path: root/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/loader.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'stockton-render/src/draw/texture/loader.rs')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/loader.rs b/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/loader.rs
index 0cfe0c3..33025a6 100644
--- a/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/loader.rs
+++ b/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/loader.rs
@@ -15,284 +15,357 @@
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! Deals with loading textures into GPU memory
+//! Manages the loading/unloading of textures
-use super::chunk::TextureChunk;
-use crate::draw::texture::chunk::CHUNK_SIZE;
-use crate::draw::texture::image::LoadableImage;
-use crate::draw::texture::resolver::BasicFSResolver;
-use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
-use std::path::Path;
+use super::{block::TexturesBlock, load::QueuedLoad, resolver::TextureResolver, LoadableImage};
+use crate::{draw::utils::find_memory_type_id, types::*};
-use log::debug;
+use std::{
+ collections::VecDeque,
+ marker::PhantomData,
+ mem::ManuallyDrop,
+ sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender},
+ thread::sleep,
+ time::Duration,
-use hal::prelude::*;
+use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
+use hal::{
+ format::Format, memory::Properties as MemProps, prelude::*, queue::family::QueueFamilyId,
+ MemoryTypeId,
+use log::*;
+use rendy_memory::DynamicConfig;
+use stockton_levels::prelude::HasTextures;
-use stockton_levels::prelude::*;
+/// The number of command buffers to have in flight simultaneously.
+pub const NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_CMDS: usize = 2;
-use crate::error;
-use crate::types::*;
+/// A reference to a texture of the current map
+pub type BlockRef = usize;
-/// Stores all loaded textures in GPU memory.
-/// When rendering, the descriptor sets are bound to the buffer
-/// The descriptor set layout should have the same count of textures as this does.
-/// All descriptors will be properly initialised images.
-pub struct TextureStore {
- descriptor_pool: ManuallyDrop<DescriptorPool>,
- pub(crate) descriptor_set_layout: ManuallyDrop<DescriptorSetLayout>,
- chunks: Box<[TextureChunk]>,
+/// Manages the loading/unloading of textures
+/// This is expected to load the textures, then send the loaded blocks back
+pub struct TextureLoader<'a, T, R, I> {
+ /// Handle to the device we're using
+ pub(crate) device: &'a mut Device,
+ /// Blocks for which commands have been queued and are done loading once the fence is triggered.
+ pub(crate) commands_queued: ArrayVec<[QueuedLoad<DynamicBlock>; NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_CMDS]>,
+ /// The command buffers used and a fence to go with them
+ pub(crate) buffers: VecDeque<(Fence, CommandBuffer)>,
+ /// The command pool buffers were allocated from
+ pub(crate) pool: ManuallyDrop<CommandPool>,
+ /// The GPU we're submitting to
+ pub(crate) gpu: ManuallyDrop<Gpu>,
+ /// The index of the command queue being used
+ pub(crate) cmd_queue_idx: usize,
+ /// The memory allocator being used for textures
+ pub(crate) tex_allocator: ManuallyDrop<DynamicAllocator>,
+ /// The memory allocator for staging memory
+ pub(crate) staging_allocator: ManuallyDrop<DynamicAllocator>,
+ /// Allocator for descriptor sets
+ pub(crate) descriptor_allocator: ManuallyDrop<DescriptorAllocator>,
+ pub(crate) ds_layout: &'a DescriptorSetLayout,
+ /// Type ID for staging memory
+ pub(crate) staging_memory_type: MemoryTypeId,
+ /// From adapter, used for determining alignment
+ pub(crate) optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ /// The textures lump to get info from
+ pub(crate) textures: &'a T,
+ /// The resolver which gets image data for a given texture.
+ pub(crate) resolver: R,
+ /// The channel requests come in.
+ /// Requests should reference a texture **block**, for example textures 8..16 is block 1.
+ pub(crate) request_channel: Receiver<LoaderRequest>,
+ /// The channel blocks are returned to.
+ pub(crate) return_channel: Sender<TexturesBlock<DynamicBlock>>,
+ pub(crate) _li: PhantomData<I>,
-impl TextureStore {
- pub fn new_empty(
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &mut Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- size: usize,
- ) -> Result<TextureStore, error::CreationError> {
- // Figure out how many textures in this file / how many chunks needed
- let num_chunks = {
- let mut x = size / CHUNK_SIZE;
- if size % CHUNK_SIZE != 0 {
- x += 1;
- }
- x
- };
- let rounded_size = num_chunks * CHUNK_SIZE;
- // Descriptor pool, where we get our sets from
- let mut descriptor_pool = unsafe {
- use hal::pso::{DescriptorPoolCreateFlags, DescriptorRangeDesc, DescriptorType};
- device
- .create_descriptor_pool(
- num_chunks,
- &[
- DescriptorRangeDesc {
- ty: DescriptorType::SampledImage,
- count: rounded_size,
- },
- DescriptorRangeDesc {
- ty: DescriptorType::Sampler,
- count: rounded_size,
- },
- ],
- DescriptorPoolCreateFlags::empty(),
- )
- .map_err(|e| {
- println!("{:?}", e);
- error::CreationError::OutOfMemoryError
- })?
