path: root/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs
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authortcmal <me@aria.rip>2024-08-25 17:44:22 +0100
committertcmal <me@aria.rip>2024-08-25 17:44:22 +0100
commitc48b54f3fb7bbe9046915eb99eca02fa84dc55c9 (patch)
tree752831451d2bd3a658485df724a01ae39e80fae3 /stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs
parentb437109ebf4da243fd643f0a31546d0d0155b0a4 (diff)
feat(render): multithreaded texture loading
also a bunch of supporting changes
Diffstat (limited to 'stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 630 deletions
diff --git a/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs b/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs
index 7cf84a7..aea1cb0 100644
--- a/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs
+++ b/stockton-render/src/draw/texture/image.rs
@@ -15,34 +15,19 @@
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-use core::{
- mem::{size_of, ManuallyDrop},
- ptr::copy_nonoverlapping,
-use hal::{
- buffer::Usage as BufUsage,
- format::{Aspects, Format, Swizzle},
- image::{SubresourceRange, Usage as ImgUsage, ViewKind},
- memory::{Dependencies as MemDependencies, Properties as MemProperties},
- prelude::*,
- queue::Submission,
- MemoryTypeId,
-use image::RgbaImage;
-use rendy_memory::{Allocator, Block};
-use std::{convert::TryInto, iter::once};
+use super::PIXEL_SIZE;
-use crate::draw::buffer::create_buffer;
-use crate::types::*;
+use core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping;
+use std::convert::TryInto;
-/// The size of each pixel in an image
-const PIXEL_SIZE: usize = size_of::<u8>() * 4;
+use image::RgbaImage;
/// An object that can be loaded as an image into GPU memory
pub trait LoadableImage {
fn width(&self) -> u32;
fn height(&self) -> u32;
fn copy_row(&self, y: u32, ptr: *mut u8);
+ unsafe fn copy_into(&self, ptr: *mut u8, row_size: usize);
impl LoadableImage for RgbaImage {
@@ -63,617 +48,11 @@ impl LoadableImage for RgbaImage {
copy_nonoverlapping(row.as_ptr(), ptr, row.len());
-/// Holds an image that's loaded into GPU memory and can be sampled from
-pub struct LoadedImage {
- /// The GPU Image handle
- image: ManuallyDrop<Image>,
- /// The full view of the image
- pub image_view: ManuallyDrop<ImageView>,
- /// The memory backing the image
- memory: ManuallyDrop<DynamicBlock>,
-pub fn create_image_view(
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- format: Format,
- usage: ImgUsage,
- width: usize,
- height: usize,
-) -> Result<(DynamicBlock, Image), &'static str> {
- // Round up the size to align properly
- let initial_row_size = PIXEL_SIZE * width;
- let limits = adapter.physical_device.limits();
- let row_alignment_mask = limits.optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment as u32 - 1;
- let row_size = ((initial_row_size as u32 + row_alignment_mask) & !row_alignment_mask) as usize;
- debug_assert!(row_size as usize >= initial_row_size);
- // Make the image
- let mut image_ref = unsafe {
- use hal::image::{Kind, Tiling, ViewCapabilities};
- device.create_image(
- Kind::D2(width as u32, height as u32, 1, 1),
- 1,
- format,
- Tiling::Optimal,
- usage,
- ViewCapabilities::empty(),
- )
- }
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create image")?;
- // Allocate memory
- let (block, _) = unsafe {
- let requirements = device.get_image_requirements(&image_ref);
- allocator.alloc(device, requirements.size, requirements.alignment)
- }
- .map_err(|_| "Out of memory")?;
- unsafe {
- device
- .bind_image_memory(&block.memory(), block.range().start, &mut image_ref)
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't bind memory to image")?;
- }
- Ok((block, image_ref))
-impl LoadedImage {
- pub fn new(
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- format: Format,
- usage: ImgUsage,
- resources: SubresourceRange,
- width: usize,
- height: usize,
- ) -> Result<LoadedImage, &'static str> {
- let (memory, image_ref) =
- create_image_view(device, adapter, allocator, format, usage, width, height)?;
- // Create ImageView and sampler
- let image_view = unsafe {
- device.create_image_view(&image_ref, ViewKind::D2, format, Swizzle::NO, resources)
- }
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create the image view!")?;
- Ok(LoadedImage {
- image: ManuallyDrop::new(image_ref),
- image_view: ManuallyDrop::new(image_view),
- memory: ManuallyDrop::new(memory),
- })
- }
- /// Load the given image
- pub fn load<T: LoadableImage>(
- &mut self,
- img: T,
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
- let initial_row_size = PIXEL_SIZE * img.width() as usize;
- let limits = adapter.physical_device.limits();
- let row_alignment_mask = limits.optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment as u32 - 1;
- let row_size =
- ((initial_row_size as u32 + row_alignment_mask) & !row_alignment_mask) as usize;
- let total_size = (row_size * (img.height() as usize)) as u64;
- debug_assert!(row_size as usize >= initial_row_size);
- // Make a staging buffer
- let (staging_buffer, staging_memory) = create_buffer(
- device,
- adapter,
- MemProperties::CPU_VISIBLE | MemProperties::COHERENT,
- total_size,
- )
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create staging buffer")?;
- // Copy everything into it
- unsafe {
- let mapped_memory: *mut u8 = std::mem::transmute(
- device
- .map_memory(&staging_memory, 0..total_size)
