# User profile link A symbolic link to the user's current profile. - `~/.nix-profile` - `$XDG_STATE_HOME/nix/profile` if [`use-xdg-base-directories`] is set to `true`. By default, this symlink points to: - `$XDG_STATE_HOME/nix/profiles/default` for regular users - `$NIX_STATE_DIR/profiles/per-user/root/profile` for `root` The `PATH` environment variable should include `/bin` subdirectory of the profile link (e.g. `~/.nix-profile/bin`) for the user environment to be visible to the user. The [installer](@docroot@/installation/installing-binary.md) sets this up by default. [`use-xdg-base-directories`]: @docroot@/command-ref/conf-file.md#conf-use-xdg-base-directories