path: root/stockton-skeleton/src/buffers/image.rs
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1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stockton-skeleton/src/buffers/image.rs b/stockton-skeleton/src/buffers/image.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34a0a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stockton-skeleton/src/buffers/image.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+//! An image with memory bound to it and an image view into its entirety.
+//! This is useful for most types of images.
+//! ```rust
+//! # use anyhow::Result;
+//! # use crate::{mem::DrawAttachments, context::RenderingContext};
+//! fn create_depth_buffer(
+//! context: &mut RenderingContext,
+//! ) -> Result<BoundImageView<DrawAttachments>> {
+//! BoundImageView::from_context(
+//! context,
+//! &ImageSpec {
+//! width: 10,
+//! height: 10,
+//! format: Format::D32Sfloat,
+//! },
+//! )
+//! }
+/// ```
+use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
+use crate::{
+ context::RenderingContext,
+ error::LockPoisoned,
+ mem::{Block, MemoryPool},
+ types::*,
+ utils::get_pixel_size,
+use anyhow::{Context, Result};
+use hal::{
+ format::{Aspects, Format, Swizzle},
+ image::{SamplerDesc, SubresourceRange, Usage, ViewKind},
+ memory::SparseFlags,
+pub const COLOR_RESOURCES: SubresourceRange = SubresourceRange {
+ aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
+ level_start: 0,
+ level_count: Some(1),
+ layer_start: 0,
+ layer_count: Some(1),
+pub const DEPTH_RESOURCES: SubresourceRange = SubresourceRange {
+ aspects: Aspects::DEPTH,
+ level_start: 0,
+ level_count: Some(1),
+ layer_start: 0,
+ layer_count: Some(1),
+/// An image with memory bound to it and an image view into its entirety
+/// Memory is allocated from the memory pool P, see [`crate::mem`]
+pub struct BoundImageView<P: MemoryPool> {
+ mem: ManuallyDrop<P::Block>,
+ img: ManuallyDrop<ImageT>,
+ img_view: ManuallyDrop<ImageViewT>,
+ unpadded_row_size: u32,
+ row_size: u32,
+ height: u32,
+impl<P: MemoryPool> BoundImageView<P> {
+ /// Create an uninitialised image using memory from the specified pool
+ pub fn from_context(context: &mut RenderingContext, spec: &ImageSpec) -> Result<Self> {
+ // Ensure the memory pool exists before we get a reference to it
+ context
+ .ensure_memory_pool::<P>()
+ .context("Error creating memory pool requested for BoundImageView")?;
+ let mut allocator = context
+ .existing_memory_pool::<P>()
+ .unwrap()
+ .write()
+ .map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::MemoryPool)?;
+ let mut device = context.device().write().map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::Device)?;
+ let row_alignment_mask = context
+ .physical_device_properties()
+ .limits
+ .optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment as u32
+ - 1;
+ Self::from_device_allocator(&mut device, &mut allocator, row_alignment_mask, spec)
+ }
+ /// Create an uninitialised image using memory from the specified pool, but using a much less convenient signature.
+ /// Use this when you don't have access to the full context.
+ pub fn from_device_allocator(
+ device: &mut DeviceT,
+ pool: &mut P,
+ row_alignment_mask: u32,
+ spec: &ImageSpec,
+ ) -> Result<Self> {
+ // Calculate buffer size & alignment
+ let initial_row_size = get_pixel_size(spec.format) * spec.width;
+ let row_size = (initial_row_size + row_alignment_mask) & !row_alignment_mask;
+ debug_assert!(row_size >= initial_row_size);
+ unsafe {
+ use hal::image::{Kind, Tiling, ViewCapabilities};
+ // Create the image
+ let mut img = device
+ .create_image(
+ Kind::D2(spec.width, spec.height, 1, 1),
+ 1,
+ spec.format,
+ Tiling::Optimal,
+ spec.usage,
+ SparseFlags::empty(),
+ ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ )
+ .context("Error creating image")?;
+ // Get memory requirements
+ let requirements = device.get_image_requirements(&img);
+ // Allocate memory
+ let (mem, _) = pool
+ .alloc(&device, requirements.size, requirements.alignment)
+ .context("Error allocating memory")?;
+ // Bind memory
+ device
+ .bind_image_memory(mem.memory(), mem.range().start, &mut img)
+ .context("Error binding memory to image")?;
+ // Create image view
+ let img_view = device
+ .create_image_view(
+ &img,
+ ViewKind::D2,
+ spec.format,
+ Swizzle::NO,
+ spec.usage,
+ spec.resources.clone(),
+ )
+ .context("Error creating image view")?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ mem: ManuallyDrop::new(mem),
+ img: ManuallyDrop::new(img),
+ img_view: ManuallyDrop::new(img_view),
+ row_size,
+ height: spec.height,
+ unpadded_row_size: spec.width,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ /// Destroy all vulkan objects. Must be called before dropping.