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't map buffer memory")?,
- );
- for y in 0..img.height() as usize {
- let dest_base: isize = (y * row_size).try_into().unwrap();
- img.copy_row(y as u32, mapped_memory.offset(dest_base));
- }
- device.unmap_memory(&staging_memory);
- }
- // Copy from staging to image memory
- let buf = unsafe {
- use hal::command::{BufferImageCopy, CommandBufferFlags};
- use hal::image::{Access, Extent, Layout, Offset, SubresourceLayers};
- use hal::memory::Barrier;
- use hal::pso::PipelineStage;
- // Get a command buffer
- let mut buf = command_pool.allocate_one(hal::command::Level::Primary);
- buf.begin_primary(CommandBufferFlags::ONE_TIME_SUBMIT);
- // Setup the layout of our image for copying
- let image_barrier = Barrier::Image {
- states: (Access::empty(), Layout::Undefined)
- ..(Access::TRANSFER_WRITE, Layout::TransferDstOptimal),
- target: &(*self.image),
- families: None,
- range: SubresourceRange {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- levels: 0..1,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- };
- buf.pipeline_barrier(
- PipelineStage::TOP_OF_PIPE..PipelineStage::TRANSFER,
- MemDependencies::empty(),
- &[image_barrier],
- );
- // Copy from buffer to image
- buf.copy_buffer_to_image(
- &staging_buffer,
- &(*self.image),
- Layout::TransferDstOptimal,
- &[BufferImageCopy {
- buffer_offset: 0,
- buffer_width: (row_size / PIXEL_SIZE) as u32,
- buffer_height: img.height(),
- image_layers: SubresourceLayers {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- level: 0,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- image_offset: Offset { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
- image_extent: Extent {
- width: img.width(),
- height: img.height(),
- depth: 1,
- },
- }],
- );
- // Setup the layout of our image for shaders
- let image_barrier = Barrier::Image {
- states: (Access::TRANSFER_WRITE, Layout::TransferDstOptimal)
- ..(Access::SHADER_READ, Layout::ShaderReadOnlyOptimal),
- target: &(*self.image),
- families: None,
- range: SubresourceRange {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- levels: 0..1,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- };
- buf.pipeline_barrier(
- PipelineStage::TRANSFER..PipelineStage::FRAGMENT_SHADER,
- MemDependencies::empty(),
- &[image_barrier],
- );
- buf.finish();
- buf
- };
- // Submit our commands and wait for them to finish
- unsafe {
- let setup_finished = device.create_fence(false).unwrap();
- command_queue.submit::<_, _, Semaphore, _, _>(
- Submission {
- command_buffers: &[&buf],
- wait_semaphores: std::iter::empty::<_>(),
- signal_semaphores: std::iter::empty::<_>(),
- },
- Some(&setup_finished),
- );
- device
- .wait_for_fence(&setup_finished, core::u64::MAX)
- .unwrap();
- device.destroy_fence(setup_finished);
- };
- // Clean up temp resources
- unsafe {
- command_pool.free(once(buf));
- device.free_memory(staging_memory);
- device.destroy_buffer(staging_buffer);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Properly frees/destroys all the objects in this struct
- /// Dropping without doing this is a bad idea
- pub fn deactivate(self, device: &mut Device, allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator) {
- unsafe {
- use core::ptr::read;
- device.destroy_image_view(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.image_view)));
- device.destroy_image(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.image)));
- allocator.free(device, ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.memory)));
- }
- }
-pub struct SampledImage {
- pub image: ManuallyDrop<LoadedImage>,
- pub sampler: ManuallyDrop<Sampler>,
-impl SampledImage {
- pub fn new(
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- format: Format,
- usage: ImgUsage,
- width: usize,
- height: usize,
- ) -> Result<SampledImage, &'static str> {
- let image = LoadedImage::new(
- device,
- adapter,
- allocator,
- format,
- usage | ImgUsage::SAMPLED,
- SubresourceRange {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- levels: 0..1,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- width,
- height,
- )?;
- let sampler = unsafe {
- use hal::image::{Filter, SamplerDesc, WrapMode};
- device.create_sampler(&SamplerDesc::new(Filter::Nearest, WrapMode::Tile))
- }
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create the sampler!")?;
- Ok(SampledImage {
- image: ManuallyDrop::new(image),
- sampler: ManuallyDrop::new(sampler),
- })
- }
- pub fn load_into_new<T: LoadableImage>(
- img: T,
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- format: Format,
- usage: ImgUsage,
- ) -> Result<SampledImage, &'static str> {
- let mut sampled_image = SampledImage::new(
- device,
- adapter,
- allocator,
- format,
- usage | ImgUsage::TRANSFER_DST,
- img.width() as usize,
- img.height() as usize,
- )?;
- sampled_image
- .image
- .load(img, device, adapter, command_queue, command_pool)?;
- Ok(sampled_image)
- }
- pub fn deactivate(self, device: &mut Device, allocator: &mut DynamicAllocator) {
- unsafe {
- use core::ptr::read;
- device.destroy_sampler(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.sampler)));
- ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.image)).deactivate(device, allocator);
- }
- }
-/// Holds an image that's loaded into GPU memory dedicated only to that image, bypassing the memory allocator.
