path: root/examples/render-quad/src/draw_pass.rs
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authortcmal <me@aria.rip>2024-08-25 17:44:24 +0100
committertcmal <me@aria.rip>2024-08-25 17:44:24 +0100
commit09a777d42d6301028cd3a8967ff6a82e703c8800 (patch)
tree79ac93287a15e8b0f90e1ac5d6981fa6eaeb6229 /examples/render-quad/src/draw_pass.rs
parent6367a9ba5a549b62f01da61fb50323877b9f52ff (diff)
refactor(all): remove levels and render
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/render-quad/src/draw_pass.rs')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/render-quad/src/draw_pass.rs b/examples/render-quad/src/draw_pass.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b32fcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/render-quad/src/draw_pass.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+//! Minimal code for drawing any level, based on traits from stockton-levels
+use anyhow::{Context, Result};
+use hal::{
+ buffer::SubRange,
+ command::{ClearColor, ClearValue, RenderAttachmentInfo, SubpassContents},
+ format::Format,
+ image::Layout,
+ pass::Attachment,
+ pso::{
+ BlendDesc, BlendOp, BlendState, ColorBlendDesc, ColorMask, DepthStencilDesc, Face, Factor,
+ FrontFace, InputAssemblerDesc, LogicOp, PolygonMode, Primitive, Rasterizer, State,
+ VertexInputRate,
+ },
+use legion::{Entity, IntoQuery};
+use std::{
+ array::IntoIter,
+ iter::{empty, once},
+use stockton_skeleton::{
+ buffers::draw::DrawBuffers,
+ builders::{
+ AttachmentSpec, CompletePipeline, PipelineSpecBuilder, RenderpassSpec, ShaderDesc,
+ ShaderKind, VertexBufferSpec, VertexPrimitiveAssemblerSpec,
+ },
+ draw_passes::util::TargetSpecificResources,
+ mem::{DataPool, StagingPool},
+ queue_negotiator::QueueFamilyNegotiator,
+ types::*,
+ DrawPass, IntoDrawPass, PassPosition, RenderingContext, Session,
+use crate::ExampleState;
+/// The vertices that go to the shader (XY + RGB)
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+struct Vertex(pub Vector2, pub Vector3);
+/// An example draw pass
+pub struct ExampleDrawPass<'a> {
+ /// Index and vertex buffer pair
+ draw_buffers: DrawBuffers<'a, Vertex, DataPool, StagingPool>,
+ /// Resources that depend on the surface. This is seperate so that we can deal with surface changes more easily.
+ surface_resources: SurfaceDependentResources,
+ /// Entity we get our state from
+ state_ent: Entity,
+/// Config for our draw pass. This is turned into our drawpass using [`IntoDrawPass`]
+pub struct ExampleDrawPassConfig {
+ pub state_ent: Entity,
+impl<'a, P: PassPosition> DrawPass<P> for ExampleDrawPass<'a> {
+ /// Called every frame to queue actual drawing.
+ fn queue_draw(
+ &mut self,
+ session: &Session,
+ img_view: &ImageViewT,
+ cmd_buffer: &mut CommandBufferT,
+ ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+ // Commit any changes to our vertex buffers
+ // We queue this first so that it's executed before any draw commands
+ self.draw_buffers
+ .vertex_buffer
+ .record_commit_cmds(cmd_buffer)?;
+ self.draw_buffers
+ .index_buffer
+ .record_commit_cmds(cmd_buffer)?;
+ // Get framebuffer
+ let fb = self.surface_resources.framebuffers.get_next();
+ // Get state
+ let (state,) = <(&ExampleState,)>::query().get(&session.world, self.state_ent)?;
+ // Begin render pass & bind everything needed
+ unsafe {
+ cmd_buffer.begin_render_pass(
+ &self.surface_resources.pipeline.renderpass,
+ fb,
+ self.surface_resources.pipeline.render_area,
+ vec![RenderAttachmentInfo {
+ image_view: img_view,
+ clear_value: ClearValue {
+ color: ClearColor {
+ float32: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
+ },
+ },
+ }]
+ .into_iter(),
+ SubpassContents::Inline,
+ );
+ cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_pipeline(&self.surface_resources.pipeline.pipeline);
+ // Bind buffers
+ cmd_buffer.bind_vertex_buffers(
+ 0,
+ once((
+ self.draw_buffers.vertex_buffer.get_buffer(),
+ SubRange {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: None,
+ },
+ )),
+ );
+ cmd_buffer.bind_index_buffer(
+ self.draw_buffers.index_buffer.get_buffer(),
+ SubRange {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: None,
+ },
+ hal::IndexType::U16,
+ );
+ }
+ // Draw an example
+ self.draw_buffers.index_buffer[0] = (0, 1, 2);
+ self.draw_buffers.vertex_buffer[0] = Vertex(Vector2::new(0.5, 0.5), state.color());
+ self.draw_buffers.vertex_buffer[1] = Vertex(Vector2::new(0.0, -0.5), state.color());
+ self.draw_buffers.vertex_buffer[2] = Vertex(Vector2::new(-0.5, 0.5), state.color());
+ unsafe {
+ cmd_buffer.draw_indexed(0..3, 0, 0..1);
+ }
+ // Remember to clean up afterwards!
+ unsafe {
+ cmd_buffer.end_render_pass();
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Destroy all our vulkan objects
+ fn deactivate(self, context: &mut RenderingContext) -> Result<()> {
+ self.draw_buffers.deactivate(context);
+ self.surface_resources.deactivate(context)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Deal with a surface change
+ fn handle_surface_change(
+ mut self,
+ _session: &Session,
+ context: &mut RenderingContext,
+ ) -> Result<Self> {
+ // We need to make sure there's never an invalid value for self.surface_resources,
+ // and that we deactivate everything in case of an error (since we'll be dropped in that case).