- };
+impl<'a, T: HasTextures, R: TextureResolver<I>, I: LoadableImage> TextureLoader<'a, T, R, I> {
+ pub fn loop_forever(mut self) -> Result<TextureLoaderRemains, &'static str> {
+ debug!("TextureLoader starting main loop");
+ let mut res = Ok(());
+ while res.is_ok() {
+ res = self.main();
+ sleep(Duration::from_secs(0));
+ }
- // Layout of our descriptor sets
- let descriptor_set_layout = unsafe {
- use hal::pso::{DescriptorSetLayoutBinding, DescriptorType, ShaderStageFlags};
- device.create_descriptor_set_layout(
- &[
- DescriptorSetLayoutBinding {
- binding: 0,
- ty: DescriptorType::SampledImage,
- count: CHUNK_SIZE,
- stage_flags: ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT,
- immutable_samplers: false,
- },
- DescriptorSetLayoutBinding {
- binding: 1,
- ty: DescriptorType::Sampler,
- count: CHUNK_SIZE,
- stage_flags: ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT,
- immutable_samplers: false,
- },
- ],
- &[],
- )
+ match res {
+ Err(r) => match r {
+ LoopEndReason::Graceful => {
+ debug!("Starting to deactivate TextureLoader");
+ Ok(self.deactivate())
+ }
+ LoopEndReason::Error(r) => Err(r),
+ },
+ Ok(_) => Err(""),
- .map_err(|_| error::CreationError::OutOfMemoryError)?;
- log::debug!("texture ds layout: {:?}", descriptor_set_layout);
- // Create texture chunks
- debug!("Starting to load textures...");
- let mut chunks = Vec::with_capacity(num_chunks);
- for i in 0..num_chunks {
- debug!("Chunk {} / {}", i + 1, num_chunks);
- let descriptor_set = unsafe {
- descriptor_pool
- .allocate_set(&descriptor_set_layout)
- .map_err(|_| error::CreationError::OutOfMemoryError)?
- };
- chunks.push(TextureChunk::new_empty(
- device,
- adapter,
- allocator,
- command_queue,
- command_pool,
- descriptor_set,
- )?);
+ }
+ fn main(&mut self) -> Result<(), LoopEndReason> {
+ // Check for blocks that are finished, then send them back
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < self.commands_queued.len() {
+ let signalled = unsafe { self.device.get_fence_status(&self.commands_queued[i].fence) }
+ .map_err(|_| LoopEndReason::Error("Device lost by TextureManager"))?;
+ if signalled {
+ let (assets, staging_bufs, block) = self.commands_queued.remove(i).dissolve();
+ debug!("Done loading texture block {:?}", block.id);
+ // Destroy staging buffers
+ staging_bufs
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|x| x.deactivate(self.device, &mut self.staging_allocator))
+ .for_each(|_| {});
+ self.buffers.push_back(assets);
+ self.return_channel.send(block).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ i += 1;
+ }
- debug!("All textures loaded.");
+ // Check for messages to start loading blocks
+ let req_iter: Vec<_> = self.request_channel.try_iter().collect();
+ for to_load in req_iter {
+ match to_load {
+ LoaderRequest::Load(to_load) => {
+ // Attempt to load given block
+ if let Some(queued_load) = unsafe { self.attempt_queue_load(to_load) } {
+ self.commands_queued.push(queued_load);
+ }
+ }
+ LoaderRequest::End => return Err(LoopEndReason::Graceful),
+ }
+ }
- Ok(TextureStore {
- descriptor_pool: ManuallyDrop::new(descriptor_pool),
- descriptor_set_layout: ManuallyDrop::new(descriptor_set_layout),
- chunks: chunks.into_boxed_slice(),
- })
+ Ok(())
- /// Create a new texture store for the given file, loading all textures from it.
