 9;
+ };
+ testToHexString = {
+ expr = toHexString 250;
+ expected = "FA";
+ };
+ testToBaseDigits = {
+ expr = toBaseDigits 2 6;
+ expected = [ 1 1 0 ];
+ };
+ testFunctionArgsFunctor = {
+ expr = functionArgs { __functor = self: { a, b }: null; };
+ expected = { a = false; b = false; };
+ };
+ testFunctionArgsSetFunctionArgs = {
+ expr = functionArgs (setFunctionArgs (args: args.x) { x = false; });
+ expected = { x = false; };
+ };
+ testConcatMapStrings = {
+ expr = concatMapStrings (x: x + ";") ["a" "b" "c"];
+ expected = "a;b;c;";
+ };
+ testConcatStringsSep = {
+ expr = concatStringsSep "," ["a" "b" "c"];
+ expected = "a,b,c";
+ };
+ testConcatLines = {
+ expr = concatLines ["a" "b" "c"];
+ expected = "a\nb\nc\n";
+ };
+ testSplitStringsSimple = {
+ expr = strings.splitString "." "a.b.c.d";
+ expected = [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.splitString "." "a..b";
+ expected = [ "a" "" "b" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsOne = {
+ expr = strings.splitString ":" "a.b";
+ expected = [ "a.b" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsNone = {
+ expr = strings.splitString "." "";
+ expected = [ "" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsFirstEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.splitString "/" "/a/b/c";
+ expected = [ "" "a" "b" "c" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsLastEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.splitString ":" "2001:db8:0:0042::8a2e:370:";
+ expected = [ "2001" "db8" "0" "0042" "" "8a2e" "370" "" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsRegex = {
+ expr = strings.splitString "\\[{}]()^$?*+|." "A\\[{}]()^$?*+|.B";
+ expected = [ "A" "B" ];
+ };
+ testSplitStringsDerivation = {
+ expr = take 3 (strings.splitString "/" (derivation {
+ name = "name";
+ builder = "builder";
+ system = "system";
+ }));
+ expected = ["" "nix" "store"];
+ };
+ testSplitVersionSingle = {
+ expr = versions.splitVersion "1";
+ expected = [ "1" ];
+ };
+ testSplitVersionDouble = {
+ expr = versions.splitVersion "1.2";
+ expected = [ "1" "2" ];
+ };
+ testSplitVersionTriple = {
+ expr = versions.splitVersion "1.2.3";
+ expected = [ "1" "2" "3" ];
+ };
+ testPadVersionLess = {
+ expr = versions.pad 3 "1.2";
+ expected = "1.2.0";
+ };
+ testPadVersionLessExtra = {
+ expr = versions.pad 3 "1.3-rc1";
+ expected = "1.3.0-rc1";
+ };
+ testPadVersionMore = {
+ expr = versions.pad 3 "";
+ expected = "1.2.3";
+ };
+ testIsStorePath = {
+ expr =
+ let goodPath =
+ "${builtins.storeDir}/d945ibfx9x185xf04b890y4f9g3cbb63-python-2.7.11";
+ in {
+ storePath = isStorePath goodPath;
+ storePathDerivation = isStorePath (import ../.. { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).hello;
+ storePathAppendix = isStorePath
+ "${goodPath}/bin/python";
+ nonAbsolute = isStorePath (concatStrings (tail (stringToCharacters goodPath)));
+ asPath = isStorePath (/. + goodPath);
+ otherPath = isStorePath "/something/else";
+ otherVals = {
+ attrset = isStorePath {};
+ list = isStorePath [];
+ int = isStorePath 42;
+ };
+ };
+ expected = {
+ storePath = true;
+ storePathDerivation = true;
+ storePathAppendix = false;
+ nonAbsolute = false;
+ asPath = true;
+ otherPath = false;
+ otherVals = {
+ attrset = false;
+ list = false;
+ int = false;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ testEscapeXML = {
+ expr = escapeXML ''"test" 'test' < & >'';
+ expected = "&quot;test&quot; &apos;test&apos; &lt; &amp; &gt;";
+ };
+ testToShellVars = {
+ expr = ''
+ ${toShellVars {
+ STRing01 = "just a 'string'";
+ _array_ = [ "with" "more strings" ];
+ assoc."with some" = ''
+ strings
+ possibly newlines
+ '';
+ drv = {
+ outPath = "/drv";
+ foo = "ignored attribute";
+ };
+ path = /path;
+ stringable = {
+ __toString = _: "hello toString";
+ bar = "ignored attribute";
+ };
+ }}
+ '';
+ expected = ''
+ STRing01='just a '\'''string'\''''
+ declare -a _array_=('with' 'more strings')
+ declare -A assoc=(['with some']='strings
+ possibly newlines
+ ')
+ drv='/drv'
+ path='/path'
+ stringable='hello toString'
+ '';
+ };
+ testHasInfixFalse = {
+ expr = hasInfix "c" "abde";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testHasInfixTrue = {
+ expr = hasInfix "c" "abcde";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testHasInfixDerivation = {
+ expr = hasInfix "hello" (import ../.. { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).hello;
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testHasInfixPath = {
+ expr = hasInfix "tests" ./.;
