#include #include #include #include "escape-string.hh" #include "print.hh" #include "ansicolor.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "english.hh" #include "signals.hh" #include "eval.hh" namespace nix { std::ostream & printLiteralBool(std::ostream & str, bool boolean) { str << (boolean ? "true" : "false"); return str; } // Returns `true' is a string is a reserved keyword which requires quotation // when printing attribute set field names. // // This list should generally be kept in sync with `./lexer.l'. // You can test if a keyword needs to be added by running: // $ nix eval --expr '{ = 1; }' // For example `or' doesn't need to be quoted. bool isReservedKeyword(const std::string_view str) { static const std::unordered_set reservedKeywords = { "if", "then", "else", "assert", "with", "let", "in", "rec", "inherit" }; return reservedKeywords.contains(str); } std::ostream & printIdentifier(std::ostream & str, std::string_view s) { if (s.empty()) str << "\"\""; else if (isReservedKeyword(s)) str << '"' << s << '"'; else { char c = s[0]; if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_')) { escapeString(str, s); return str; } for (auto c : s) if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || c == '\'' || c == '-')) { escapeString(str, s); return str; } str << s; } return str; } static bool isVarName(std::string_view s) { if (s.size() == 0) return false; if (isReservedKeyword(s)) return false; char c = s[0]; if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '\'') return false; for (auto & i : s) if (!((i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') || (i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') || (i >= '0' && i <= '9') || i == '_' || i == '-' || i == '\'')) return false; return true; } std::ostream & printAttributeName(std::ostream & str, std::string_view name) { if (isVarName(name)) str << name; else escapeString(str, name); return str; } bool isImportantAttrName(const std::string& attrName) { return attrName == "type" || attrName == "_type"; } typedef std::pair AttrPair; struct ImportantFirstAttrNameCmp { bool operator()(const AttrPair& lhs, const AttrPair& rhs) const { auto lhsIsImportant = isImportantAttrName(lhs.first); auto rhsIsImportant = isImportantAttrName(rhs.first); return std::forward_as_tuple(!lhsIsImportant, lhs.first) < std::forward_as_tuple(!rhsIsImportant, rhs.first); } }; typedef std::set ValuesSeen; typedef std::vector> AttrVec; class Printer { private: std::ostream & output; EvalState & state; PrintOptions options; std::optional seen; size_t attrsPrinted = 0; size_t listItemsPrinted = 0; std::string indent; void increaseIndent() { if (options.shouldPrettyPrint()) { indent.append(options.prettyIndent, ' '); } } void decreaseIndent() { if (options.shouldPrettyPrint()) { assert(indent.size() >= options.prettyIndent); indent.resize(indent.size() - options.prettyIndent); } } /** * Print a space (for separating items or attributes). * * If pretty-printing is enabled, a newline and the current `indent` is * printed instead. */ void printSpace(bool prettyPrint) { if (prettyPrint) { output << "\n" << indent; } else { output << " "; } } void printRepeated() { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_MAGENTA; output << "«repeated»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printNullptr() { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_MAGENTA; output << "«nullptr»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printElided(unsigned int value, const std::string_view single, const std::string_view plural) { ::nix::printElided(output, value, single, plural, options.ansiColors); } void printInt(Value & v) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_CYAN; output << v.integer; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printFloat(Value & v) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_CYAN; output << v.fpoint; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printBool(Value & v) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_CYAN; printLiteralBool(output, v.boolean); if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printString(Value & v) { escapeString( output, v.string.s, { .maxLength = options.maxStringLength, .outputAnsiColors = options.ansiColors, // NB: Non-printing characters won't be escaped. } ); } void printPath(Value & v) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_GREEN; output << v.path().to_string(); // !!! escaping? if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printNull() { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_CYAN; output << "null"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printDerivation(Value & v) { Bindings::iterator i = v.attrs->find(state.sDrvPath); NixStringContext context; std::string storePath; if (i != v.attrs->end()) storePath = state.store->printStorePath(state.coerceToStorePath(i->pos, *i->value, context, "while evaluating the drvPath of a derivation")); if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_GREEN; output << "«derivation"; if (!storePath.empty()) { output << " " << storePath; } output << "»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } bool shouldPrettyPrintAttrs(AttrVec & v) { if (!options.shouldPrettyPrint() || v.empty()) { return false; } // Pretty-print attrsets with more than one item. if (v.size() > 1) { return true; } auto item = v[0].second; if (!item) { return true; } // Pretty-print single-item attrsets only if they contain nested // structures. auto itemType = item->type(); return itemType == nList || itemType == nAttrs || itemType == nThunk; } void printAttrs(Value & v, size_t depth) { if (seen && !seen->insert(v.attrs).second) { printRepeated(); return; } if (options.force && options.derivationPaths && state.isDerivation(v)) { printDerivation(v); } else if (depth < options.maxDepth) { increaseIndent(); output << "{"; AttrVec sorted; for (auto & i : *v.attrs) sorted.emplace_back(std::pair(state.symbols[i.name], i.value)); if (options.maxAttrs == std::numeric_limits::max()) std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end()); else std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), ImportantFirstAttrNameCmp()); auto prettyPrint = shouldPrettyPrintAttrs(sorted); size_t printedHere = 0; for (auto & i : sorted) { printSpace(prettyPrint); if (attrsPrinted >= options.maxAttrs) { printElided(sorted.size() - printedHere, "attribute", "attributes"); break; } printAttributeName(output, i.first); output << " = "; print(*i.second, depth + 1); output << ";"; attrsPrinted++; printedHere++; } decreaseIndent(); printSpace(prettyPrint); output << "}"; } else { output << "{ ... }"; } } bool shouldPrettyPrintList(std::span list) { if (!options.shouldPrettyPrint() || list.empty()) { return false; } // Pretty-print lists with more than one item. if (list.size() > 1) { return true; } auto item = list[0]; if (!item) { return true; } // Pretty-print single-item lists only if they contain nested // structures. auto itemType = item->type(); return itemType == nList || itemType == nAttrs || itemType == nThunk; } void printList(Value & v, size_t depth) { if (seen && v.listSize() && !seen->insert(&v).second) { printRepeated(); return; } if (depth < options.maxDepth) { increaseIndent(); output << "["; auto listItems = v.listItems(); auto prettyPrint = shouldPrettyPrintList(listItems); size_t printedHere = 0; for (auto elem : listItems) { printSpace(prettyPrint); if (listItemsPrinted >= options.maxListItems) { printElided(v.listSize() - printedHere, "item", "items"); break; } if (elem) { print(*elem, depth + 1); } else { printNullptr(); } listItemsPrinted++; printedHere++; } decreaseIndent(); printSpace(prettyPrint); output << "]"; } else { output << "[ ... ]"; } } void printFunction(Value & v) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_BLUE; output << "«"; if (v.isLambda()) { output << "lambda"; if (v.lambda.fun) { if (v.lambda.fun->name) { output << " " << state.symbols[v.lambda.fun->name]; } std::ostringstream s; s << state.positions[v.lambda.fun->pos]; output << " @ " << filterANSIEscapes(s.str()); } } else if (v.isPrimOp()) { if (v.primOp) output << *v.primOp; else output << "primop"; } else if (v.isPrimOpApp()) { output << "partially applied "; auto primOp = v.primOpAppPrimOp(); if (primOp) output << *primOp; else output << "primop"; } else { abort(); } output << "»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printThunk(Value & v) { if (v.isBlackhole()) { // Although we know for sure that it's going to be an infinite recursion // when this value is accessed _in the current context_, it's likely // that the user will misinterpret a simpler «infinite recursion» output // as a definitive statement about the value, while in fact it may be // a valid value after `builtins.trace` and perhaps some other steps // have completed. if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_RED; output << "«potential infinite recursion»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } else if (v.isThunk() || v.isApp()) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_MAGENTA; output << "«thunk»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } else { abort(); } } void printExternal(Value & v) { v.external->print(output); } void printUnknown() { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_RED; output << "«unknown»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void printError_(Error & e) { if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_RED; output << "«error: " << filterANSIEscapes(e.info().msg.str(), true) << "»"; if (options.ansiColors) output << ANSI_NORMAL; } void print(Value & v, size_t depth) { output.flush(); checkInterrupt(); try { if (options.force) { state.forceValue(v, v.determinePos(noPos)); } switch (v.type()) { case nInt: printInt(v); break; case nFloat: printFloat(v); break; case nBool: printBool(v); break; case nString: printString(v); break; case nPath: printPath(v); break; case nNull: printNull(); break; case nAttrs: printAttrs(v, depth); break; case nList: printList(v, depth); break; case nFunction: printFunction(v); break; case nThunk: printThunk(v); break; case nExternal: printExternal(v); break; default: printUnknown(); break; } } catch (Error & e) { if (options.errors == ErrorPrintBehavior::Throw || (options.errors == ErrorPrintBehavior::ThrowTopLevel && depth == 0)) { throw; } printError_(e); } } public: Printer(std::ostream & output, EvalState & state, PrintOptions options) : output(output), state(state), options(options) { } void print(Value & v) { attrsPrinted = 0; listItemsPrinted = 0; indent.clear(); if (options.trackRepeated) { seen.emplace(); } else { seen.reset(); } ValuesSeen seen; print(v, 0); } }; void printValue(EvalState & state, std::ostream & output, Value & v, PrintOptions options) { Printer(output, state, options).print(v); } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & output, const ValuePrinter & printer) { printValue(printer.state, output, printer.value, printer.options); return output; } template<> fmt_internal::HintFmt & fmt_internal::HintFmt::operator%(const ValuePrinter & value) { fmt % value; return *this; } }