use std::collections::HashMap; use std::str; use super::Q3BspFile; use crate::coords::CoordSystem; use crate::traits::entities::*; use crate::types::{ParseError, Result}; const QUOTE: u8 = b'"'; const END_BRACKET: u8 = b'}'; const START_BRACKET: u8 = b'{'; /// Internal enum to parse through the entities string. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum ParseState { InKey, InValue, AfterKey, InsideEntity, OutsideEntity, } /// Parse the given data as an Entities lump pub fn from_data(data: &[u8]) -> Result> { use self::ParseState::*; let string = str::from_utf8(data).unwrap(); let mut attrs = HashMap::new(); let mut entities = Vec::new(); let mut state = ParseState::OutsideEntity; let mut key_start = 0; let mut key_end = 0; let mut val_start = 0; let mut val_end; for (i, chr) in string.bytes().enumerate() { match chr { QUOTE => match state { InsideEntity => { state = ParseState::InKey; key_start = i + 1; } InKey => { state = ParseState::AfterKey; key_end = i; } AfterKey => { state = ParseState::InValue; val_start = i + 1; } InValue => { state = ParseState::InsideEntity; val_end = i; attrs.insert( string[key_start..key_end].to_owned(), string[val_start..val_end].to_owned(), ); } _ => { return Err(ParseError::Invalid); } }, END_BRACKET => { if state != InsideEntity { return Err(ParseError::Invalid); } state = OutsideEntity; entities.push(Entity { attributes: attrs }); attrs = HashMap::new(); } START_BRACKET => { if state != OutsideEntity { return Err(ParseError::Invalid); } state = InsideEntity; } _ => {} } } Ok(entities.into_boxed_slice()) } impl HasEntities for Q3BspFile { type EntitiesIter<'a> = std::slice::Iter<'a, Entity>; fn entities_iter(&self) -> Self::EntitiesIter<'_> { self.entities.iter() } }