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testHasInfixPathStoreDir = {
+ expr = hasInfix builtins.storeDir ./.;
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testHasInfixToString = {
+ expr = hasInfix "a" { __toString = _: "a"; };
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testNormalizePath = {
+ expr = strings.normalizePath "//a/b//c////d/";
+ expected = "/a/b/c/d/";
+ };
+ testCharToInt = {
+ expr = strings.charToInt "A";
+ expected = 65;
+ };
+ testEscapeC = {
+ expr = strings.escapeC [ " " ] "Hello World";
+ expected = "Hello\\x20World";
+ };
+ testEscapeURL = testAllTrue [
+ ("" == strings.escapeURL "")
+ ("Hello" == strings.escapeURL "Hello")
+ ("Hello%20World" == strings.escapeURL "Hello World")
+ ("Hello%2FWorld" == strings.escapeURL "Hello/World")
+ ("42%25" == strings.escapeURL "42%")
+ ("%20%3F%26%3D%23%2B%25%21%3C%3E%23%22%7B%7D%7C%5C%5E%5B%5D%60%09%3A%2F%40%24%27%28%29%2A%2C%3B" == strings.escapeURL " ?&=#+%!<>#\"{}|\\^[]`\t:/@$'()*,;")
+ ];
+ testToInt = testAllTrue [
+ # Naive
+ (123 == toInt "123")
+ (0 == toInt "0")
+ # Whitespace Padding
+ (123 == toInt " 123")
+ (123 == toInt "123 ")
+ (123 == toInt " 123 ")
+ (123 == toInt " 123 ")
+ (0 == toInt " 0")
+ (0 == toInt "0 ")
+ (0 == toInt " 0 ")
+ (-1 == toInt "-1")
+ (-1 == toInt " -1 ")
+ ];
+ testToIntFails = testAllTrue [
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt "") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt "123 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt "0 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " 0d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " 1d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " d0 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt "00") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt "01") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt "002") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " 002 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " foo ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " foo 123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toInt " foo123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ];
+ testToIntBase10 = testAllTrue [
+ # Naive
+ (123 == toIntBase10 "123")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 "0")
+ # Whitespace Padding
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 123")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 "123 ")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 123 ")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 123 ")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 " 0")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 "0 ")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 " 0 ")
+ # Zero Padding
+ (123 == toIntBase10 "0123")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 "0000123")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 "000000")
+ # Whitespace and Zero Padding
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 0123")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 "0123 ")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 0123 ")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 0000123")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 "0000123 ")
+ (123 == toIntBase10 " 0000123 ")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 " 000000")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 "000000 ")
+ (0 == toIntBase10 " 000000 ")
+ (-1 == toIntBase10 "-1")
+ (-1 == toIntBase10 " -1 ")
+ ];
+ testToIntBase10Fails = testAllTrue [
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 "") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 "123 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 "0 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " 0d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " 1d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " d0 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo 123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo 00123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo00123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
+ ];
+ testFilter = {
+ expr = filter (x: x != "a") ["a" "b" "c" "a"];
+ expected = ["b" "c"];
+ };
+ testFold =
+ let
+ f = op: fold: fold op 0 (range 0 100);
+ # fold with associative operator
+ assoc = f builtins.add;
+ # fold with non-associative operator
+ nonAssoc = f builtins.sub;
+ in {
+ expr = {
+ assocRight = assoc foldr;
+ # right fold with assoc operator is same as left fold
+ assocRightIsLeft = assoc foldr == assoc foldl;
+ nonAssocRight = nonAssoc foldr;