+ let new_resources = match SurfaceDependentResources::new::<P>(context) {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(e) => {
+ <Self as DrawPass<P>>::deactivate(self, context)?;
+ return Err(e);
+ }
+ };
+ let old_resources = self.surface_resources;
+ self.surface_resources = new_resources;
+ match old_resources.deactivate(context) {
+ Ok(_) => Ok(self),
+ Err(e) => {
+ <Self as DrawPass<P>>::deactivate(self, context)?;
+ Err(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, P: PassPosition> IntoDrawPass<ExampleDrawPass<'a>, P> for ExampleDrawPassConfig {
+ /// Create our example draw pass
+ fn init(
+ self,
+ _session: &mut Session,
+ context: &mut RenderingContext,
+ ) -> Result<ExampleDrawPass<'a>> {
+ let surface_resources = SurfaceDependentResources::new::<P>(context)?;
+ let draw_buffers =
+ match DrawBuffers::from_context(context).context("Error creating draw buffers") {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(e) => {
+ surface_resources.deactivate(context)?;
+ return Err(e);
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(ExampleDrawPass {
+ draw_buffers,
+ surface_resources,
+ state_ent: self.state_ent,
+ })
+ }
+ fn find_aux_queues(
+ _adapter: &Adapter,
+ _queue_negotiator: &mut QueueFamilyNegotiator,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ // We don't need any queues, but we'd need code to find their families here if we did.
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// Used to store resources which depend on the surface, for convenience in handle_surface_change
+struct SurfaceDependentResources {
+ pub pipeline: CompletePipeline,
+ pub framebuffers: TargetSpecificResources<FramebufferT>,
+impl SurfaceDependentResources {
+ pub fn new<P: PassPosition>(context: &mut RenderingContext) -> Result<Self> {
+ let (pipeline, framebuffers) = {
+ // Our graphics pipeline
+ // Vulkan has a lot of config, so this is basically always going to be a big builder block
+ let pipeline_spec = PipelineSpecBuilder::default()
+ .rasterizer(Rasterizer {
+ polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Fill,
+ cull_face: Face::NONE,
+ front_face: FrontFace::CounterClockwise,
+ depth_clamping: false,
+ depth_bias: None,
+ conservative: true,
+ line_width: State::Static(1.0),
+ })
+ .depth_stencil(DepthStencilDesc {
+ depth: None,
+ depth_bounds: false,
+ stencil: None,
+ })
+ .blender(BlendDesc {
+ logic_op: Some(LogicOp::Copy),
+ targets: vec![ColorBlendDesc {
+ mask: ColorMask::ALL,
+ blend: Some(BlendState {
+ color: BlendOp::Add {
+ src: Factor::SrcAlpha,
+ dst: Factor::OneMinusSrcAlpha,
+ },
+ alpha: BlendOp::Add {
+ src: Factor::SrcAlpha,
+ dst: Factor::OneMinusSrcAlpha,
+ },
+ }),
+ }],
+ })
+ .primitive_assembler(VertexPrimitiveAssemblerSpec::with_buffers(
+ InputAssemblerDesc::new(Primitive::TriangleList),
+ vec![VertexBufferSpec {
+ attributes: vec![Format::Rg32Sfloat, Format::Rgb32Sfloat],
+ rate: VertexInputRate::Vertex,
+ }],
+ ))
+ .shader_vertex(ShaderDesc {
+ source: include_str!("./data/shader.vert").to_string(),
+ entry: "main".to_string(),
+ kind: ShaderKind::Vertex,
+ })
+ .shader_fragment(ShaderDesc {
+ source: include_str!("./data/shader.frag").to_string(),
+ entry: "main".to_string(),
+ kind: ShaderKind::Fragment,
+ })
+ .renderpass(RenderpassSpec {
+ colors: vec![AttachmentSpec {
+ attachment: Attachment {
+ format: Some(context.properties().color_format),
+ samples: 1,
+ // Here we use PassPosition to get the proper operations
+ // Since, for example, the last pass needs to finish in present mode.
+ ops: P::attachment_ops(),
+ stencil_ops: P::attachment_ops(),
+ layouts: P::layout_as_range(),
+ },
+ // This is the layout we want to deal with in our `queue_draw` function.
+ // It's almost certainly `Layout::ColorAttachmentOptimal`
+ used_layout: Layout::ColorAttachmentOptimal,
+ }],
+ depth: None,
+ inputs: vec![],
+ resolves: vec![],
+ preserves: vec![],
+ })
+ .build()
+ .context("Error building pipeline")?;
+ // Lock our device to actually build it
+ // Try to lock the device for as little time as possible
+ let mut device = context.lock_device()?;
+ let pipeline = pipeline_spec
+ .build(&mut device, context.properties().extent, empty())
+ .context("Error building pipeline")?;
+ // Our framebuffers just have the swapchain framebuffer attachment
+ // TargetSpecificResources makes sure we use a different one each frame.
+ let fat = context.properties().swapchain_framebuffer_attachment();
+ let framebuffers = TargetSpecificResources::new(
+ || unsafe {
+ Ok(device.create_framebuffer(
+ &pipeline.renderpass,
+ IntoIter::new([fat.clone()]),
+ context.properties().extent,
+ )?)
+ },
+ context.properties().image_count as usize,
+ )?;
+ (pipeline, framebuffers)
+ };
+ Ok(Self {
+ pipeline,
+ framebuffers,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn deactivate(self, context: &mut RenderingContext) -> Result<()> {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut device = context.lock_device()?;
+ for fb in self.framebuffers.dissolve() {
+ device.destroy_framebuffer(fb);
+ }
+ self.pipeline.deactivate(&mut device);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }