path: root/analysis
diff options
authorAria Shrimpton <me@aria.rip>2024-03-01 16:07:35 +0000
committerAria Shrimpton <me@aria.rip>2024-03-01 16:07:35 +0000
commit4025301eb18ab259760441c9e7a34cde59806dec (patch)
tree5b843d40fdf0a02ebe57be87ab64dfb78f80b3c0 /analysis
parentf706d03975b782b48df1622be8816324fc7e566f (diff)
more analysis
Diffstat (limited to 'analysis')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/analysis/vis.livemd b/analysis/vis.livemd
index 30401ca..33e0b54 100644
--- a/analysis/vis.livemd
+++ b/analysis/vis.livemd
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Mix.install([
require Explorer.DataFrame
+require Explorer.Series
alias Explorer.DataFrame, as: DF
alias Explorer.Series, as: SE
job_id = "1147"
@@ -35,31 +36,13 @@ cost_model_files =
-defmodule CostModel do
- defstruct impl: nil, ops: []
-defmodule OpCostModel do
- defstruct op: nil, x0: nil, x1: nil, x2: nil, x3: nil, nmrse: nil
-defmodule Parse do
- def cost_model_row(row) do
- [name, x0, x1, x2, x3, nmrse] = String.split(row, " & ")
- [nmrse | _] = String.split(nmrse)
- %OpCostModel{
- op: name,
- x0: String.to_float(x0),
- x1: String.to_float(x1),
- x2: String.to_float(x2),
- x3: String.to_float(x3),
- nmrse: String.to_float(nmrse)
- }
- end
+<!-- livebook:{"reevaluate_automatically":true} -->
- def cost_model_output(fname) do
+# Parse cost model information
+cost_models =
+ cost_model_files
+ |> Enum.map(fn fname ->
{:ok, contents} = File.read(fname)
[_, table | _] = String.split(contents, "line\n")
[rows | _] = String.split(table, "\n\\end")
@@ -68,73 +51,72 @@ defmodule Parse do
[_, impl] = String.split(fname, "cost-model-")
impl = String.replace(impl, "-", ":")
- %CostModel{
- impl: impl,
- ops: rows |> Enum.map(&cost_model_row/1)
- }
- end
+ rows
+ |> Enum.map(fn row ->
+ [name, x0, x1, x2, x3, nmrse] = String.split(row, " & ")
+ [nmrse | _] = String.split(nmrse)
+ %{
+ op: name,
+ x0: String.to_float(x0),
+ x1: String.to_float(x1),
+ x2: String.to_float(x2),
+ x3: String.to_float(x3),
+ nmrse: String.to_float(nmrse)
+ }
+ end)
+ |> Enum.map(fn d -> d |> Map.put(:impl, impl) end)
+ |> DF.new()
+ end)
+ |> DF.concat_rows()
-<!-- livebook:{"reevaluate_automatically":true} -->
+Tucan.histogram(cost_models, "nmrse")
-cost_models = cost_model_files |> Enum.map(&Parse.cost_model_output/1)
+|> DF.filter(op == "contains")
## Cost model exploratory plots
-defmodule PlotCostModel do
- @startn 0
- @endn 20000
- @resolution 100
- def gen_ts(ns, %OpCostModel{x0: x0, x1: x1, x2: x2, x3: x3}) do
- Enum.map(ns, fn n -> %{n: n, t: x0 + n * x1 + n * n * x2 + n * n * n * x3} end)
- end
- def points_op(op) do
- ns = @startn..@endn//@resolution
- gen_ts(ns, op)
- |> Enum.map(fn data -> Map.put(data, :name, op.op) end)
- end
- def points_model(model) do
- model.ops
- |> Enum.map(fn op ->
- points_op(op)
- |> Enum.map(fn point -> Map.put(point, :impl, model.impl) end)
- end)
- |> List.flatten()
- end
- def points(models) do
- models
- |> Enum.map(&points_model/1)
- |> List.flatten()
- end
- def plot_op(op) do
- points = points_op(op)
- Tucan.lineplot(points, "n", "t", title: op.op)
- end
- def plot_all_ops(%CostModel{impl: impl, ops: ops}) do
- ops
- |> Enum.map(&plot_op/1)
- |> Tucan.concat(columns: 3)
- |> Tucan.set_title(impl)
- end
+startn = 0
+endn = 200_000
+resolution = 100
+points_for = fn impl, op ->
+ %{"x0" => [x0], "x1" => [x1], "x2" => [x2], "x3" => [x3]} =
+ DF.filter(cost_models, impl == ^impl and op == ^op)
+ |> DF.to_columns()
+ Enum.map(startn..endn//resolution, fn n ->
+ %{
+ impl: String.split(impl, "::") |> List.last(),
+ op: op,
+ n: n,
+ t: x0 + n * x1 + n * n * x2 + n * n * n * x3
+ }
+ end)
+ |> DF.new()
<!-- livebook:{"reevaluate_automatically":true} -->
+inspect_op = "contains"
-|> Enum.map(&PlotCostModel.plot_all_ops/1)
-|> Tucan.vconcat()
+|> DF.filter(op == ^inspect_op)
+|> DF.distinct(["impl"])
+|> DF.to_rows()
+|> Enum.map(fn %{"impl" => impl} -> points_for.(impl, inspect_op) end)
+|> DF.concat_rows()
+|> Tucan.lineplot("n", "t", color_by: "impl", clip: true)
+|> Tucan.Scale.set_y_domain(0, 200)
## Read benchmark data