path: root/2020/18b.hs
diff options
authorAria <me@aria.rip>2023-01-02 21:58:56 +0000
committerAria <me@aria.rip>2023-01-02 21:58:56 +0000
commit5eb58ad076f2cd435b11b140820da224b60b73d5 (patch)
tree2a67939595fbf993ff04f69b9cd3f0aa20827d96 /2020/18b.hs
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '2020/18b.hs')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2020/18b.hs b/2020/18b.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb27c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/18b.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+module Day18A where
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import Text.Printf
+-- Types
+data Symbol = Num Int | Add | Mult | StartParen | EndParen
+ deriving (Eq, Show);
+data Expression = Expression :+: Expression | Expression :*: Expression | Paren Expression | Literal Int | Unparsed [Symbol]
+ deriving (Eq, Show);
+-- Read until there's some sort of operator, ie the entire number
+readUntilOp :: String -> (String, String) -- read, remaining
+readUntilOp [] = ("", "")
+readUntilOp xs@('+':_) = ("", xs)
+readUntilOp xs@('*':_) = ("", xs)
+readUntilOp xs@('(':_) = ("", xs)
+readUntilOp xs@(')':_) = ("", xs)
+readUntilOp (x:xs) = (x : r, re)
+ where (r, re) = readUntilOp xs
+-- Tokenise a string to a list of symbols
+toSymbols :: String -> [Symbol]
+toSymbols [] = []
+toSymbols(' ':xs) = toSymbols xs
+toSymbols ('+':xs) = Add : toSymbols xs
+toSymbols ('*':xs) = Mult : toSymbols xs
+toSymbols ('(':xs) = StartParen : toSymbols xs
+toSymbols (')':xs) = EndParen : toSymbols xs
+toSymbols xs = Num (read n) : toSymbols re
+ where (n, re) = readUntilOp xs
+-- Read till the next end paren at the same level
+-- This needs to not start with a start paren
+tillEndParen :: [Symbol] -> ([Symbol], [Symbol]) -- read, remaining
+tillEndParen (StartParen:xs) = ([StartParen] ++ i ++ [EndParen] ++ r, re)
+ where (i, is) = tillEndParen xs
+ (r, re) = tillEndParen is
+tillEndParen (EndParen:xs) = ([], xs)
+tillEndParen [] = ([], [])
+tillEndParen (x:xs) = (x:r, re)
+ where (r, re) = tillEndParen xs
+-- Split on the given symbol when it's found at the top level
+splitOnTop :: Symbol -> [Symbol] -> ([Symbol], [Symbol]) -- read, remaining
+splitOnTop t (StartParen:xs) = ([StartParen] ++ i ++ [EndParen] ++ r, re)
+ where (i, is) = tillEndParen xs
+ (r, re) = splitOnTop t is
+splitOnTop _ (EndParen:xs) = ([], xs)
+splitOnTop _ [] = ([], [])
+splitOnTop t (x:xs) | x == t = ([], xs)
+ | otherwise = (x:r, re)
+ where (r, re) = splitOnTop t xs
+-- Parse the given symbol list to an expression tree
+parse :: [Symbol] -> Expression
+parse [] = Unparsed []
+parse xs | not (null b) = parse a :*: parse b
+ | otherwise = parseLower xs
+ where (a, b) = splitOnTop Mult xs
+-- Parse the lower-precedence operators
+parseLower :: [Symbol] -> Expression
+parseLower (StartParen:xs) = parenthesise r re
+ where (r, re) = tillEndParen xs
+ parenthesise r (Add:xs) = parse r :+: parse xs
+ parenthesise r (Mult:xs) = parse r :*: parse xs
+ parenthesise r [] = parse r
+parseLower (x:Add:y) = parseLower [x] :+: parseLower y
+parseLower (x:Mult:y) = parseLower [x] :*: parseLower y
+parseLower [Num x] = Literal x
+parseLower [] = Literal 0
+-- Evaluate an expression
+evalExp :: Expression -> Int
+evalExp (Literal x) = x
+evalExp (x :+: y) = evalExp x + evalExp y
+evalExp (x :*: y) = evalExp x * evalExp y
+evalExp (Paren x) = evalExp x
+-- Parse the expressions in the given line seperated file.
+parseFromFile :: String -> IO [Expression]
+parseFromFile s = do
+ contents <- readFile s
+ return $ map (parse . toSymbols) (lines contents);
+-- runghc 18a.hs inputs/day18
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ args <- getArgs;
+ es <- parseFromFile (head args);
+ let ns = map evalExp es;
+ printf "Answer = %d\n" (sum ns) :: IO ();
+ return ();