path: root/src/libstore
diff options
authorKevin Quick <kquick@galois.com>2020-09-24 22:49:44 -0700
committerKevin Quick <kquick@galois.com>2020-09-24 22:49:44 -0700
commit8fba2a8b54283ea1cf56ae75faf4ced5f3e8e4a1 (patch)
tree3ed99819aae151ac3b5ea01be689cdef78acdb70 /src/libstore
parentc2f48cfcee501dd15690245d481d154444456f66 (diff)
Update to use access-tokens configuration for github/gitlab access.
This change provides support for using access tokens with other instances of GitHub and GitLab beyond just github.com and gitlab.com (especially company-specific or foundation-specific instances). This change also provides the ability to specify the type of access token being used, where different types may have different handling, based on the forge type.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libstore')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/libstore/globals.hh b/src/libstore/globals.hh
index b2e7610ee..646422399 100644
--- a/src/libstore/globals.hh
+++ b/src/libstore/globals.hh
@@ -863,8 +863,54 @@ public:
Setting<std::string> githubAccessToken{this, "", "github-access-token",
"GitHub access token to get access to GitHub data through the GitHub API for `github:<..>` flakes."};
- Setting<std::string> gitlabAccessToken{this, "", "gitlab-access-token",
- "GitLab access token to get access to GitLab data through the GitLab API for gitlab:<..> flakes."};
+ Setting<StringMap> accessTokens{this, {}, "access-tokens",
+ R"(
+ Access tokens used to access protected GitHub, GitLab, or
+ other locations requiring token-based authentication.
+ Access tokens are specified as a string made up of
+ space-separated `host=token` values. The specific token
+ used is selected by matching the `host` portion against the
+ "host" specification of the input. The actual use of the
+ `token` value is determined by the type of resource being
+ accessed:
+ * Github: the token value is the OAUTH-TOKEN string obtained
+ as the Personal Access Token from the Github server (see
+ https://docs.github.com/en/developers/apps/authorizing-oath-apps).
+ * Gitlab: the token value is either the OAuth2 token or the
+ Personal Access Token (these are different types tokens
+ for gitlab, see
+ https://docs.gitlab.com/12.10/ee/api/README.html#authentication).
+ The `token` value should be `type:tokenstring` where
+ `type` is either `OAuth2` or `PAT` to indicate which type
+ of token is being specified.
+ Example `~/.config/nix/nix.conf`:
+ ```
+ personal-access-tokens = "github.com=23ac...b289 gitlab.mycompany.com=PAT:A123Bp_Cd..EfG gitlab.com=OAuth2:1jklw3jk"
+ ```
+ Example `~/code/flake.nix`:
+ ```nix
+ input.foo = {
+ type="gitlab";
+ host="gitlab.mycompany.com";
+ owner="mycompany";
+ repo="pro";
+ };
+ ```
+ This example specifies three tokens, one each for accessing
+ github.com, gitlab.mycompany.com, and sourceforge.net.
+ The `input.foo` uses the "gitlab" fetcher, which might
+ requires specifying the token type along with the token
+ value.
+ )"};
Setting<Strings> experimentalFeatures{this, {}, "experimental-features",
"Experimental Nix features to enable."};