/* * Copyright (C) Oscar Shrimpton 2020 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ //! Resources needed for drawing on the screen, including sync objects use core::{iter::once, mem::ManuallyDrop}; use arrayvec::ArrayVec; use hal::{ format::{ChannelType, Format, Swizzle}, image::{Extent, Usage as ImgUsage, ViewKind}, prelude::*, pso::Viewport, queue::Submission, window::{CompositeAlphaMode, Extent2D, PresentMode, SwapchainConfig}, }; use na::Mat4; use super::{ buffer::ModifiableBuffer, draw_buffers::{DrawBuffers, UVPoint}, pipeline::CompletePipeline, texture::image::LoadedImage, ui::{UIPipeline, UIPoint}, }; use crate::types::*; /// Defines the colour range we use. const COLOR_RANGE: hal::image::SubresourceRange = hal::image::SubresourceRange { aspects: hal::format::Aspects::COLOR, levels: 0..1, layers: 0..1, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SwapchainProperties { pub format: Format, pub depth_format: Format, pub present_mode: PresentMode, pub composite_alpha_mode: CompositeAlphaMode, pub viewport: Viewport, pub extent: Extent, } impl SwapchainProperties { pub fn find_best(adapter: &Adapter, surface: &Surface) -> Result { let caps = surface.capabilities(&adapter.physical_device); let formats = surface.supported_formats(&adapter.physical_device); // Find which settings we'll actually use based on preset preferences let format = formats.map_or(Format::Rgba8Srgb, |formats| { formats .iter() .find(|format| format.base_format().1 == ChannelType::Srgb) .copied() .unwrap_or(formats[0]) }); let depth_format = *[ Format::D32SfloatS8Uint, Format::D24UnormS8Uint, Format::D32Sfloat, ] .iter() .find(|format| { use hal::format::ImageFeature; format.is_depth() && adapter .physical_device .format_properties(Some(**format)) .optimal_tiling .contains(ImageFeature::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) }) .ok_or(())?; let present_mode = { [ PresentMode::MAILBOX, PresentMode::FIFO, PresentMode::RELAXED, PresentMode::IMMEDIATE, ] .iter() .cloned() .find(|pm| caps.present_modes.contains(*pm)) .ok_or(())? }; let composite_alpha_mode = { [ CompositeAlphaMode::OPAQUE, CompositeAlphaMode::INHERIT, CompositeAlphaMode::PREMULTIPLIED, CompositeAlphaMode::POSTMULTIPLIED, ] .iter() .cloned() .find(|ca| caps.composite_alpha_modes.contains(*ca)) .ok_or(())? }; let extent = caps.extents.end().to_extent(); // Size let viewport = Viewport { rect: extent.rect(), depth: 0.0..1.0, }; Ok(SwapchainProperties { format, depth_format, present_mode, composite_alpha_mode, extent, viewport, }) } } pub struct TargetChain { /// Swapchain we're targeting pub swapchain: ManuallyDrop, pub properties: SwapchainProperties, /// The depth buffer/image used for drawing pub depth_buffer: ManuallyDrop, /// Resources tied to each target frame in the swapchain pub targets: Box<[TargetResources]>, /// Sync objects used in drawing /// These are seperated from the targets because we don't necessarily always match up indexes pub sync_objects: Box<[SyncObjects]>, /// The last set of sync objects used last_syncs: usize, /// Last image index of the swapchain drawn to last_image: u32, } impl TargetChain { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn new( device: &mut Device, adapter: &Adapter, surface: &mut Surface, pipeline: &CompletePipeline, ui_pipeline: &UIPipeline, cmd_pool: &mut CommandPool, properties: SwapchainProperties, old_swapchain: Option, ) -> Result { let caps = surface.capabilities(&adapter.physical_device); // Number of frames to pre-render let image_count = if properties.present_mode == PresentMode::MAILBOX { ((*caps.image_count.end()) - 1).min((*caps.image_count.start()).max(3)) } else { ((*caps.image_count.end()) - 