#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef READLINE #include #include #else // editline < 1.15.2 don't wrap their API for C++ usage // (added in https://github.com/troglobit/editline/commit/91398ceb3427b730995357e9d120539fb9bb7461). // This results in linker errors due to to name-mangling of editline C symbols. // For compatibility with these versions, we wrap the API here // (wrapping multiple times on newer versions is no problem). extern "C" { #include } #endif #include "signals.hh" #include "finally.hh" #include "repl-interacter.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "repl.hh" namespace nix { namespace { // Used to communicate to NixRepl::getLine whether a signal occurred in ::readline. volatile sig_atomic_t g_signal_received = 0; void sigintHandler(int signo) { g_signal_received = signo; } }; static detail::ReplCompleterMixin * curRepl; // ugly static char * completionCallback(char * s, int * match) { auto possible = curRepl->completePrefix(s); if (possible.size() == 1) { *match = 1; auto * res = strdup(possible.begin()->c_str() + strlen(s)); if (!res) throw Error("allocation failure"); return res; } else if (possible.size() > 1) { auto checkAllHaveSameAt = [&](size_t pos) { auto & first = *possible.begin(); for (auto & p : possible) { if (p.size() <= pos || p[pos] != first[pos]) return false; } return true; }; size_t start = strlen(s); size_t len = 0; while (checkAllHaveSameAt(start + len)) ++len; if (len > 0) { *match = 1; auto * res = strdup(std::string(*possible.begin(), start, len).c_str()); if (!res) throw Error("allocation failure"); return res; } } *match = 0; return nullptr; } static int listPossibleCallback(char * s, char *** avp) { auto possible = curRepl->completePrefix(s); if (possible.size() > (INT_MAX / sizeof(char *))) throw Error("too many completions"); int ac = 0; char ** vp = nullptr; auto check = [&](auto * p) { if (!p) { if (vp) { while (--ac >= 0) free(vp[ac]); free(vp); } throw Error("allocation failure"); } return p; }; vp = check((char **) malloc(possible.size() * sizeof(char *))); for (auto & p : possible) vp[ac++] = check(strdup(p.c_str())); *avp = vp; return ac; } ReadlineLikeInteracter::Guard ReadlineLikeInteracter::init(detail::ReplCompleterMixin * repl) { // Allow nix-repl specific settings in .inputrc rl_readline_name = "nix-repl"; try { createDirs(dirOf(historyFile)); } catch (SysError & e) { logWarning(e.info()); } #ifndef READLINE el_hist_size = 1000; #endif read_history(historyFile.c_str()); auto oldRepl = curRepl; curRepl = repl; Guard restoreRepl([oldRepl] { curRepl = oldRepl; }); #ifndef READLINE rl_set_complete_func(completionCallback); rl_set_list_possib_func(listPossibleCallback); #endif return restoreRepl; } static constexpr const char * promptForType(ReplPromptType promptType) { switch (promptType) { case ReplPromptType::ReplPrompt: return "nix-repl> "; case ReplPromptType::ContinuationPrompt: return " "; } assert(false); } bool ReadlineLikeInteracter::getLine(std::string & input, ReplPromptType promptType) { struct sigaction act, old; sigset_t savedSignalMask, set; auto setupSignals = [&]() { act.sa_handler = sigintHandler; sigfillset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &old)) throw SysError("installing handler for SIGINT"); sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, &savedSignalMask)) throw SysError("unblocking SIGINT"); }; auto restoreSignals = [&]() { if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &savedSignalMask, nullptr)) throw SysError("restoring signals"); if (sigaction(SIGINT, &old, 0)) throw SysError("restoring handler for SIGINT"); }; setupSignals(); char * s = readline(promptForType(promptType)); Finally doFree([&]() { free(s); }); restoreSignals(); if (g_signal_received) { g_signal_received = 0; input.clear(); return true; } if (!s) return false; this->writeHistory(); input += s; input += '\n'; return true; } void ReadlineLikeInteracter::writeHistory() { int ret = write_history(historyFile.c_str()); int writeHistErr = errno; if (ret == 0) { return; } // If the open fails, editline returns EOF. If the close fails, editline // forwards the return value of fclose(), which is EOF on error. // readline however, returns the errno. // So if we didn't get exactly EOF, then consider the return value the error // code; otherwise use the errno we saved above. // https://github.com/troglobit/editline/issues/66 if (ret != EOF) { writeHistErr = ret; } // In any of these cases, we should explicitly ignore the error, but log // them so the user isn't confused why their history is getting eaten. std::string_view const errMsg(std::strerror(writeHistErr)); warn("ignoring error writing repl history to %s: %s", this->historyFile, errMsg); } ReadlineLikeInteracter::~ReadlineLikeInteracter() { this->writeHistory(); } AutomationInteracter::Guard AutomationInteracter::init(detail::ReplCompleterMixin *) { return Guard([] {}); } // ASCII ENQ character constexpr const char * automationPrompt = "\x05"; bool AutomationInteracter::getLine(std::string & input, ReplPromptType promptType) { std::cout << std::unitbuf; std::cout << automationPrompt; if (!std::getline(std::cin, input)) { // reset failure bits on EOF std::cin.clear(); return false; } return true; } };