path: root/src/racket_specs/combinators.rkt
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authorAria <me@aria.rip>2023-11-07 22:25:18 +0000
committerAria <me@aria.rip>2023-11-07 22:25:18 +0000
commitc6be430616e97a5bca0ee56f71908589b174a8ff (patch)
tree382857e2b9ac41881d58dad5d33670101f177752 /src/racket_specs/combinators.rkt
parent71236e6332507ef18d14876d200ac83bf895496a (diff)
refactor(all): shorter directory names
Diffstat (limited to 'src/racket_specs/combinators.rkt')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/racket_specs/combinators.rkt b/src/racket_specs/combinators.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74296b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/racket_specs/combinators.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#lang rosette
+; Combinators
+; list -> boolean
+; we choose the list as our model for specifications
+; The binary combinators
+(define (for-all-unique-pairs l fn)
+ (foldl elem-and #t
+ (flatten
+ (map (lambda (a)
+ (map (lambda (b) (fn a b)) (remove a l))) l))))
+(define (for-all-consecutive-pairs l fn)
+ (foldl elem-and #t
+ (map (lambda (p) (fn (first p) (second p))) (consecutive-pairs l))))
+; The unary combinator
+(define (for-all-elems l fn)
+ (foldl elem-and #t
+ (map (lambda (a) (fn a)) l)))
+; Helpers
+; (elem-and a b) -> boolean
+; Since the and operator in Racket is a syntax instead of a procedure,
+; we need to create an and procedure which can be used as a parameter
+; of a procedure
+(define (elem-and a b) (and a b))
+; (not-equal? a b) -> boolean?
+(define (not-equal? a b) (not (equal? a b)))
+; (leq? a b) -> boolean?
+(define (leq? . args)
+ (cond [(andmap string? args) (apply string<=? args)]
+ [(andmap char? args) (apply char<=? args)]
+ [else (apply <= args)]))
+; (geq? a b) -> boolean?
+(define (geq? . args)
+ (cond [(andmap string? args) (apply string>=? args)]
+ [(andmap char? args) (apply char>=? args)]
+ [else (apply >= args)]))
+; (contains? elem lst) -> boolean?
+(define (contains x l)
+ (cond
+ [(list? (member x l)) #t]
+ [else #f]))
+; (unique-count? elem lst) -> boolean
+; Checking if the occurance of the elem in the lst is exactly once
+(define (unique-count? x l)
+ (= 1 (count (lambda (y) (= x y)) l)))
+; (once? elem lst) -> boolean?
+; The equalvent version of unique-count?,
+; created to compare the performance of the solver
+(define (once? x l)
+ (cond
+ [(empty? l) #f]
+ [else (or (and (= x (first l)) (not (contains x (rest l))))
+ (and (not (= x (first l))) (once? x (rest l))))]))
+; (consecutive-pairs lst) -> list?
+; Obtaining all consecutive pairs of elements of a given list
+; Examples:
+; > (consecutive-pairs '(1 2 3))
+; '((1 2) (2 3))
+; > (consecutive-pairs '(1))
+; '()
+; > (consecutive-pairs null)
+; '()
+(define (consecutive-pairs l)
+ (cond
+ [(< (length l) 2) null]
+ [else (append (list (take l 2)) (consecutive-pairs (drop l 1)))]))
+; Export procedures
+(provide for-all-unique-pairs for-all-consecutive-pairs for-all-elems elem-and not-equal? leq? geq? unique-count?) \ No newline at end of file