#include "worker.hh" #include "substitution-goal.hh" #include "nar-info.hh" #include "signals.hh" #include "finally.hh" namespace nix { PathSubstitutionGoal::PathSubstitutionGoal(const StorePath & storePath, Worker & worker, RepairFlag repair, std::optional ca) : Goal(worker, DerivedPath::Opaque { storePath }) , storePath(storePath) , repair(repair) , ca(ca) { state = &PathSubstitutionGoal::init; name = fmt("substitution of '%s'", worker.store.printStorePath(this->storePath)); trace("created"); maintainExpectedSubstitutions = std::make_unique>(worker.expectedSubstitutions); } PathSubstitutionGoal::~PathSubstitutionGoal() { cleanup(); } Goal::Finished PathSubstitutionGoal::done( ExitCode result, BuildResult::Status status, std::optional errorMsg) { buildResult.status = status; if (errorMsg) { debug(*errorMsg); buildResult.errorMsg = *errorMsg; } return Finished{result}; } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::work() { return (this->*state)(); } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::init() { trace("init"); worker.store.addTempRoot(storePath); /* If the path already exists we're done. */ if (!repair && worker.store.isValidPath(storePath)) { return done(ecSuccess, BuildResult::AlreadyValid); } if (settings.readOnlyMode) throw Error("cannot substitute path '%s' - no write access to the Nix store", worker.store.printStorePath(storePath)); subs = settings.useSubstitutes ? getDefaultSubstituters() : std::list>(); return tryNext(); } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::tryNext() { trace("trying next substituter"); cleanup(); if (subs.size() == 0) { /* None left. Terminate this goal and let someone else deal with it. */ if (substituterFailed) { worker.failedSubstitutions++; } /* Hack: don't indicate failure if there were no substituters. In that case the calling derivation should just do a build. */ return done( substituterFailed ? ecFailed : ecNoSubstituters, BuildResult::NoSubstituters, fmt("path '%s' is required, but there is no substituter that can build it", worker.store.printStorePath(storePath))); } sub = subs.front(); subs.pop_front(); if (ca) { subPath = sub->makeFixedOutputPathFromCA( std::string { storePath.name() }, ContentAddressWithReferences::withoutRefs(*ca)); if (sub->storeDir == worker.store.storeDir) assert(subPath == storePath); } else if (sub->storeDir != worker.store.storeDir) { return tryNext(); } try { // FIXME: make async info = sub->queryPathInfo(subPath ? *subPath : storePath); } catch (InvalidPath &) { return tryNext(); } catch (SubstituterDisabled &) { if (settings.tryFallback) { return tryNext(); } throw; } catch (Error & e) { if (settings.tryFallback) { logError(e.info()); return tryNext(); } throw; } if (info->path != storePath) { if (info->isContentAddressed(*sub) && info->references.empty()) { auto info2 = std::make_shared(*info); info2->path = storePath; info = info2; } else { printError("asked '%s' for '%s' but got '%s'", sub->getUri(), worker.store.printStorePath(storePath), sub->printStorePath(info->path)); return tryNext(); } } /* Update the total expected download size. */ auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(info); maintainExpectedNar = std::make_unique>(worker.expectedNarSize, info->narSize); maintainExpectedDownload = narInfo && narInfo->fileSize ? std::make_unique>(worker.expectedDownloadSize, narInfo->fileSize) : nullptr; /* Bail out early if this substituter lacks a valid signature. LocalStore::addToStore() also checks for this, but only after we've downloaded the path. */ if (!sub->isTrusted && worker.store.pathInfoIsUntrusted(*info)) { warn("ignoring substitute for '%s' from '%s', as it's not signed by any of the keys in 'trusted-public-keys'", worker.store.printStorePath(storePath), sub->getUri()); return tryNext(); } /* To maintain the closure invariant, we first have to realise the paths referenced by this one. */ WaitForGoals result; for (auto & i : info->references) if (i != storePath) /* ignore self-references */ result.goals.insert(worker.makePathSubstitutionGoal(i)); if (result.goals.empty()) {/* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */ return referencesValid(); } else { state = &PathSubstitutionGoal::referencesValid; return result; } } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::referencesValid() { trace("all references realised"); if (nrFailed > 0) { return done( nrNoSubstituters > 0 || nrIncompleteClosure > 0 ? ecIncompleteClosure : ecFailed, BuildResult::DependencyFailed, fmt("some references of path '%s' could not be realised", worker.store.printStorePath(storePath))); } for (auto & i : info->references) if (i != storePath) /* ignore self-references */ assert(worker.store.isValidPath(i)); state = &PathSubstitutionGoal::tryToRun; return ContinueImmediately{}; } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::tryToRun() { trace("trying to run"); /* Make sure that we are allowed to start a substitution. Note that even if maxSubstitutionJobs == 0, we still allow a substituter to run. This prevents infinite waiting. */ if (worker.getNrSubstitutions() >= std::max(1U, (unsigned int) settings.maxSubstitutionJobs)) { return WaitForSlot{}; } maintainRunningSubstitutions = std::make_unique>(worker.runningSubstitutions); outPipe.create(); thr = std::async(std::launch::async, [this]() { auto & fetchPath = subPath ? *subPath : storePath; try { ReceiveInterrupts receiveInterrupts; /* Wake up the worker loop when we're done. */ Finally updateStats([this]() { outPipe.writeSide.close(); }); Activity act(*logger, actSubstitute, Logger::Fields{worker.store.printStorePath(storePath), sub->getUri()}); PushActivity pact(act.id); copyStorePath( *sub, worker.store, fetchPath, repair, sub->isTrusted ? NoCheckSigs : CheckSigs ); } catch (const EndOfFile &) { throw EndOfFile( "NAR for '%s' fetched from '%s' is incomplete", sub->printStorePath(fetchPath), sub->getUri() ); } }); worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), {outPipe.readSide.get()}, true, false); state = &PathSubstitutionGoal::finished; return StillAlive{}; } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::finished() { trace("substitute finished"); worker.childTerminated(this); try { thr.get(); } catch (std::exception & e) { printError(e.what()); /* Cause the parent build to fail unless --fallback is given, or the substitute has disappeared. The latter case behaves the same as the substitute never having existed in the first place. */ try { throw; } catch (SubstituteGone &) { } catch (...) { substituterFailed = true; } /* Try the next substitute. */ state = &PathSubstitutionGoal::tryNext; return ContinueImmediately{}; } worker.markContentsGood(storePath); printMsg(lvlChatty, "substitution of path '%s' succeeded", worker.store.printStorePath(storePath)); maintainRunningSubstitutions.reset(); maintainExpectedSubstitutions.reset(); worker.doneSubstitutions++; if (maintainExpectedDownload) { auto fileSize = maintainExpectedDownload->delta; maintainExpectedDownload.reset(); worker.doneDownloadSize += fileSize; } worker.doneNarSize += maintainExpectedNar->delta; maintainExpectedNar.reset(); return done(ecSuccess, BuildResult::Substituted); } Goal::WorkResult PathSubstitutionGoal::handleChildOutput(int fd, std::string_view data) { return StillAlive{}; } void PathSubstitutionGoal::cleanup() { try { if (thr.valid()) { // FIXME: signal worker thread to quit. thr.get(); worker.childTerminated(this); } outPipe.close(); } catch (...) { ignoreException(); } } }