+ pub fn deactivate_with_context(self, context: &mut RenderingContext) {
+ let mut device = context
+ .device()
+ .write()
+ .map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::Device)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut pool = context
+ .existing_memory_pool::<P>()
+ .unwrap()
+ .write()
+ .unwrap();
+ self.deactivate_with_device_pool(&mut device, &mut pool);
+ }
+ /// Destroy all vulkan objects. Must be called before dropping.
+ pub fn deactivate_with_device_pool(self, device: &mut DeviceT, pool: &mut P) {
+ use std::ptr::read;
+ unsafe {
+ device.destroy_image_view(read(&*self.img_view));
+ device.destroy_image(read(&*self.img));
+ pool.free(&device, read(&*self.mem));
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the bound image.
+ pub fn img(&self) -> &ImageT {
+ &*self.img
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the view of the bound image.
+ pub fn img_view(&self) -> &ImageViewT {
+ &*self.img_view
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the memory used by the bound image.
+ pub fn mem(&self) -> &<P as MemoryPool>::Block {
+ &*self.mem
+ }
+ /// Get the bound image view's row size.
+ pub fn row_size(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.row_size
+ }
+ /// Get the bound image view's height.
+ pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.height
+ }
+ /// Get the bound image view's unpadded row size.
+ pub fn unpadded_row_size(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.unpadded_row_size
+ }
+/// A [`self::BoundImageView`] and accompanying sampler.
+pub struct SampledImage<P: MemoryPool> {
+ bound_image: ManuallyDrop<BoundImageView<P>>,
+ sampler: ManuallyDrop<SamplerT>,
+impl<P: MemoryPool> SampledImage<P> {
+ /// Create an uninitialised image using memory from the specified pool
+ pub fn from_context(
+ context: &mut RenderingContext,
+ spec: &ImageSpec,
+ sampler_desc: &SamplerDesc,
+ ) -> Result<Self> {
+ // Ensure the memory pool exists before we get a reference to it
+ context
+ .ensure_memory_pool::<P>()
+ .context("Error creating memory pool requested for BoundImageView")?;
+ let mut allocator = context
+ .existing_memory_pool::<P>()
+ .unwrap()
+ .write()
+ .map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::MemoryPool)?;
+ let mut device = context.device().write().map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::Device)?;
+ let row_alignment_mask = context
+ .physical_device_properties()
+ .limits
+ .optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment as u32
+ - 1;
+ Self::from_device_allocator(
+ &mut device,
+ &mut allocator,
+ row_alignment_mask,
+ spec,
+ sampler_desc,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Create an uninitialised image and sampler using memory from the specified pool, but using a much less convenient signature.
+ /// Use this when you don't have access to the full context.
+ pub fn from_device_allocator(
+ device: &mut DeviceT,
+ pool: &mut P,
+ row_alignment_mask: u32,
+ spec: &ImageSpec,
+ sampler_desc: &SamplerDesc,
+ ) -> Result<Self> {
+ let sampler = unsafe { device.create_sampler(sampler_desc) }?;
+ Ok(SampledImage {
+ bound_image: ManuallyDrop::new(BoundImageView::from_device_allocator(
+ device,
+ pool,
+ row_alignment_mask,
+ spec,
+ )?),
+ sampler: ManuallyDrop::new(sampler),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Destroy all vulkan objects. Must be called before dropping.
+ pub fn deactivate_with_context(self, context: &mut RenderingContext) {
+ let mut device = context
+ .device()
+ .write()
+ .map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::Device)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut pool = context
+ .existing_memory_pool::<P>()
+ .unwrap()
+ .write()
+ .unwrap();
+ self.deactivate_with_device_pool(&mut device, &mut pool);
+ }
+ /// Destroy all vulkan objects. Must be called before dropping.
+ pub fn deactivate_with_device_pool(self, device: &mut DeviceT, pool: &mut P) {
+ unsafe {
+ use std::ptr::read;
+ read(&*self.bound_image).deactivate_with_device_pool(device, pool);
+ device.destroy_sampler(read(&*self.sampler));
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the bound image object.
+ pub fn bound_image(&self) -> &BoundImageView<P> {
+ &self.bound_image
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the bound image.
+ pub fn img(&self) -> &ImageT {
+ self.bound_image.img()
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the view of the bound image.
+ pub fn img_view(&self) -> &ImageViewT {
+ self.bound_image.img_view()
+ }
+ /// Get the bound image view's row size.
+ pub fn row_size(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.bound_image.row_size()
+ }
+ /// Get the bound image view's unpadded row size.
+ pub fn unpadded_row_size(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.bound_image.unpadded_row_size()
+ }
+ /// Get the bound image view's height.
+ pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.bound_image.height()
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the memory used by the bound image.
+ pub fn mem(&self) -> &<P as MemoryPool>::Block {
+ self.bound_image.mem()
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the sampler.
+ pub fn sampler(&self) -> &SamplerT {
+ &self.sampler
+ }
+/// Information needed to create an image.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct ImageSpec {
+ pub width: u32,
+ pub height: u32,
+ pub format: Format,
+ pub usage: Usage,
+ pub resources: SubresourceRange,