+ nonAssocLeft = nonAssoc foldl;
+ # with non-assoc operator the fold results are not the same
+ nonAssocRightIsNotLeft = nonAssoc foldl != nonAssoc foldr;
+ # fold is an alias for foldr
+ foldIsRight = nonAssoc fold == nonAssoc foldr;
+ };
+ expected = {
+ assocRight = 5050;
+ assocRightIsLeft = true;
+ nonAssocRight = 50;
+ nonAssocLeft = (-5050);
+ nonAssocRightIsNotLeft = true;
+ foldIsRight = true;
+ };
+ };
+ testTake = testAllTrue [
+ ([] == (take 0 [ 1 2 3 ]))
+ ([1] == (take 1 [ 1 2 3 ]))
+ ([ 1 2 ] == (take 2 [ 1 2 3 ]))
+ ([ 1 2 3 ] == (take 3 [ 1 2 3 ]))
+ ([ 1 2 3 ] == (take 4 [ 1 2 3 ]))
+ ];
+ testFoldAttrs = {
+ expr = foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] [
+ { a = 2; b = 7; }
+ { a = 3; c = 8; }
+ ];
+ expected = { a = [ 2 3 ]; b = [7]; c = [8];};
+ };
+ testSort = {
+ expr = sort builtins.lessThan [ 40 2 30 42 ];
+ expected = [2 30 40 42];
+ };
+ testReplicate = {
+ expr = replicate 3 "a";
+ expected = ["a" "a" "a"];
+ };
+ testToIntShouldConvertStringToInt = {
+ expr = toInt "27";
+ expected = 27;
+ };
+ testToIntShouldThrowErrorIfItCouldNotConvertToInt = {
+ expr = builtins.tryEval (toInt "\"foo\"");
+ expected = { success = false; value = false; };
+ };
+ testHasAttrByPathTrue = {
+ expr = hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] { a = { b = "yey"; }; };
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testHasAttrByPathFalse = {
+ expr = hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] { a = { c = "yey"; }; };
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testFindFirstExample1 = {
+ expr = findFirst (x: x > 3) 7 [ 1 6 4 ];
+ expected = 6;
+ };
+ testFindFirstExample2 = {
+ expr = findFirst (x: x > 9) 7 [ 1 6 4 ];
+ expected = 7;
+ };
+ testFindFirstEmpty = {
+ expr = findFirst (abort "when the list is empty, the predicate is not needed") null [];
+ expected = null;
+ };
+ testFindFirstSingleMatch = {
+ expr = findFirst (x: x == 5) null [ 5 ];
+ expected = 5;
+ };
+ testFindFirstSingleDefault = {
+ expr = findFirst (x: false) null [ (abort "if the predicate doesn't access the value, it must not be evaluated") ];
+ expected = null;
+ };
+ testFindFirstNone = {
+ expr = builtins.tryEval (findFirst (x: x == 2) null [ 1 (throw "the last element must be evaluated when there's no match") ]);
+ expected = { success = false; value = false; };
+ };
+ # Makes sure that the implementation doesn't cause a stack overflow
+ testFindFirstBig = {
+ expr = findFirst (x: x == 1000000) null (range 0 1000000);
+ expected = 1000000;
+ };
+ testFindFirstLazy = {
+ expr = findFirst (x: x == 1) 7 [ 1 (abort "list elements after the match must not be evaluated") ];
+ expected = 1;
+ };
+ testConcatMapAttrs = {
+ expr = concatMapAttrs
+ (name: value: {
+ ${name} = value;
+ ${name + value} = value;
+ })
+ {
+ foo = "bar";
+ foobar = "baz";
+ };
+ expected = {
+ foo = "bar";
+ foobar = "baz";
+ foobarbaz = "baz";
+ };
+ };
+ # code from example
+ testFoldlAttrs = {
+ expr = {
+ example = foldlAttrs
+ (acc: name: value: {
+ sum = acc.sum + value;
+ names = acc.names ++ [ name ];
+ })
+ { sum = 0; names = [ ]; }
+ {
+ foo = 1;
+ bar = 10;
+ };
+ # should just return the initial value
+ emptySet = foldlAttrs (throw "function not needed") 123 { };
+ # should just evaluate to the last value
+ accNotNeeded = foldlAttrs (_acc: _name: v: v) (throw "accumulator not needed") { z = 3; a = 2; };
+ # the accumulator doesnt have to be an attrset it can be as trivial as being just a number or string
+ trivialAcc = foldlAttrs (acc: _name: v: acc * 10 + v) 1 { z = 1; a = 2; };
+ };
+ expected = {
+ example = {
+ sum = 11;
+ names = [ "bar" "foo" ];
+ };
+ emptySet = 123;
+ accNotNeeded = 3;
+ trivialAcc = 121;
+ };
+ };
+ # code from the example
+ testRecursiveUpdateUntil = {
+ expr = recursiveUpdateUntil (path: l: r: path == ["foo"]) {
+ # first attribute set
+ foo.bar = 1;
+ foo.baz = 2;
+ bar = 3;
+ } {
+ #second attribute set
+ foo.bar = 1;
+ foo.quz = 2;
+ baz = 4;
+ };
+ expected = {
+ foo.bar = 1; # 'foo.*' from the second set
+ foo.quz = 2; #
+ bar = 3; # 'bar' from the first set
+ baz = 4; # 'baz' from the second set
+ };
+ };
+ testOverrideExistingEmpty = {
+ expr = overrideExisting {} { a = 1; };
+ expected = {};
+ };
+ testOverrideExistingDisjoint = {
+ expr = overrideExisting { b = 2; } { a = 1; };
+ expected = { b = 2; };
+ };
+ testOverrideExistingOverride = {
+ expr = overrideExisting { a = 3; b = 2; } { a = 1; };
+ expected = { a = 1; b = 2; };
+ };
+# these tests assume attributes are converted to lists