- pub fn new<T: HasTextures>(
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &mut Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- file: &T,
- ) -> Result<TextureStore, error::CreationError> {
- // Figure out how many textures in this file / how many chunks needed
- let size = file.textures_iter().count();
- let num_chunks = {
- let mut x = size / CHUNK_SIZE;
- if size % CHUNK_SIZE != 0 {
- x += 1;
- }
- x
- };
- let rounded_size = num_chunks * CHUNK_SIZE;
- // Descriptor pool, where we get our sets from
- let mut descriptor_pool = unsafe {
- use hal::pso::{DescriptorPoolCreateFlags, DescriptorRangeDesc, DescriptorType};
- device
- .create_descriptor_pool(
- num_chunks,
- &[
- DescriptorRangeDesc {
- ty: DescriptorType::SampledImage,
- count: rounded_size,
- },
- DescriptorRangeDesc {
- ty: DescriptorType::Sampler,
- count: rounded_size,
- },
- ],
- DescriptorPoolCreateFlags::empty(),
+ pub fn new(
+ device: &'a mut Device,
+ adapter: &Adapter,
+ family: QueueFamilyId,
+ gpu: Gpu,
+ ds_layout: &'a DescriptorSetLayout,
+ request_channel: Receiver<LoaderRequest>,
+ return_channel: Sender<TexturesBlock<DynamicBlock>>,
+ texs: &'a T,
+ resolver: R,
+ ) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
+ // Pool
+ let mut pool = unsafe {
+ use hal::pool::CommandPoolCreateFlags;
+ device.create_command_pool(family, CommandPoolCreateFlags::RESET_INDIVIDUAL)
+ }
+ .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create command pool")?;
+ let type_mask = unsafe {
+ use hal::image::{Kind, Tiling, Usage, ViewCapabilities};
+ // We create an empty image with the same format as used for textures
+ // this is to get the type_mask required, which will stay the same for
+ // all colour images of the same tiling. (certain memory flags excluded).
+ // Size and alignment don't necessarily stay the same, so we're forced to
+ // guess at the alignment for our allocator.
+ // TODO: Way to tune these options
+ let img = device
+ .create_image(
+ Kind::D2(16, 16, 1, 1),
+ 1,
+ Format::Rgba8Srgb,
+ Tiling::Optimal,
+ Usage::SAMPLED,
+ ViewCapabilities::empty(),
- .map_err(|e| {
- println!("{:?}", e);
- error::CreationError::OutOfMemoryError
- })?
+ .map_err(|_| "Couldn't make image to get memory requirements")?;
+ let type_mask = device.get_image_requirements(&img).type_mask;
+ device.destroy_image(img);
+ type_mask
- // Layout of our descriptor sets
- let descriptor_set_layout = unsafe {
- use hal::pso::{DescriptorSetLayoutBinding, DescriptorType, ShaderStageFlags};
- device.create_descriptor_set_layout(
- &[
- DescriptorSetLayoutBinding {
- binding: 0,
- ty: DescriptorType::SampledImage,
- count: CHUNK_SIZE,
- stage_flags: ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT,
- immutable_samplers: false,
- },
- DescriptorSetLayoutBinding {
- binding: 1,
- ty: DescriptorType::Sampler,
- count: CHUNK_SIZE,
- stage_flags: ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT,
- immutable_samplers: false,
+ // Tex Allocator
+ let tex_allocator = {
+ let props = MemProps::DEVICE_LOCAL;
+ DynamicAllocator::new(
+ find_memory_type_id(&adapter, type_mask, props)
+ .ok_or("Couldn't find memory type supporting image")?,
+ props,
+ DynamicConfig {
+ block_size_granularity: 4 * 32 * 32, // 32x32 image
+ max_chunk_size: u64::pow(2, 63),
+ min_device_allocation: 4 * 32 * 32,
+ },
+ )
+ };
+ let (staging_memory_type, staging_allocator) = {
+ let props = MemProps::CPU_VISIBLE | MemProps::COHERENT;
+ let t = find_memory_type_id(&adapter, type_mask, props)
+ .ok_or("Couldn't find memory type supporting image")?;
+ (
+ t,
+ DynamicAllocator::new(
+ t,
+ props,
+ DynamicConfig {
+ block_size_granularity: 4 * 32 * 32, // 32x32 image
+ max_chunk_size: u64::pow(2, 63),
+ min_device_allocation: 4 * 32 * 32,
- ],
- &[],
+ ),
- }
- .map_err(|_| error::CreationError::OutOfMemoryError)?;
- // TODO: Proper way to set up resolver
- let mut resolver = BasicFSResolver::new(Path::new("."));
- // Create texture chunks
- debug!("Starting to load textures...");
- let mut chunks = Vec::with_capacity(num_chunks);
- for i in 0..num_chunks {
- debug!("Chunk {} / {}", i + 1, num_chunks);
- let descriptor_set = unsafe {
- descriptor_pool
- .allocate_set(&descriptor_set_layout)
- .map_err(|_| error::CreationError::OutOfMemoryError)?