-pub struct DedicatedLoadedImage {
- /// The GPU Image handle
- image: ManuallyDrop<Image>,
- /// The full view of the image
- pub image_view: ManuallyDrop<ImageView>,
- /// The memory backing the image
- memory: ManuallyDrop<Memory>,
-impl DedicatedLoadedImage {
- pub fn new(
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- format: Format,
- usage: ImgUsage,
- resources: SubresourceRange,
- width: usize,
- height: usize,
- ) -> Result<DedicatedLoadedImage, &'static str> {
- let (memory, image_ref) = {
- // Round up the size to align properly
- let initial_row_size = PIXEL_SIZE * width;
- let limits = adapter.physical_device.limits();
- let row_alignment_mask = limits.optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment as u32 - 1;
- let row_size =
- ((initial_row_size as u32 + row_alignment_mask) & !row_alignment_mask) as usize;
- debug_assert!(row_size as usize >= initial_row_size);
- // Make the image
- let mut image_ref = unsafe {
- use hal::image::{Kind, Tiling, ViewCapabilities};
- device.create_image(
- Kind::D2(width as u32, height as u32, 1, 1),
- 1,
- format,
- Tiling::Optimal,
- usage,
- ViewCapabilities::empty(),
- )
- }
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create image")?;
- // Allocate memory
- // Allocate memory
- let memory = unsafe {
- let requirements = device.get_image_requirements(&image_ref);
- let memory_type_id = adapter
- .physical_device
- .memory_properties()
- .memory_types
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .find(|&(id, memory_type)| {
- requirements.type_mask & (1 << id) != 0
- && memory_type.properties.contains(MemProperties::DEVICE_LOCAL)
- })
- .map(|(id, _)| MemoryTypeId(id))
- .ok_or("Couldn't find a memory type for image memory")?;
- let memory = device
- .allocate_memory(memory_type_id, requirements.size)
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't allocate image memory")?;
- device
- .bind_image_memory(&memory, 0, &mut image_ref)
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't bind memory to image")?;
- Ok(memory)
- }?;
- Ok((memory, image_ref))
- }?;
- // Create ImageView and sampler
- let image_view = unsafe {
- device.create_image_view(&image_ref, ViewKind::D2, format, Swizzle::NO, resources)
- }
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create the image view!")?;
- Ok(DedicatedLoadedImage {
- image: ManuallyDrop::new(image_ref),
- image_view: ManuallyDrop::new(image_view),
- memory: ManuallyDrop::new(memory),
- })
- }
- /// Load the given image
- pub fn load<T: LoadableImage>(
- &mut self,
- img: T,
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
- let initial_row_size = PIXEL_SIZE * img.width() as usize;
- let limits = adapter.physical_device.limits();
- let row_alignment_mask = limits.optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment as u32 - 1;
- let row_size =
- ((initial_row_size as u32 + row_alignment_mask) & !row_alignment_mask) as usize;
- let total_size = (row_size * (img.height() as usize)) as u64;
- debug_assert!(row_size as usize >= initial_row_size);
- // Make a staging buffer
- let (staging_buffer, staging_memory) = create_buffer(
- device,
- adapter,
- MemProperties::CPU_VISIBLE | MemProperties::COHERENT,
- total_size,
- )
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't create staging buffer")?;
- // Copy everything into it
- unsafe {
- let mapped_memory: *mut u8 = std::mem::transmute(
- device
- .map_memory(&staging_memory, 0..total_size)
- .map_err(|_| "Couldn't map buffer memory")?,
- );
- for y in 0..img.height() as usize {
- let dest_base: isize = (y * row_size).try_into().unwrap();
- img.copy_row(y as u32, mapped_memory.offset(dest_base));
- }
- device.unmap_memory(&staging_memory);
- }
- // Copy from staging to image memory
- let buf = unsafe {
- use hal::command::{BufferImageCopy, CommandBufferFlags};
- use hal::image::{Access, Extent, Layout, Offset, SubresourceLayers};