+# in alphabetical order
+ testMkKeyValueDefault = {
+ expr = generators.mkKeyValueDefault {} ":" "f:oo" "bar";
+ expected = ''f\:oo:bar'';
+ };
+ testMkValueString = {
+ expr = let
+ vals = {
+ int = 42;
+ string = ''fo"o'';
+ bool = true;
+ bool2 = false;
+ null = null;
+ # float = 42.23; # floats are strange
+ };
+ in mapAttrs
+ (const (generators.mkValueStringDefault {}))
+ vals;
+ expected = {
+ int = "42";
+ string = ''fo"o'';
+ bool = "true";
+ bool2 = "false";
+ null = "null";
+ # float = "42.23" true false [ "bar" ] ]'';
+ };
+ };
+ testToKeyValue = {
+ expr = generators.toKeyValue {} {
+ key = "value";
+ "other=key" = "baz";
+ };
+ expected = ''
+ key=value
+ other\=key=baz
+ '';
+ };
+ testToINIEmpty = {
+ expr = generators.toINI {} {};
+ expected = "";
+ };
+ testToINIEmptySection = {
+ expr = generators.toINI {} { foo = {}; bar = {}; };
+ expected = ''
+ [bar]
+ [foo]
+ '';
+ };
+ testToINIDuplicateKeys = {
+ expr = generators.toINI { listsAsDuplicateKeys = true; } { foo.bar = true; baz.qux = [ 1 false ]; };
+ expected = ''
+ [baz]
+ qux=1
+ qux=false
+ [foo]
+ bar=true
+ '';
+ };
+ testToINIDefaultEscapes = {
+ expr = generators.toINI {} {
+ "no [ and ] allowed unescaped" = {
+ "and also no = in keys" = 42;
+ };
+ };
+ expected = ''
+ [no \[ and \] allowed unescaped]
+ and also no \= in keys=42
+ '';
+ };
+ testToINIDefaultFull = {
+ expr = generators.toINI {} {
+ "section 1" = {
+ attribute1 = 5;
+ x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
+ # booleans are converted verbatim by default
+ boolean = false;
+ };
+ "foo[]" = {
+ "he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
+ };
+ };
+ expected = ''
+ [foo\[\]]
+ he\h\=he=this is okay
+ [section 1]
+ attribute1=5
+ boolean=false
+ x=Me-se JarJar Binx
+ '';
+ };
+ testToINIWithGlobalSectionEmpty = {
+ expr = generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
+ globalSection = {
+ };
+ sections = {
+ };
+ };
+ expected = ''
+ '';
+ };
+ testToINIWithGlobalSectionGlobalEmptyIsTheSameAsToINI =
+ let
+ sections = {
+ "section 1" = {
+ attribute1 = 5;
+ x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
+ };
+ "foo" = {
+ "he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
+ };
+ };
+ in {
+ expr =
+ generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
+ globalSection = {};
+ sections = sections;
+ };
+ expected = generators.toINI {} sections;
+ };
+ testToINIWithGlobalSectionFull = {
+ expr = generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
+ globalSection = {
+ foo = "bar";
+ test = false;
+ };
+ sections = {
+ "section 1" = {
+ attribute1 = 5;
+ x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
+ };
+ "foo" = {
+ "he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ expected = ''
+ foo=bar
+ test=false
+ [foo]
+ he\h\=he=this is okay
+ [section 1]
+ attribute1=5
+ x=Me-se JarJar Binx
+ '';
+ };
+ /* right now only invocation check */
+ testToJSONSimple =
+ let val = {
+ foobar = [ "baz" 1 2 3 ];
+ };
+ in {
+ expr = generators.toJSON {} val;
+ # trivial implementation
+ expected = builtins.toJSON val;
+ };
+ /* right now only invocation check */
+ testToYAMLSimple =
+ let val = {
+ list = [ { one = 1; } { two = 2; } ];
+ all = 42;
+ };
+ in {
+ expr = generators.toYAML {} val;
+ # trivial implementation
+ expected = builtins.toJSON val;
+ };
+ testToPretty =
+ let
+ deriv = derivation { name = "test"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "aarch64-linux"; };
+ in {
+ expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty { multiline = false; })) rec {
+ int = 42;
+ float = 0.1337;
+ bool = true;
+ emptystring = "";
+ string = "fn\${o}\"r\\d";
+ newlinestring = "\n";
+ path = /. + "/foo";
+ null_ = null;
+ function = x: x;
+ functionArgs = { arg ? 4, foo }: arg;
+ list = [ 3 4 function [ false ] ];
+ emptylist = [];
+ attrs = { foo = null; "foo b/ar" = "baz"; };
+ emptyattrs = {};
+ drv = deriv;
+ };
+ expected = rec {
+ int = "42";
+ float = "0.1337";
+ bool = "true";
+ emptystring = ''""'';
+ string = ''"fn\''${o}\"r\\d"'';
+ newlinestring = "\"\\n\"";
+ path = "/foo";
+ null_ = "null";
+ function = "<function>";
+ functionArgs = "<function, args: {arg?, foo}>";
+ list = "[ 3 4 ${function} [ false ] ]";
+ emptylist = "[ ]";
+ attrs = "{ foo = null; \"foo b/ar\" = \"baz\"; }";
+ emptyattrs = "{ }";
+ drv = "<derivation ${deriv.name}>";
+ };
+ };
+ testToPrettyLimit =
+ let
+ a.b = 1;
+ a.c = a;
+ in {
+ expr = generators.toPretty { } (generators.withRecursion { throwOnDepthLimit = false; depthLimit = 2; } a);