- };
- chunks.push(TextureChunk::new(
- device,
- adapter,
- allocator,
- command_queue,
- command_pool,
- descriptor_set,
- file.textures_iter().skip(i * CHUNK_SIZE).take(CHUNK_SIZE),
- &mut resolver,
- )?);
- }
+ };
+ let buffers = {
+ let mut data = VecDeque::with_capacity(NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_CMDS);
+ unsafe {
+ data.push_back((
+ device
+ .create_fence(false)
+ .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create fence")?,
+ pool.allocate_one(hal::command::Level::Primary),
+ ));
+ };
+ }
+ data
+ };
- debug!("All textures loaded.");
+ let cmd_queue_idx = gpu
+ .queue_groups
+ .iter()
+ .position(|x| x.family == family)
+ .unwrap();
- Ok(TextureStore {
- descriptor_pool: ManuallyDrop::new(descriptor_pool),
- descriptor_set_layout: ManuallyDrop::new(descriptor_set_layout),
- chunks: chunks.into_boxed_slice(),
+ Ok(TextureLoader {
+ device,
+ commands_queued: ArrayVec::new(),
+ buffers,
+ pool: ManuallyDrop::new(pool),
+ gpu: ManuallyDrop::new(gpu),
+ cmd_queue_idx,
+ ds_layout,
+ tex_allocator: ManuallyDrop::new(tex_allocator),
+ staging_allocator: ManuallyDrop::new(staging_allocator),
+ descriptor_allocator: ManuallyDrop::new(DescriptorAllocator::new()),
+ staging_memory_type,
+ optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment: adapter
+ .physical_device
+ .limits()
+ .optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment,
+ request_channel,
+ return_channel,
+ textures: texs,
+ resolver,
+ _li: PhantomData::default(),
- /// Call this before dropping
- pub fn deactivate(mut self, device: &mut Device, allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator) {
- unsafe {
- use core::ptr::read;
+ /// Safely destroy all the vulkan stuff in this instance
+ /// Note that this returns the memory allocators, from which should be freed any TextureBlocks
+ /// All in-progress things are sent to return_channel.
+ fn deactivate(mut self) -> TextureLoaderRemains {
+ use std::ptr::read;
- for chunk in self.chunks.into_vec().drain(..) {
- chunk.deactivate(device, allocator);
+ unsafe {
+ // Wait for any currently queued loads to be done
+ while self.commands_queued.len() > 0 {
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < self.commands_queued.len() {
+ let signalled = self
+ .device
+ .get_fence_status(&self.commands_queued[i].fence)
+ .expect("Device lost by TextureManager");
+ if signalled {
+ // Destroy finished ones
+ let (assets, mut staging_bufs, block) =
+ self.commands_queued.remove(i).dissolve();
+ self.device.destroy_fence(assets.0);
+ // Command buffer will be freed when we reset the command pool
+ staging_bufs
+ .drain(..)
+ .map(|x| x.deactivate(self.device, &mut self.staging_allocator))
+ .for_each(|_| {});
+ self.return_channel
+ .send(block)
+ .expect("Sending through return channel failed");
+ } else {
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ sleep(Duration::from_secs(0));
- self.descriptor_pool.reset();
- device.destroy_descriptor_set_layout(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(
- &self.descriptor_set_layout,
- )));
- device.destroy_descriptor_pool(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.descriptor_pool)));
+ // Destroy fences
+ let vec: Vec<_> = self.buffers.drain(..).collect();
+ vec.into_iter()
+ .map(|(f, _)| self.device.destroy_fence(f))
+ .for_each(|_| {});
+ // Free command pool
+ self.pool.reset(true);
+ self.device.destroy_command_pool(read(&*self.pool));
+ debug!("Done deactivating TextureLoader");
+ TextureLoaderRemains {
+ tex_allocator: ManuallyDrop::new(read(&*self.tex_allocator)),
+ descriptor_allocator: ManuallyDrop::new(read(&*self.descriptor_allocator)),
+ }
- /// Get the descriptor set for a given chunk
- pub fn get_chunk_descriptor_set(&self, idx: usize) -> &DescriptorSet {
- &self.chunks[idx].descriptor_set
- }
+pub struct TextureLoaderRemains {
+ pub tex_allocator: ManuallyDrop<DynamicAllocator>,
+ pub descriptor_allocator: ManuallyDrop<DescriptorAllocator>,
- pub fn put_texture<T: LoadableImage>(
- &mut self,
- idx: usize,
- img: T,
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &mut Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
- // TODO: Resizing, etc?
- let chunk = &mut self.chunks[idx / CHUNK_SIZE];
- chunk.put_texture(
- img,
- idx % CHUNK_SIZE,
- device,
- adapter,
- allocator,
- command_queue,
- command_pool,
- )
- }
+enum LoopEndReason {
+ Graceful,
+ Error(&'static str),
+pub enum LoaderRequest {
+ /// Load the given block
+ Load(BlockRef),
+ /// Stop looping and deactivate
+ End,