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2 files changed, 19 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/Tasks.org b/Tasks.org
index 2a285b4..bc7bd59 100644
--- a/Tasks.org
+++ b/Tasks.org
@@ -2,147 +2,6 @@
#+FILETAGS: :@school:
-* Original design notes
- - Existing work: Primrose
- - Deals with selecting the best container type (currently only for lists)
- - Specify which pre-defined interfaces are required, and which semantic properties
- - eg ascending order, uniqueness
- - Library of premade implementations, with simplified models of their behaviour
- - Outputs a list of implementations that meet the given requirements
- - Problem: Picking which one of these implementations
- - Number of possibilities is exponential in number of types to be selected
- - Infeasible even for larger problems
- - Assume we have some user-defined benchmarks that we want to run well
- - Use approach similar to collectionswitch:
- - Least intervention required per implementation, so should scale well
- - For each collection and for each 'critical operation', generate a cost estimate when the collection is a given size - $C_{op}(n)$
- - Perform operation repeatedly at various n, and fit a polynomial to that
- - Requires some trait constraints, and some annotation of traits to know what are 'critical operations'
- - This step should only need to be run once per computer
- - could be shared by default and run again for better accuracy
- - Semantic Profiler
- - For each allocated collection:
- - Max size (in terms of items)
- - # of each operation
- - This should be aggregated by 'allocation site' (specified by last few bits of callstack).
- - doesn't need to be /super/ lightweight, just enough to not make things painful to run.
- - Approximate a cost for each candidate as $\sum_{}op C_{op}(n) * #op/#total$.
- - We could extend this to suggest different approaches if there is a spread of max n.
- - If time allows, could attempt to create a 'wrapper type' that switches between collections as n changes, using rules decided by something similar to the above algorithm.
-* DONE Integrating with Primrose
-We want to be able to run primrose on some file, and get a list of candidates out.
-We also need to know where we can find the implementation types, for use in building cost models later.
-This will involve exposing interfaces for the library specifications, candidate generation, and code generation.
-We can also take this as an opportunity to make it slightly more robust and well-documented, although this is a secondary goal.
-** DONE Interface for implementation library
-We can list every implementation available, its module path, the traits it implements, and a bunch of generated racket code.
-We don't need a list of operations right now, as we'll just make a seperate implementation of cost model building for each trait, and that will give us it.
-This is provided by ~primrose::LibSpec~, and defined in the ~lib_specs~ module.
-** DONE Interface for candidate generation
-We should be able to get a list of candidates for a given file, which links up with the implementation library correctly.
-This is provided by ~primrose::ContainerSelector~, and defined in the ~selector~ module.
-** DONE Interface for code generation
-Given we know what type to use, we should be able to generate the real code that should replace some input file.
-This is provided by ~primrose::ContainerSelector~, and defined in the ~codegen~ module.
-** DONE Proof of concept type thing
-We can get all the candidates for all files in a given project, or even workspace!
-This is provided by ~Project~ in ~candelabra_cli::project~.
-* Building cost models for types
-We need to be able to build cost models for any given type and operation.
-This will probably involve some codegen.
-There should also be caching of the outputs.
-** Generic trait benchmarkers
-Given some type implementing a given trait, we should be able to get performance information at various Ns.
-We have a first pass of these benchmarks, although they may need refined over time
-*** DONE Container trait benchmarker
-*** DONE Indexable trait benchmarker
-*** DONE Stack trait benchmarker
-** DONE Generate benchmarks for arbitrary type
-We can generate and run benchmarks from library specs using ~candelabra_cli::cost::benchmark::run_benchmarks~.
-** DONE Caching and loading outputs
-We cache the benchmark results by type and invalidate based on library modification time.
-Relevant code is in ~candelabra_cli::cache~ and ~candelabra_cli::cost~.
-We also cache primrose results in ~candelabra_cli::candidates~
-** DONE Integrate with CLI
-The CLI should get cost models for all of the candidate types, and for now just print them out.
-** DONE Build cost model from benchmark
-We can fit polynomials for each operation from the benchmarking data.
-This seems(?) to be working, but could use some further testing.
-* DONE Semantic profiler
-We need to be able to pick some random candidate type, wrap it with profiling stuff, and run user benchmarks to get data.