+ expected = "{\n b = 1;\n c = {\n b = \"<unevaluated>\";\n c = {\n b = \"<unevaluated>\";\n c = \"<unevaluated>\";\n };\n };\n}";
+ };
+ testToPrettyLimitThrow =
+ let
+ a.b = 1;
+ a.c = a;
+ in {
+ expr = (builtins.tryEval
+ (generators.toPretty { } (generators.withRecursion { depthLimit = 2; } a))).success;
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testWithRecursionDealsWithFunctors =
+ let
+ functor = {
+ __functor = self: { a, b, }: null;
+ };
+ a = {
+ value = "1234";
+ b = functor;
+ c.d = functor;
+ };
+ in {
+ expr = generators.toPretty { } (generators.withRecursion { depthLimit = 1; throwOnDepthLimit = false; } a);
+ expected = "{\n b = <function, args: {a, b}>;\n c = {\n d = \"<unevaluated>\";\n };\n value = \"<unevaluated>\";\n}";
+ };
+ testToPrettyMultiline = {
+ expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty { })) rec {
+ list = [ 3 4 [ false ] ];
+ attrs = { foo = null; bar.foo = "baz"; };
+ newlinestring = "\n";
+ multilinestring = ''
+ hello
+ ''${there}
+ te'''st
+ '';
+ multilinestring' = ''
+ hello
+ there
+ test'';
+ };
+ expected = rec {
+ list = ''
+ [
+ 3
+ 4
+ [
+ false
+ ]
+ ]'';
+ attrs = ''
+ {
+ bar = {
+ foo = "baz";
+ };
+ foo = null;
+ }'';
+ newlinestring = "''\n \n''";
+ multilinestring = ''
+ '''
+ hello
+ '''''${there}
+ te''''st
+ ''''';
+ multilinestring' = ''
+ '''
+ hello
+ there
+ test''''';
+ };
+ };
+ testToPrettyAllowPrettyValues = {
+ expr = generators.toPretty { allowPrettyValues = true; }
+ { __pretty = v: "«" + v + "»"; val = "foo"; };
+ expected = "«foo»";
+ };
+ testToPlist =
+ let
+ deriv = derivation { name = "test"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "aarch64-linux"; };
+ in {
+ expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPlist { })) {
+ value = {
+ nested.values = rec {
+ int = 42;
+ float = 0.1337;
+ bool = true;
+ emptystring = "";
+ string = "fn\${o}\"r\\d";
+ newlinestring = "\n";
+ path = /. + "/foo";
+ null_ = null;
+ list = [ 3 4 "test" ];
+ emptylist = [];
+ attrs = { foo = null; "foo b/ar" = "baz"; };
+ emptyattrs = {};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ expected = { value = builtins.readFile ./test-to-plist-expected.plist; };
+ };
+ testToLuaEmptyAttrSet = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} {};
+ expected = ''{}'';
+ };
+ testToLuaEmptyList = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} [];
+ expected = ''{}'';
+ };
+ testToLuaListOfVariousTypes = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} [ null 43 3.14159 true ];
+ expected = ''
+ {
+ nil,
+ 43,
+ 3.14159,
+ true
+ }'';
+ };
+ testToLuaString = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} ''double-quote (") and single quotes (')'';
+ expected = ''"double-quote (\") and single quotes (')"'';
+ };
+ testToLuaAttrsetWithLuaInline = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} { x = generators.mkLuaInline ''"abc" .. "def"''; };
+ expected = ''
+ {
+ ["x"] = ("abc" .. "def")
+ }'';
+ };
+ testToLuaAttrsetWithSpaceInKey = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} { "some space and double-quote (\")" = 42; };
+ expected = ''
+ {
+ ["some space and double-quote (\")"] = 42
+ }'';
+ };
+ testToLuaWithoutMultiline = {
+ expr = generators.toLua { multiline = false; } [ 41 43 ];
+ expected = ''{ 41, 43 }'';
+ };
+ testToLuaEmptyBindings = {
+ expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } {};
+ expected = "";
+ };
+ testToLuaBindings = {
+ expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { x1 = 41; _y = { a = 43; }; };
+ expected = ''
+ _y = {
+ ["a"] = 43
+ }
+ x1 = 41
+ '';
+ };
+ testToLuaPartialTableBindings = {
+ expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { "x.y" = 42; };
+ expected = ''
+ x.y = 42
+ '';
+ };
+ testToLuaIndentedBindings = {
+ expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; indent = " "; } { x = { y = 42; }; };
+ expected = " x = {\n [\"y\"] = 42\n }\n";
+ };
+ testToLuaBindingsWithSpace = testingThrow (
+ generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { "with space" = 42; }
+ );
+ testToLuaBindingsWithLeadingDigit = testingThrow (
+ generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { "11eleven" = 42; }
+ );
+ testToLuaBasicExample = {
+ expr = generators.toLua {} {
+ cmd = [ "typescript-language-server" "--stdio" ];
+ settings.workspace.library = generators.mkLuaInline ''vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true)'';
+ };
+ expected = ''
+ {
+ ["cmd"] = {
+ "typescript-language-server",
+ "--stdio"
+ },
+ ["settings"] = {
+ ["workspace"] = {
