use super::{ block::TexturesBlock, load::TextureLoadConfig, loader::{BlockRef, LoaderRequest, TextureLoader, TextureLoaderRemains, NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_CMDS}, TextureResolver, }; use crate::types::*; use crate::{context::RenderingContext, error::LockPoisoned, mem::MappableBlock}; use crate::{mem::MemoryPool, queue_negotiator::QueueFamilySelector}; use std::{ array::IntoIter, collections::HashMap, iter::empty, marker::PhantomData, mem::ManuallyDrop, sync::{ mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender}, Arc, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, }, thread::JoinHandle, }; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use hal::pso::{DescriptorSetLayoutBinding, DescriptorType, ImageDescriptorType, ShaderStageFlags}; use log::debug; /// The number of textures in one 'block' /// The textures of the loaded file are divided into blocks of this size. /// Whenever a texture is needed, the whole block its in is loaded. pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 8; /// An easy way to load [`super::LoadableImage`]s into GPU memory using another thread. /// This assumes each texture has a numeric id, and will group them into blocks of `[BLOCK_SIZE]`, /// yielding descriptor sets with that many samplers and images. /// You only need to supply a [`super::resolver::TextureResolver`] and create one from the main thread. /// Then, use [`self::TextureRepo::get_ds_layout`] in your graphics pipeline. /// Make sure to call [`self::TextureRepo::process_responses`] every frame, or at least often. /// Then, whenever you draw, use [`self::TextureRepo::attempt_get_descriptor_set`] to see if that texture has finished loading, /// or `queue_load` to start loading it ASAP. pub struct TextureRepo where TP: MemoryPool, SP: MemoryPool, SP::Block: MappableBlock, { joiner: ManuallyDrop>>, ds_layout: Arc>, req_send: Sender, resp_recv: Receiver>, blocks: HashMap>>, _d: PhantomData<(TP, SP)>, } impl TextureRepo where TP: MemoryPool, SP: MemoryPool, SP::Block: MappableBlock, { /// Create a new TextureRepo from the given context. /// Q should most likely be [`TexLoadQueue`] pub fn new( context: &mut RenderingContext, config: TextureLoadConfig, ) -> Result { // Create Channels let (req_send, req_recv) = channel(); let (resp_send, resp_recv) = channel(); let device = context.lock_device()?; // Create descriptor set layout let ds_lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new( unsafe { device.create_descriptor_set_layout( IntoIter::new([ DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding: 0, ty: DescriptorType::Image { ty: ImageDescriptorType::Sampled { with_sampler: false, }, }, count: BLOCK_SIZE, stage_flags: ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT, immutable_samplers: false, }, DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding: 1, ty: DescriptorType::Sampler, count: BLOCK_SIZE, stage_flags: ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT, immutable_samplers: false, }, ]), empty(), ) } .context("Error creating descriptor set layout")?, )); debug!("Created descriptor set layout {:?}", ds_lock); drop(device); let joiner = { let loader = >::new::( context, ds_lock.clone(), (req_recv, resp_send), config, )?; std::thread::spawn(move || loader.loop_until_exit()) }; Ok(TextureRepo { joiner: ManuallyDrop::new(joiner), ds_layout: ds_lock, blocks: HashMap::new(), req_send, resp_recv, _d: PhantomData, }) } /// Get the descriptor layout used for each texture descriptor /// This can be used when creating graphics pipelines. pub fn get_ds_layout(&self) -> Result> { self.ds_layout .read() .map_err(|_| LockPoisoned::Other) .context("Error locking descriptor set layout") } /// Ask for the given block to be loaded, if it's not already. pub fn queue_load(&mut self, block_id: BlockRef) -> Result<()> { if self.blocks.contains_key(&block_id) { return Ok(()); } self.force_queue_load(block_id) } /// Ask for the given block to be loaded, even if it already has been. pub fn force_queue_load(&mut self, block_id: BlockRef) -> Result<()> { self.req_send .send(LoaderRequest::Load(block_id)) .context("Error queuing texture block load")?; self.blocks.insert(block_id, None); Ok(()) } /// Get the descriptor set for the given block, if it's loaded. pub fn attempt_get_descriptor_set(&mut self, block_id: BlockRef) -> Option<&DescriptorSetT> { self.blocks .get(&block_id) .and_then(|opt| opt.as_ref().map(|z| z.descriptor_set.raw())) } /// Process any textures that just finished loading. This should be called every frame. pub fn process_responses(&mut self) { let resp_iter: Vec<_> = self.resp_recv.try_iter().collect(); for resp in resp_iter { debug!("Got block {:?} back from loader",; self.blocks.insert(, Some(resp)); } } /// Destroy all vulkan objects. Should be called before dropping. pub fn deactivate(mut self, context: &mut RenderingContext) { unsafe { use std::ptr::read; // Join the loader thread self.req_send.send(LoaderRequest::End).unwrap(); let mut remains = read(&*self.joiner).join().unwrap().unwrap(); // Process any ones that just got done loading self.process_responses(); let mut tex_allocator = context .existing_memory_pool::() .unwrap() .write() .unwrap(); // Only now can we lock device without deadlocking let mut device = context.lock_device().unwrap(); // Return all the texture memory and descriptors. for (_, v) in self.blocks.drain() { if let Some(block) = v { block.deactivate( &mut device, &mut *tex_allocator, &mut remains.descriptor_allocator, ); } } // Dispose of the descriptor allocator read(&*remains.descriptor_allocator).dispose(&device); // Deactivate DS Layout let ds_layout = Arc::try_unwrap(self.ds_layout) .unwrap() .into_inner() .unwrap(); device.destroy_descriptor_set_layout(ds_layout); } } } /// The queue to use when loading textures pub struct TexLoadQueue; impl QueueFamilySelector for TexLoadQueue { fn is_suitable(&self, family: &QueueFamilyT) -> bool { family.queue_type().supports_transfer() && family.max_queues() >= NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_CMDS } }