-Ideally, we could use information about the cargo project the file resides in to get benchmarks.
-We also need to figure out which operations we want to bother counting, and how we can get an 'allocation context'/callstack.
-* DONE Integration
-We have the code to do all this end-to-end, and to run a 'brute force' for comparison.
-* TODO Benchmarks & Evaluation
-We implement several test programs which require different data structures and different implementations.
-We compare our results to the best possible result, and to using the standard library implementation.
- - https://git.tardisproject.uk/tcmal/advent-of-code/-/blob/main/2022/src/day11.rs?ref_type=heads
- - https://git.tardisproject.uk/tcmal/advent-of-code/-/blob/main/2022/src/day14.rs?ref_type=heads
- - Dijkstra's
-* TODO Add more collection types
- - https://lib.rs/crates/hashbrown
- - https://lib.rs/crates/indexmap
- - https://lib.rs/crates/smallvec
- - https://lib.rs/crates/hashlink
- - https://lib.rs/crates/thin-vec
-* BLOCKED Nice to haves
- - Better intermediate outputs, possibly export plots?
- - Make primrose use actual temp directories, and respect the ~CANDELABRA_SRC_DIR~ stuff that the CLI does
- - Separate candelabra into a library and a CLI, and give the CLI nicer outputs/subcommands for each step
- - Add nix build stuff for everything
- - Nixify the install of rosette
- - See if the ~linked_list_cursors~ feature / nightly compiler is actually necessary
- - Alternative to opaque type aliases for codegen
- - Real checking of map types
* Writing
** TODO Abstract
diff --git a/analysis/vis.livemd b/analysis/vis.livemd
index 2fa59d2..3eead6f 100644
--- a/analysis/vis.livemd
+++ b/analysis/vis.livemd
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ cost_models
## Cost model exploratory plots
-startn = 1000
-endn = 60_000
-resolution = 100
+startn = 1
+endn = 350
+resolution = 10
points_for = fn impl, op ->
%{"coeffs" => [coeffs]} =
@@ -127,16 +127,12 @@ end
<!-- livebook:{"reevaluate_automatically":true} -->
-set_impls = ["BTreeSet", "SortedUniqueVec", "HashSet"]
-mapping_impls = ["HashMap", "BTreeMap"]
-list_impls = ["Vec", "LinkedList", "SortedVec"]
-stack_impls = ["Vec", "LinkedList"]
+set_impls = ["BTreeSet", "HashSet", "VecSet", "SortedVecSet"]
+mapping_impls = ["HashMap", "BTreeMap", "VecMap", "SortedVecMap"]
+other_impls = ["Vec", "LinkedList", "SortedVec"]
-inspect_op = "clear"
-# impls = set_impls ++ list_impls ++ mapping_impls
-impls = ["Vec"]
-# impls = mapping_impls
-# impls = ["SortedUniqueVec", "SortedVec"]
+inspect_op = "insert"
+impls = mapping_impls
@@ -146,18 +142,17 @@ Tucan.layers([
|> Enum.map(fn %{"impl" => impl} -> points_for.(impl, inspect_op) end)
|> DF.concat_rows()
|> DF.filter(impl in ^impls)
- |> Tucan.lineplot("n", "t", color_by: "impl", clip: true),
- # |> Tucan.Scale.set_y_domain(0, 200)
- Tucan.scatter(
- cost_model_points
- |> DF.filter(op == ^inspect_op and impl in ^impls)
- |> DF.group_by(["impl", "n"]),
- # |> DF.summarise(t: mean(t)),
- "n",
- "t",
- color_by: "impl",
- clip: true
- )
+ |> Tucan.lineplot("n", "t", color_by: "impl", clip: true)
+ # Tucan.scatter(
+ # cost_model_points
+ # |> DF.filter(op == ^inspect_op and impl in ^impls)
+ # |> DF.group_by(["impl", "n"])
+ # |> DF.summarise(t: mean(t)),
+ # "n",
+ # "t",
+ # color_by: "impl",
+ # clip: true
+ # )
|> Tucan.Axes.set_y_title("Estimated cost")
|> Tucan.Axes.set_x_title("Size of container (n)")