+ ["library"] = (vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true))
+ }
+ }
+ }'';
+ };
+# CLI
+ testToGNUCommandLine = {
+ expr = cli.toGNUCommandLine {} {
+ data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
+ X = "PUT";
+ retry = 3;
+ retry-delay = null;
+ url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
+ silent = false;
+ verbose = true;
+ };
+ expected = [
+ "-X" "PUT"
+ "--data" "{\"id\":0}"
+ "--retry" "3"
+ "--url" "https://example.com/foo"
+ "--url" "https://example.com/bar"
+ "--verbose"
+ ];
+ };
+ testToGNUCommandLineShell = {
+ expr = cli.toGNUCommandLineShell {} {
+ data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
+ X = "PUT";
+ retry = 3;
+ retry-delay = null;
+ url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
+ silent = false;
+ verbose = true;
+ };
+ expected = "'-X' 'PUT' '--data' '{\"id\":0}' '--retry' '3' '--url' 'https://example.com/foo' '--url' 'https://example.com/bar' '--verbose'";
+ };
+ testSanitizeDerivationNameLeadingDots = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+ name = "..foo";
+ expected = "foo";
+ };
+ testSanitizeDerivationNameUnicode = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+ name = "fö";
+ expected = "f-";
+ };
+ testSanitizeDerivationNameAscii = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+ name = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
+ expected = "-+--.-0123456789-=-?-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-";
+ };
+ testSanitizeDerivationNameTooLong = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+ name = "This string is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong";
+ expected = "loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong";
+ };
+ testSanitizeDerivationNameTooLongWithInvalid = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+ name = "Hello there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&&&&&&&";
+ expected = "there-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-";
+ };
+ testSanitizeDerivationNameEmpty = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+ name = "";
+ expected = "unknown";
+ };
+ testFreeformOptions = {
+ expr =
+ let
+ submodule = { lib, ... }: {
+ freeformType = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
+ options.bar = lib.mkOption {};
+ });
+ options.bar = lib.mkOption {};
+ };
+ module = { lib, ... }: {
+ options.foo = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.submodule submodule;
+ };
+ };
+ options = (evalModules {
+ modules = [ module ];
+ }).options;
+ locs = filter (o: ! o.internal) (optionAttrSetToDocList options);
+ in map (o: o.loc) locs;
+ expected = [ [ "_module" "args" ] [ "foo" ] [ "foo" "<name>" "bar" ] [ "foo" "bar" ] ];
+ };
+ testCartesianProductOfEmptySet = {
+ expr = cartesianProductOfSets {};
+ expected = [ {} ];
+ };
+ testCartesianProductOfOneSet = {
+ expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 2 3 ]; };
+ expected = [ { a = 1; } { a = 2; } { a = 3; } ];
+ };
+ testCartesianProductOfTwoSets = {
+ expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; };
+ expected = [
+ { a = 1; b = 10; }
+ { a = 1; b = 20; }
+ ];
+ };
+ testCartesianProductOfTwoSetsWithOneEmpty = {
+ expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; };
+ expected = [ ];
+ };
+ testCartesianProductOfThreeSets = {
+ expr = cartesianProductOfSets {
+ a = [ 1 2 3 ];
+ b = [ 10 20 30 ];
+ c = [ 100 200 300 ];
+ };
+ expected = [
+ { a = 1; b = 10; c = 100; }
+ { a = 1; b = 10; c = 200; }
+ { a = 1; b = 10; c = 300; }
+ { a = 1; b = 20; c = 100; }
+ { a = 1; b = 20; c = 200; }
+ { a = 1; b = 20; c = 300; }
+ { a = 1; b = 30; c = 100; }
+ { a = 1; b = 30; c = 200; }
+ { a = 1; b = 30; c = 300; }
+ { a = 2; b = 10; c = 100; }
+ { a = 2; b = 10; c = 200; }
+ { a = 2; b = 10; c = 300; }
+ { a = 2; b = 20; c = 100; }
+ { a = 2; b = 20; c = 200; }
+ { a = 2; b = 20; c = 300; }
+ { a = 2; b = 30; c = 100; }
+ { a = 2; b = 30; c = 200; }
+ { a = 2; b = 30; c = 300; }
+ { a = 3; b = 10; c = 100; }
+ { a = 3; b = 10; c = 200; }
+ { a = 3; b = 10; c = 300; }
+ { a = 3; b = 20; c = 100; }
+ { a = 3; b = 20; c = 200; }
+ { a = 3; b = 20; c = 300; }
+ { a = 3; b = 30; c = 100; }
+ { a = 3; b = 30; c = 200; }
+ { a = 3; b = 30; c = 300; }
+ ];
+ };
+ # The example from the showAttrPath documentation
+ testShowAttrPathExample = {
+ expr = showAttrPath [ "foo" "10" "bar" ];
+ expected = "foo.\"10\".bar";
+ };
+ testShowAttrPathEmpty = {
+ expr = showAttrPath [];
+ expected = "<root attribute path>";
+ };
+ testShowAttrPathVarious = {
+ expr = showAttrPath [
+ "."