- use hal::memory::Barrier;
- use hal::pso::PipelineStage;
- // Get a command buffer
- let mut buf = command_pool.allocate_one(hal::command::Level::Primary);
- buf.begin_primary(CommandBufferFlags::ONE_TIME_SUBMIT);
- // Setup the layout of our image for copying
- let image_barrier = Barrier::Image {
- states: (Access::empty(), Layout::Undefined)
- ..(Access::TRANSFER_WRITE, Layout::TransferDstOptimal),
- target: &(*self.image),
- families: None,
- range: SubresourceRange {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- levels: 0..1,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- };
- buf.pipeline_barrier(
- PipelineStage::TOP_OF_PIPE..PipelineStage::TRANSFER,
- MemDependencies::empty(),
- &[image_barrier],
- );
- // Copy from buffer to image
- buf.copy_buffer_to_image(
- &staging_buffer,
- &(*self.image),
- Layout::TransferDstOptimal,
- &[BufferImageCopy {
- buffer_offset: 0,
- buffer_width: (row_size / PIXEL_SIZE) as u32,
- buffer_height: img.height(),
- image_layers: SubresourceLayers {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- level: 0,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- image_offset: Offset { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
- image_extent: Extent {
- width: img.width(),
- height: img.height(),
- depth: 1,
- },
- }],
- );
- // Setup the layout of our image for shaders
- let image_barrier = Barrier::Image {
- states: (Access::TRANSFER_WRITE, Layout::TransferDstOptimal)
- ..(Access::SHADER_READ, Layout::ShaderReadOnlyOptimal),
- target: &(*self.image),
- families: None,
- range: SubresourceRange {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- levels: 0..1,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- };
- buf.pipeline_barrier(
- PipelineStage::TRANSFER..PipelineStage::FRAGMENT_SHADER,
- MemDependencies::empty(),
- &[image_barrier],
- );
- buf.finish();
- buf
- };
- // Submit our commands and wait for them to finish
- unsafe {
- let setup_finished = device.create_fence(false).unwrap();
- command_queue.submit::<_, _, Semaphore, _, _>(
- Submission {
- command_buffers: &[&buf],
- wait_semaphores: std::iter::empty::<_>(),
- signal_semaphores: std::iter::empty::<_>(),
- },
- Some(&setup_finished),
- );
- device
- .wait_for_fence(&setup_finished, core::u64::MAX)
- .unwrap();
- device.destroy_fence(setup_finished);
- };
- // Clean up temp resources
- unsafe {
- command_pool.free(once(buf));
- device.free_memory(staging_memory);
- device.destroy_buffer(staging_buffer);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Load the given image into a new buffer
- pub fn load_into_new<T: LoadableImage>(
- img: T,
- device: &mut Device,
- adapter: &Adapter,
- command_queue: &mut CommandQueue,
- command_pool: &mut CommandPool,
- format: Format,
- usage: ImgUsage,
- ) -> Result<DedicatedLoadedImage, &'static str> {
- let mut loaded_image = Self::new(
- device,
- adapter,
- format,
- usage | ImgUsage::TRANSFER_DST,
- SubresourceRange {
- aspects: Aspects::COLOR,
- levels: 0..1,
- layers: 0..1,
- },
- img.width() as usize,
- img.height() as usize,
- )?;
- loaded_image.load(img, device, adapter, command_queue, command_pool)?;
- Ok(loaded_image)
- }
- /// Properly frees/destroys all the objects in this struct
- /// Dropping without doing this is a bad idea
- pub fn deactivate(self, device: &mut Device) {
- unsafe {
- use core::ptr::read;
- device.destroy_image_view(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.image_view)));
- device.destroy_image(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.image)));
- device.free_memory(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(read(&self.memory)));
+ unsafe fn copy_into(&self, ptr: *mut u8, row_size: usize) {
+ for y in 0..self.height() as usize {
+ let dest_base: isize = (y * row_size).try_into().unwrap();
+ self.copy_row(y as u32, ptr.offset(dest_base));