1).min((*caps.image_count.start()).max(2)) }; // Swap config let swap_config = SwapchainConfig { present_mode: properties.present_mode, composite_alpha_mode: properties.composite_alpha_mode, format: properties.format, extent: Extent2D { width: properties.extent.width, height: properties.extent.height, }, image_count, image_layers: 1, image_usage: ImgUsage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT, }; // Swapchain let (swapchain, mut backbuffer) = unsafe { device .create_swapchain(surface, swap_config, old_swapchain) .map_err(|_| TargetChainCreationError::Todo)? }; let depth_buffer: LoadedImage = { use hal::format::Aspects; use hal::image::SubresourceRange; LoadedImage::new( device, adapter, properties.depth_format, ImgUsage::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, SubresourceRange { aspects: Aspects::DEPTH, levels: 0..1, layers: 0..1, }, properties.extent.width as usize, properties.extent.height as usize, ) .map_err(|_| TargetChainCreationError::Todo) }?; let mut targets: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(backbuffer.len()); let mut sync_objects: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(backbuffer.len()); for image in backbuffer.drain(..) { targets.push( TargetResources::new( device, cmd_pool, &pipeline.renderpass, &ui_pipeline.renderpass, image, &(*depth_buffer.image_view), &properties, ) .map_err(|_| TargetChainCreationError::Todo)?, ); sync_objects .push(SyncObjects::new(device).map_err(|_| TargetChainCreationError::Todo)?); } Ok(TargetChain { swapchain: ManuallyDrop::new(swapchain), targets: targets.into_boxed_slice(), sync_objects: sync_objects.into_boxed_slice(), depth_buffer: ManuallyDrop::new(depth_buffer), properties, last_syncs: (image_count - 1) as usize, // This means the next one to be used is index 0 last_image: 0, }) } pub fn deactivate(self, device: &mut Device, cmd_pool: &mut CommandPool) { let swapchain = self.deactivate_with_recyling(device, cmd_pool); unsafe { device.destroy_swapchain(swapchain); } } pub fn deactivate_with_recyling( self, device: &mut Device, cmd_pool: &mut CommandPool, ) -> Swapchain { use core::ptr::read; unsafe { ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.depth_buffer)).deactivate(device); for i in 0..self.targets.len() { read(&self.targets[i]).deactivate(device, cmd_pool); } for i in 0..self.sync_objects.len() { read(&self.sync_objects[i]).deactivate(device); } } unsafe { ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.swapchain)) } } pub fn prep_next_target<'a>( &'a mut self, device: &mut Device, draw_buffers: &mut DrawBuffers, pipeline: &CompletePipeline, vp: &Mat4, ) -> Result<&'a mut crate::types::CommandBuffer, &'static str> { self.last_syncs = (self.last_syncs + 1) % self.sync_objects.len(); let syncs = &mut self.sync_objects[self.last_syncs]; // Get the image let (image_index, _) = unsafe { self.swapchain .acquire_image(core::u64::MAX, Some(&syncs.get_image), None) .map_err(|_| "FrameError::AcquireError")? }; self.last_image = image_index; let target = &mut self.targets[image_index as usize]; // Make sure whatever was last using this has finished unsafe { device .wait_for_fence(&syncs.present_complete, core::u64::MAX) .map_err(|_| "FrameError::SyncObjectError")?; device .reset_fence(&syncs.present_complete) .map_err(|_| "FrameError::SyncObjectError")?; }; // Record commands unsafe { use hal::buffer::{IndexBufferView, SubRange}; use hal::command::{ ClearColor, ClearDepthStencil, ClearValue, CommandBufferFlags, SubpassContents, }; use hal::pso::ShaderStageFlags; // Colour to clear window to let clear_values = [ ClearValue { color: ClearColor { float32: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], }, }, ClearValue { depth_stencil: ClearDepthStencil { depth: 1.0, stencil: 0, }, }, ]; // Get references to our buffers let (vbufs, ibuf) = { let vbufref: &::Buffer = draw_buffers.vertex_buffer.get_buffer(); let vbufs: ArrayVec<[_; 1]> = [(vbufref, SubRange::WHOLE)].into(); let ibuf = draw_buffers.index_buffer.get_buffer(); (vbufs, ibuf) }; target.cmd_buffer.begin_primary(CommandBufferFlags::EMPTY); // Main render pass / pipeline target.cmd_buffer.begin_render_pass( &pipeline.renderpass, &target.framebuffer, self.properties.viewport.rect, clear_values.iter(), SubpassContents::Inline, ); target.cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_pipeline(&pipeline.pipeline); // VP Matrix let vp = &*(vp.data.as_slice() as *const [f32] as *const [u32]); target.cmd_buffer.push_graphics_constants( &pipeline.pipeline_layout, ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX, 0, vp, ); // Bind buffers target.cmd_buffer.bind_vertex_buffers(0, vbufs); target.cmd_buffer.bind_index_buffer(IndexBufferView { buffer: ibuf, range: SubRange::WHOLE, index_type: hal::IndexType::U16, }); }; Ok(&mut target.cmd_buffer) } pub fn target_2d_pass<'a>( &'a mut self, draw_buffers: &mut DrawBuffers, pipeline: &UIPipeline, ) -> Result<&'a mut CommandBuffer, &'static str> { let target = &mut self.targets[self.last_image as usize]; unsafe { use hal::pso::PipelineStage; target.cmd_buffer.end_render_pass(); target.cmd_buffer.pipeline_barrier( PipelineStage::BOTTOM_OF_PIPE..PipelineStage::TOP_OF_PIPE, hal::memory::Dependencies::empty(), &[], ); } // Record commands unsafe { use hal::buffer::{IndexBufferView, SubRange}; use hal::command::{ClearColor, ClearValue, SubpassContents}; // Colour to clear window to let clear_values = [ClearValue { color: ClearColor { float32: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5], }, }]; // Get references to our buffers let (vbufs, ibuf) = { let vbufref: &::Buffer = draw_buffers.vertex_buffer.get_buffer(); let vbufs: ArrayVec<[_; 1]> = [(vbufref, SubRange::WHOLE)].into(); let ibuf = draw_buffers.index_buffer.get_buffer(); (vbufs, ibuf) }; // Main render pass / pipeline target.cmd_buffer.begin_render_pass( &pipeline.renderpass, &target.framebuffer_2d, self.properties.viewport.rect, clear_values.iter(), SubpassContents::Inline, ); target.cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_pipeline(&pipeline.pipeline); // Bind buffers target.cmd_buffer.bind_vertex_buffers(0, vbufs); target.cmd_buffer.bind_index_buffer(IndexBufferView { buffer: ibuf, range: SubRange::WHOLE, index_type: hal::IndexType::U16, }); }; Ok(&mut target.cmd_buffer) } pub fn finish_and_submit_target( &mut self, command_queue: &mut CommandQueue, ) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let syncs = &mut self.sync_objects[self.last_syncs]; let target = &mut self.targets[self.last_image as usize]; unsafe { target.cmd_buffer.end_render_pass(); target.cmd_buffer.finish(); } // Make submission object let command_buffers: std::iter::Once<&CommandBuffer> = once(&target.cmd_buffer); let wait_semaphores: std::iter::Once<(&Semaphore, hal::pso::PipelineStage)> = once(( &syncs.get_image, hal::pso::PipelineStage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT, )); let signal_semaphores: std::iter::Once<&Semaphore> = once(&syncs.render_complete); let present_wait_semaphores: std::iter::Once<&Semaphore> = once(&syncs.render_complete); let submission = Submission { command_buffers, wait_semaphores, signal_semaphores, }; // Submit it unsafe { command_queue.submit(submission, Some(&syncs.present_complete)); self.swapchain .present( command_queue, self.last_image as u32, present_wait_semaphores, ) .map_err(|_| "FrameError::PresentError")?; }; // TODO Ok(()) } } /// Resources for a single target frame, including sync objects pub struct TargetResources { /// Command buffer to use when drawing pub cmd_buffer: ManuallyDrop, /// The image for this frame pub image: ManuallyDrop, /// Imageviews for this frame pub imageview: ManuallyDrop, /// Framebuffer for this frame pub framebuffer: ManuallyDrop, /// Framebuffer for this frame when drawing in 2D pub framebuffer_2d: ManuallyDrop, } impl TargetResources { pub fn new( device: &mut Device, cmd_pool: &mut CommandPool, renderpass: &RenderPass, renderpass_2d: &RenderPass, image: Image, depth_pass: &ImageView, properties: &SwapchainProperties, ) -> Result { // Command Buffer let cmd_buffer = unsafe { cmd_pool.allocate_one(hal::command::Level::Primary) }; // ImageView let imageview = unsafe { device .create_image_view( &image, ViewKind::D2, properties.format, Swizzle::NO, COLOR_RANGE.clone(), ) .map_err(TargetResourcesCreationError::ImageViewError)? }; // Framebuffer let framebuffer = unsafe { device .create_framebuffer( &renderpass, once(&imageview).chain(once(depth_pass)), properties.extent, ) .map_err(|_| TargetResourcesCreationError::FrameBufferNoMemory)? }; // 2D framebuffer just needs the imageview, not the depth pass let framebuffer_2d = unsafe { device .create_framebuffer(&renderpass_2d, once(&imageview), properties.extent) .map_err(|_| TargetResourcesCreationError::FrameBufferNoMemory)? }; Ok(TargetResources { cmd_buffer: ManuallyDrop::new(cmd_buffer), image: ManuallyDrop::new(image), imageview: ManuallyDrop::new(imageview), framebuffer: ManuallyDrop::new(framebuffer), framebuffer_2d: ManuallyDrop::new(framebuffer_2d), }) } pub fn deactivate(self, device: &mut Device, cmd_pool: &mut CommandPool) { use core::ptr::read; unsafe { cmd_pool.free(once(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.cmd_buffer)))); device.destroy_framebuffer(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.framebuffer))); device.destroy_framebuffer(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.framebuffer_2d))); device.destroy_image_view(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.imageview))); } } } pub struct SyncObjects { /// Triggered when the image is ready to draw to pub get_image: ManuallyDrop, /// Triggered when rendering is done pub render_complete: ManuallyDrop, /// Triggered when the image is on screen pub present_complete: ManuallyDrop, } impl SyncObjects { pub fn new(device: &mut Device) -> Result { // Sync objects let get_image = device .create_semaphore() .map_err(|_| TargetResourcesCreationError::SyncObjectsNoMemory)?; let render_complete = device .create_semaphore() .map_err(|_| TargetResourcesCreationError::SyncObjectsNoMemory)?; let present_complete = device .create_fence(true) .map_err(|_| TargetResourcesCreationError::SyncObjectsNoMemory)?; Ok(SyncObjects { get_image: ManuallyDrop::new(get_image), render_complete: ManuallyDrop::new(render_complete), present_complete: ManuallyDrop::new(present_complete), }) } pub fn deactivate(self, device: &mut Device) { use core::ptr::read; unsafe { device.destroy_semaphore(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.get_image))); device.destroy_semaphore(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.render_complete))); device.destroy_fence(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.present_complete))); } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum TargetChainCreationError { Todo, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum TargetResourcesCreationError { ImageViewError(hal::image::ViewCreationError), FrameBufferNoMemory, SyncObjectsNoMemory, }