+ "foo"
+ "2"
+ "a2-b"
+ "_bc'de"
+ ];
+ expected = ''".".foo."2".a2-b._bc'de'';
+ };
+ testGroupBy = {
+ expr = groupBy (n: toString (mod n 5)) (range 0 16);
+ expected = {
+ "0" = [ 0 5 10 15 ];
+ "1" = [ 1 6 11 16 ];
+ "2" = [ 2 7 12 ];
+ "3" = [ 3 8 13 ];
+ "4" = [ 4 9 14 ];
+ };
+ };
+ testGroupBy' = {
+ expr = groupBy' builtins.add 0 (x: boolToString (x > 2)) [ 5 1 2 3 4 ];
+ expected = { false = 3; true = 12; };
+ };
+ # The example from the updateManyAttrsByPath documentation
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathExample = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
+ {
+ path = [ "a" "b" ];
+ update = old: { d = old.c; };
+ }
+ {
+ path = [ "a" "b" "c" ];
+ update = old: old + 1;
+ }
+ {
+ path = [ "x" "y" ];
+ update = old: "xy";
+ }
+ ] { a.b.c = 0; };
+ expected = { a = { b = { d = 1; }; }; x = { y = "xy"; }; };
+ };
+ # If there are no updates, the value is passed through
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathNone = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [] "something";
+ expected = "something";
+ };
+ # A single update to the root path is just like applying the function directly
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathSingleIncrement = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
+ {
+ path = [ ];
+ update = old: old + 1;
+ }
+ ] 0;
+ expected = 1;
+ };
+ # Multiple updates can be applied are done in order
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathMultipleIncrements = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
+ {
+ path = [ ];
+ update = old: old + "a";
+ }
+ {
+ path = [ ];
+ update = old: old + "b";
+ }
+ {
+ path = [ ];
+ update = old: old + "c";
+ }
+ ] "";
+ expected = "abc";
+ };
+ # If an update doesn't use the value, all previous updates are not evaluated
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathLazy = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
+ {
+ path = [ ];
+ update = old: old + throw "nope";
+ }
+ {
+ path = [ ];
+ update = old: "untainted";
+ }
+ ] (throw "start");
+ expected = "untainted";
+ };
+ # Deeply nested attributes can be updated without affecting others
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathDeep = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
+ {
+ path = [ "a" "b" "c" ];
+ update = old: old + 1;
+ }
+ ] {
+ a.b.c = 0;
+ a.b.z = 0;
+ a.y.z = 0;
+ x.y.z = 0;
+ };
+ expected = {
+ a.b.c = 1;
+ a.b.z = 0;
+ a.y.z = 0;
+ x.y.z = 0;
+ };
+ };
+ # Nested attributes are updated first
+ testUpdateManyAttrsByPathNestedBeforehand = {
+ expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
+ {
+ path = [ "a" ];
+ update = old: old // { x = old.b; };
+ }
+ {
+ path = [ "a" "b" ];
+ update = old: old + 1;
+ }
+ ] {
+ a.b = 0;
+ };
+ expected = {
+ a.b = 1;
+ a.x = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ ## Levenshtein distance functions and co.
+ testCommonPrefixLengthEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "" "hello";
+ expected = 0;
+ };
+ testCommonPrefixLengthSame = {
+ expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "hello" "hello";
+ expected = 5;
+ };
+ testCommonPrefixLengthDiffering = {
+ expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "hello" "hey";
+ expected = 2;
+ };
+ testCommonSuffixLengthEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "" "hello";
+ expected = 0;
+ };
+ testCommonSuffixLengthSame = {
+ expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "hello" "hello";
+ expected = 5;
+ };
+ testCommonSuffixLengthDiffering = {
+ expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "test" "rest";
+ expected = 3;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.levenshtein "" "";
+ expected = 0;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinOnlyAdd = {
+ expr = strings.levenshtein "" "hello there";
+ expected = 11;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinOnlyRemove = {
+ expr = strings.levenshtein "hello there" "";
+ expected = 11;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinOnlyTransform = {
+ expr = strings.levenshtein "abcdef" "ghijkl";
+ expected = 6;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinMixed = {
+ expr = strings.levenshtein "kitchen" "sitting";
+ expected = 5;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostZeroFalse = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "boo";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostZeroTrue = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "foo";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostOneFalse = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 1 "car" "ct";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostOneTrue = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 1 "car" "cr";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ # We test levenshteinAtMost 2 particularly well because it uses a complicated
+ # implementation
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsEmpty = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "" "";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsZero = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "abcdef";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsOne = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "abddef";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0False = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "aczyef";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0Outer = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zbcdez";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0DelLeft = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bcdefz";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0DelRight = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zabcde";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1False = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bddez";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1DelLeft = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bcdez";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1DelRight = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zbcde";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff2False = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "hxo";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff2True = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "heo";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff3 = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "ho";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostThreeFalse = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 3 "hello" "Holla!";
+ expected = false;
+ };
+ testLevenshteinAtMostThreeTrue = {
+ expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 3 "hello" "Holla";
+ expected = true;
+ };
+ # lazyDerivation
+ testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForAttrNames = {
+ expr = attrNames (lazyDerivation {
+ derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
+ });
+ # It's ok to add attribute names here when lazyDerivation is improved
+ # in accordance with its inline comments.
+ expected = [ "drvPath" "meta" "name" "out" "outPath" "outputName" "outputs" "system" "type" ];
+ };
+ testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForPassthruAttr = {
+ expr = (lazyDerivation {
+ derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
+ passthru.tests = "whatever is in tests";
+ }).tests;
+ expected = "whatever is in tests";
+ };
+ testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForPassthruAttr2 = {
+ # passthru.tests is not a special case. It works for any attr.
+ expr = (lazyDerivation {
+ derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
+ passthru.foo = "whatever is in foo";
+ }).foo;
+ expected = "whatever is in foo";
+ };
+ testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForMeta = {
+ expr = (lazyDerivation {
+ derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
+ meta = "whatever is in meta";
+ }).meta;
+ expected = "whatever is in meta";
+ };
+ testLazyDerivationReturnsDerivationAttrs = let
+ derivation = {
+ type = "derivation";
+ outputs = ["out"];
+ out = "test out";
+ outPath = "test outPath";
+ outputName = "out";
+ drvPath = "test drvPath";
+ name = "test name";
+ system = "test system";
+ meta = "test meta";
+ };
+ in {
+ expr = lazyDerivation { inherit derivation; };
+ expected = derivation;
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionInt = {
+ expr = (with types; int).description;
+ expected = "signed integer";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionListOfInt = {
+ expr = (with types; listOf int).description;
+ expected = "list of signed integer";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionListOfListOfInt = {
+ expr = (with types; listOf (listOf int)).description;
+ expected = "list of list of signed integer";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionListOfEitherStrOrBool = {
+ expr = (with types; listOf (either str bool)).description;
+ expected = "list of (string or boolean)";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherListOfStrOrBool = {
+ expr = (with types; either (listOf bool) str).description;
+ expected = "(list of boolean) or string";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherStrOrListOfBool = {
+ expr = (with types; either str (listOf bool)).description;
+ expected = "string or list of boolean";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionOneOfListOfStrOrBool = {
+ expr = (with types; oneOf [ (listOf bool) str ]).description;
+ expected = "(list of boolean) or string";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionOneOfListOfStrOrBoolOrNumber = {
+ expr = (with types; oneOf [ (listOf bool) str number ]).description;
+ expected = "(list of boolean) or string or signed integer or floating point number";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherListOfBoolOrEitherStringOrNumber = {
+ expr = (with types; either (listOf bool) (either str number)).description;
+ expected = "(list of boolean) or string or signed integer or floating point number";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherEitherListOfBoolOrStringOrNumber = {
+ expr = (with types; either (either (listOf bool) str) number).description;
+ expected = "(list of boolean) or string or signed integer or floating point number";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherNullOrBoolOrString = {
+ expr = (with types; either (nullOr bool) str).description;
+ expected = "null or boolean or string";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherListOfEitherBoolOrStrOrInt = {
+ expr = (with types; either (listOf (either bool str)) int).description;
+ expected = "(list of (boolean or string)) or signed integer";
+ };
+ testTypeDescriptionEitherIntOrListOrEitherBoolOrStr = {
+ expr = (with types; either int (listOf (either bool str))).description;
+ expected = "signed integer or list of (boolean or string)";
+ };